Republicans Are Escalating Their Attacks on the Voters They Hate the Most

Many College Students don’t drive or have access to a car
Many do.

You don’t understand that a state issued DL is a requirement for most every occasion when you are required to show ID. I am a student and my DL is required for everything from registering for classes to getting a parking permit.
Republicans are desperately trying to hang onto what power they have as the younger generations reach voting age and realize what criminals (not to mention dinosaurs) the republican party is composed of today.

In order to do that the republicans are trying to take the fundamental right to vote from them, It's one of the most anti American things I have ever seen.

Student IDs are neither proof of residence or citizenship, they shouldn't be valid as an ID to vote.

US tax code defines your primary residence as where you reside over 50 percent of the time
College Students reside at the University well over 50 percent of the time, many work, many live full time at school.

That is where they live
Cool, and if they establish residence they can vote. Many don't, many have no desire to, because it's simply school, there homes are back, you know at home.

Nobody is saying they can't establish residence.
Republicans are desperately trying to hang onto what power they have as the younger generations reach voting age and realize what criminals (not to mention dinosaurs) the republican party is composed of today.

In order to do that the republicans are trying to take the fundamental right to vote from them, It's one of the most anti American things I have ever seen.

As usual, blame the Republicans for everything the DemonRats are doing.
Cool, and if they establish residence they can vote. Many don't, many have no desire to, because it's simply school, there homes are back, you know at home.

Nobody is saying they can't establish residence.
They establish residence by registering to vote
They maintain a mailing address where they go to school
More Soros/Yahoo propaganda about the former president while the freaking country is going down the tubes and the world is on the verge of a possible nuclear catastrophy under the flawed leadership of a mentally incompetent fool?
If they're 18 they've earned the right to vote. It's as good as a 40 year old. Same thing.
And They're Getting Even More Immature

They should be at least 35 years old. Even without indoctrination, younger people are too inexperienced to make sound and practical decisions on political issues.
Republicans are desperately trying to hang onto what power they have as the younger generations reach voting age and realize what criminals (not to mention dinosaurs) the republican party is composed of today.
De CrapitUs Trolling again as usual .
Is this amateur propaganda coming direct from you or is it a present from the Troll Club?

As my dear Dad used to say --- a Brainless Wonder .
Well the Dem fear mongering is in full swing ahead of 2024. Not able to run on the issues they are more desperate than usual.
Republicans are desperately trying to hang onto what power they have as the younger generations reach voting age and realize what criminals (not to mention dinosaurs) the republican party is composed of today.

In order to do that the republicans are trying to take the fundamental right to vote from them, It's one of the most anti American things I have ever seen.

Nope! Blacks don't want the Liberals anymore....:sigh2:
In related news Democrats demand multiple forms of proof of ID, age and residency for a whole assortment of other things. Crickets on this in the biased Dem news media of course, it doesn't fit the Dem narrative.

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