Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I didn't miss his point. I was making fun of yours.

You can’t make fun of what you never understood

Maybe you should go back and re-read it.

I suggest a basic logic/argument course could help you. Particularly straw men and red herrings.

Study a bit and get back to us

I'm fully aware of what straw men and red herrings are. They don't apply here and I guarantee that you're incapable of showing how they are.

I already have.

However, I clearly don’t have the ability to communicate you in a way that you will understand. I apologize for that. I hope someday you will learn what I can’t help you see


"Well...I COULD show you but you just wouldn't understand."

What a pathetic attempt at weaseling out of your own bullshit. Nice try, but you're not fooling anyone with your non-answers.
Laughed at.

the same as you're getting from A O-C
Wishful thinking on your, and every scared witless self-professed conservative/Republican/rightwinger.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, would you like to bet on it?


on A O-C being a joke?

You already lost
She’s awesome.

Of course she is. To stupid people.
She’s awesome because she’s making conservatives piss their pants.

Like you.
Laughed at.

the same as you're getting from A O-C
Wishful thinking on your, and every scared witless self-professed conservative/Republican/rightwinger.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, would you like to bet on it?


on A O-C being a joke?

You already lost
She’s awesome.

Of course she is. To stupid people.
She’s awesome because she’s making conservatives piss their pants.

Like you.

LOL, sure thing kid. She makes people like look more stupid than you normally do. She wants to spend more money than Rump....he is spending like a drunken well......prog like you.
Laughed at.

the same as you're getting from A O-C
Wishful thinking on your, and every scared witless self-professed conservative/Republican/rightwinger.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, would you like to bet on it?


on A O-C being a joke?

You already lost
She’s awesome.

Of course she is. To stupid people.
She’s awesome because she’s making conservatives piss their pants.

Like you.

as much as Palin made Liberals, like you, piss their pants
Laughed at.

the same as you're getting from A O-C
Wishful thinking on your, and every scared witless self-professed conservative/Republican/rightwinger.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, would you like to bet on it?


on A O-C being a joke?

You already lost
She’s awesome.

Of course she is. To stupid people.
She’s awesome because she’s making conservatives piss their pants.

Like you.

Piss their pants laughing? She's special all right!

Come on Synth...admit on the left just elected another pie in the sky liberal who wants to GIVE things to everyone but has no idea at all how to pay for it!
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
YOU PEOPLE really are dumb. I am not just kidding this time.

If you are honestly not embarrased by that shit you all elected, then.....

YOU PEOPLE really really really are dumb.

They ARE embarrassed. That's why MarcATL is so desperate for normals to take the little floozy seriously. As we laugh at her, it compounds the embarrassment of the left. They want to be seen as Wyatt Earp, instead they are seen as


Kamala, Kory, and Che Guevara Barbie...
Beats extolling the virtues of tax cut economics in public venues.
Dimshits need to be afraid because she tells the truth about their agenda and proves how totally ignorant and untennable their positions on EVERYTHING are.
The left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. Both are completely tenable and promote the general welfare.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is "completely tenable"? Really! You're paying for this how? Let me guess...raising taxes on those who DO work? Then you on the left can't grasp why nobody wants you running things!
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

by ending the drug war.
Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Let me introduce myself my uninformed adversary. I am a 79 year old man with an MBA and JD (Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law). My IQ is most likely at least 20-30 points higher than yours,

You are uninformed and ignorant, ignorant because you expressed a strong opinion on a subject you know absolutely nothing about. Sarah Palin never said what you claimed. The one who uttered the words was Tina Fey, a comedian on Saturday Night Live, What Palin did say was: “They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska” and what she said was true.

FACT CHECK: Did Sarah Palin Say: 'I Can See Russia from My House'?

If you knew anything about geography (and you don't) you would know that from certain parts of mainland Alaska. You can see Russia on the horizon, and if you consider island possessions, it is rather easy to see Russia from Alaska.

“On a clear day, you could climb a hill on Cape Prince of Wales and maybe make out mainland Siberia, just fifty miles away. But it's much easier to get a view of Russia view by heading out into the Bering Strait to one of America's weirdest destinations: Little Diomede Island.

“Big and Little Diomede Islands are just over two miles apart, but they've been part of different empires—and different hemispheres—for exactly 150 years.”

Yes, You Can Actually See Russia from Alaska
You need to stop getting your news from comedy shows.

The only person on the national political scene who knew nothing about geography was Obama, the man who claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico. Most school children know better than that. You might also remember him as the man who said our forefathers built the intercontinental railroad and didn't know how many states were in the U.S.A. Don't ask for a link; you're supposed to know this stuff. Sarah Palin never said the stupid things that came from the mouth of our former Corpseman in chief.

Don't go one-on-one with me.. You don't have what it takes, you intellectual pipsqueak. On the plus side, you now know something you didn't know before. Don't bother to thank me; that's why I'm here.

You have the last word. I don't debate pompous fools.
Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Let me introduce myself my uninformed adversary. I am a 79 year old man with an MBA and JD (Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law). My IQ is most likely at least 20-30 points higher than yours,

You are uninformed and ignorant, ignorant because you expressed a strong opinion on a subject you know absolutely nothing about. Sarah Palin never said what you claimed. The one who uttered the words was Tina Fey, a comedian on Saturday Night Live, What Palin did say was: “They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska” and what she said was true.

FACT CHECK: Did Sarah Palin Say: 'I Can See Russia from My House'?

If you knew anything about geography (and you don't) you would know that from certain parts of mainland Alaska. You can see Russia on the horizon, and if you consider island possessions, it is rather easy to see Russia from Alaska.

“On a clear day, you could climb a hill on Cape Prince of Wales and maybe make out mainland Siberia, just fifty miles away. But it's much easier to get a view of Russia view by heading out into the Bering Strait to one of America's weirdest destinations: Little Diomede Island.

“Big and Little Diomede Islands are just over two miles apart, but they've been part of different empires—and different hemispheres—for exactly 150 years.”

Yes, You Can Actually See Russia from Alaska
You need to stop getting your news from comedy shows.

The only person on the national political scene who knew nothing about geography was Obama, the man who claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico. Most school children know better than that. You might also remember him as the man who said our forefathers built the intercontinental railroad and didn't know how many states were in the U.S.A. Don't ask for a link; you're supposed to know this stuff. Sarah Palin never said the stupid things that came from the mouth of our former Corpseman in chief.

Don't go one-on-one with me.. You don't have what it takes, you intellectual pipsqueak. On the plus side, you now know something you didn't know before. Don't bother to thank me; that's why I'm here.

You have the last word. I don't debate pompous fools.

In this can't debate him....he does not know what the word means.
Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Let me introduce myself my uninformed adversary. I am a 79 year old man with an MBA and JD (Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law). My IQ is most likely at least 20-30 points higher than yours,

You are uninformed and ignorant, ignorant because you expressed a strong opinion on a subject you know absolutely nothing about. Sarah Palin never said what you claimed. The one who uttered the words was Tina Fey, a comedian on Saturday Night Live, What Palin did say was: “They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska” and what she said was true.

FACT CHECK: Did Sarah Palin Say: 'I Can See Russia from My House'?

If you knew anything about geography (and you don't) you would know that from certain parts of mainland Alaska. You can see Russia on the horizon, and if you consider island possessions, it is rather easy to see Russia from Alaska.

“On a clear day, you could climb a hill on Cape Prince of Wales and maybe make out mainland Siberia, just fifty miles away. But it's much easier to get a view of Russia view by heading out into the Bering Strait to one of America's weirdest destinations: Little Diomede Island.

“Big and Little Diomede Islands are just over two miles apart, but they've been part of different empires—and different hemispheres—for exactly 150 years.”

Yes, You Can Actually See Russia from Alaska
You need to stop getting your news from comedy shows.

The only person on the national political scene who knew nothing about geography was Obama, the man who claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico. Most school children know better than that. You might also remember him as the man who said our forefathers built the intercontinental railroad and didn't know how many states were in the U.S.A. Don't ask for a link; you're supposed to know this stuff. Sarah Palin never said the stupid things that came from the mouth of our former Corpseman in chief.

Don't go one-on-one with me.. You don't have what it takes, you intellectual pipsqueak. On the plus side, you now know something you didn't know before. Don't bother to thank me; that's why I'm here.

You have the last word. I don't debate pompous fools.

Thank you sir, it is too bad we can’t just push anicon for stupid to deal with dimshits. Most are as the saying goes a stupid person does not know he is stupid. Describes every dimshit voter I have read heard or know. We must humor them as they “ know not what they are”
Dimshits need to be afraid because she tells the truth about their agenda and proves how totally ignorant and untennable their positions on EVERYTHING are.
The left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. Both are completely tenable and promote the general welfare.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is "completely tenable"? Really! You're paying for this how? Let me guess...raising taxes on those who DO work? Then you on the left can't grasp why nobody wants you running things!
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

by ending the drug war.

What you mean is nobody on the left takes conservatives seriously about economics because you never studied the subject in college.
Wishful thinking on your, and every scared witless self-professed conservative/Republican/rightwinger.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, would you like to bet on it?


on A O-C being a joke?

You already lost
She’s awesome.

Of course she is. To stupid people.
She’s awesome because she’s making conservatives piss their pants.

Like you.

Piss their pants laughing? She's special all right!

Come on Synth...admit on the left just elected another pie in the sky liberal who wants to GIVE things to everyone but has no idea at all how to pay for it!
Republicans just passed a giant tax bill to GIVE money to billionaires but had no idea how to pay for it!
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

Only in New York. Just to remind you, it was Blue Dogs that won the night in the midterms. They won in Republicans districts by being able to appeal to moderate Republicans, & Independents.


So I wouldn't get real over confident by her taking a Democrat seat. Remember--that Bernie Sanders got his behind wiped out by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 Democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Proving once again that this country is center, and it will remain center.
Dimshits need to be afraid because she tells the truth about their agenda and proves how totally ignorant and untennable their positions on EVERYTHING are.
The left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. Both are completely tenable and promote the general welfare.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is "completely tenable"? Really! You're paying for this how? Let me guess...raising taxes on those who DO work? Then you on the left can't grasp why nobody wants you running things!
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

by ending the drug war.

What you mean is nobody on the left takes conservatives seriously about economics because you never studied the subject in college.
i don't allege to subscribe to a work ethic from the Age of Iron or insist on "learning how to fish", but have Only, red herrings to show for it.
on A O-C being a joke?

You already lost
She’s awesome.

Of course she is. To stupid people.
She’s awesome because she’s making conservatives piss their pants.

Like you.

Piss their pants laughing? She's special all right!

Come on Synth...admit on the left just elected another pie in the sky liberal who wants to GIVE things to everyone but has no idea at all how to pay for it!
Republicans just passed a giant tax bill to GIVE money to billionaires but had no idea how to pay for it!
yet, the right wing "blames the new girl" for not knowing how to pay for her Government programs.
Dimshits need to be afraid because she tells the truth about their agenda and proves how totally ignorant and untennable their positions on EVERYTHING are.
The left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. Both are completely tenable and promote the general welfare.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is "completely tenable"? Really! You're paying for this how? Let me guess...raising taxes on those who DO work? Then you on the left can't grasp why nobody wants you running things!
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

by ending the drug war.

What you mean is nobody on the left takes conservatives seriously about economics because you never studied the subject in college.
i don't allege to subscribe to a work ethic from the Age of Iron or insist on "learning how to fish", but have Only, red herrings to show for it.

Then of course there are those of you that never went to college at all...for some reason think you're smart...but disprove that with each post you make!

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