Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

on A O-C being a joke?

You already lost
She’s awesome.

Of course she is. To stupid people.
She’s awesome because she’s making conservatives piss their pants.

Like you.

Piss their pants laughing? She's special all right!

Come on Synth...admit on the left just elected another pie in the sky liberal who wants to GIVE things to everyone but has no idea at all how to pay for it!
Republicans just passed a giant tax bill to GIVE money to billionaires but had no idea how to pay for it!

Federal revenues increased after the tax cuts, Synth...the problem isn't that we're not collecting enough taxes...because we are! The problem is that we're spending more and more money. My biggest disappointment with Donald Trump so far is that he hasn't addressed waste in the Federal Government. Tax cuts stimulate the economy and that's good for everyone from billionaires down to the poor. Government inefficiency isn't good for anyone...wastes the taxpayers money...and yet politicians look the other way because they don't want to offend the massive voting block that is Big Government.
The left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. Both are completely tenable and promote the general welfare.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is "completely tenable"? Really! You're paying for this how? Let me guess...raising taxes on those who DO work? Then you on the left can't grasp why nobody wants you running things!
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

by ending the drug war.

What you mean is nobody on the left takes conservatives seriously about economics because you never studied the subject in college.
i don't allege to subscribe to a work ethic from the Age of Iron or insist on "learning how to fish", but have Only, red herrings to show for it.

Then of course there are those of you that never went to college at all...for some reason think you're smart...but disprove that with each post you make!
yet, you have no economic argument. how is that?
She is funny and tragically sad. We have nothing to fear from her unless she actually gets power to enact her vision for America. Any American should fear that.

If we wanted to live in Venezuela we would move there

I suspect Pelosi will give her the janitorial closet as an office, and assign her to the waste reclamation committee.
Satire but closer to the truth than left loons realize

Ocasio-Cortez Blames GOP For Door Incident

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (RTRD-NY) is blaming Republicans for an incident on Monday where she was trapped in a federal building for hours.

Reports say Ocasio-Cortez was attempting to exit the building but was unable to open the door until a security guard found and freed her hours later. An investigation showed that an unknown individual had apparently taped a handwritten note saying "push" to a door that could only be opened by pulling.

"This was clearly a Republican effort to make me look foolish. They'll pay for this," said the sobbing neophyte politician as she was taken to a local hospital for observation.


Ocasio-Cortez Blames GOP For Door Incident
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
They should be terrified of her.
She's smart,
she's Hispanic,
she's young and
she's a woman.

Republicans don't understand smart women. Not really. Remember, they thought, and still do, that Sarah Palin was smart:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fires Back at Sarah Palin

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress—Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the clip. “We can’t start working in 2020.” (a comment from Ocasio-Cortez that drove Republicans nutz)

“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-time (sic), they actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare.” (this was her return comment)

Remember this:

Melissa Harris Perry laughs at Sarah Palin's moronic antics

And she said this:

“Now that’s *TWO* fallen GOP Vice Pres candidates going after a freshman Congresswoman that’s not even sworn in yet. Isn’t it a little early to be bringing out the big guns?” (Leiberman, who is now Republican and Sarah Palin)


When dumb, much older and white Republican gets into an argument with a young and smart minority, the older loses. For one, they get no respect for starting a fight when they are supposed to be a respected elder. Instead, they come across as a doddering old fool and worst of all, they look uncool.

She’s smart? Based on what evidence?

DeanTard lied the other day that Che Guevara Barbie graduated Cum Laude. Now BU giving this babbling moron a degree is an outrage. She has literally zero knowledge of the subject she supposedly has baccalaureate understanding of. But BU never claimed that the drooling retard was an honors student. The Stalinists just like to inflate their heroes, generally with flat out lies.
Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
Kinda like the season of dictatorship we're in now?

We aren’t in a dictatorship

I disagree. I would say that the SCOTUS is a soft dictatorship.

If a dictatorship is the rule by a person or small group who have absolute control of law through their utterance, then that defines the dictatorship of the judiciary. The Constitution is inferior to the SCOTUS, who can alter, add to, or void the Constitution at a whim. There are no checks or balances to the unfettered power they have. Their word is law.
She is funny and tragically sad. We have nothing to fear from her unless she actually gets power to enact her vision for America. Any American should fear that.

If we wanted to live in Venezuela we would move there

I suspect Pelosi will give her the janitorial closet as an office, and assign her to the waste reclamation committee.
why shouldn't the "new girl" start at the bottom and work her way up?

Reclamation and repurposing could be a "money maker" for a State with a long coast, like ours.

Why eschew single use plastics, if they can be recycled and repurposed to better meet our convenience needs. Socialism should be used to promote capitalism, not just nationalism.
Is she the one who got lost at the Flatiron because she couldn’t decide how to make the turn?
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is "completely tenable"? Really! You're paying for this how? Let me guess...raising taxes on those who DO work? Then you on the left can't grasp why nobody wants you running things!
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

by ending the drug war.

What you mean is nobody on the left takes conservatives seriously about economics because you never studied the subject in college.
i don't allege to subscribe to a work ethic from the Age of Iron or insist on "learning how to fish", but have Only, red herrings to show for it.

Then of course there are those of you that never went to college at all...for some reason think you're smart...but disprove that with each post you make!
yet, you have no economic argument. how is that?

Do you really want to have an economic argument, Daniel? I took economics classes in college including one with Thomas Sowell so I actually know something about the subject. You on the other hand post gibberish and hope you can fool people that you know something about economics.
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

by ending the drug war.

What you mean is nobody on the left takes conservatives seriously about economics because you never studied the subject in college.
i don't allege to subscribe to a work ethic from the Age of Iron or insist on "learning how to fish", but have Only, red herrings to show for it.

Then of course there are those of you that never went to college at all...for some reason think you're smart...but disprove that with each post you make!
yet, you have no economic argument. how is that?

Do you really want to have an economic argument, Daniel? I took economics classes in college including one with Thomas Sowell so I actually know something about the subject. You on the other hand post gibberish and hope you can fool people that you know something about economics.
anybody can soothsay and hearsay anything. tax cut economics are Worthless under Any form of Capitalism.
Every time I read some leftwing post whining about FOX news, it's always the same thing I see on the fake news media or some leftwing propaganda site.

Noooo that can't be. Because I'm tired of you guys saying that. It's just an excuse to avoid discussion.
The irony is stunning.

Oh I agree.

I make a statement about Fox News and I'm making an "old statement that is just an excuse to avoid discussion."
You make a statement against "fake news media" and you're making a compelling argument that I didn't catch.

You two might want to read that over a few times. Then get back to me.
You're already humiliated yourself in this discussion. I have no desire to pound in the punishment further.

"YOU'RE already humiliated yourself in this discussion"

Can't even make a graceful escape lol. But whatever you need to tell yourself to make you feel better. See ya.

Comrade, do you honestly believe you are getting the upper hand on the American you are debating? :lol:
Bet she's a faithful vatican servant too if she were a nun she would have been helping the Caravan get to the Border

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