Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This Cortez nitwit is like all Communists. They think you would be better off if the government takes the money that you earn and give it to the people that didn't earn it. This is of course after they take they their little party boss share off the top.
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This dumbass commie bitch is going to be a great source of entertainment in the years ahead.
This dumbass commie bitch is going to be a great source of entertainment in the years ahead.

If the DNC is smart, they will largely shut her up, or at least make her say innocuous, non threatening things in the media. She will also be made to vote lock step with whatever they want, and totally support the party platform like a good little Apparatchik.
This Cortez nitwit is all Communists. They think you would be better off if the government takes the money that you earn and give it to the people that didn't earn it. This is of course after they take they their little party boss share off the top.

Cortez is a Millennial. She was raised with participation trophies that extended to a college degree for a subject she knows nothing about. Her well to do daddy never told her "no" in her life. Now she think government is "daddy," that if she bats her eyelids, daddy government will give her anything she wants. Daddy got money by magic, she never know or cared where it came from, it was just there. Cortez sees government the same, money is there by magic.

I suspect it was her father who insisted she major in economics in hopes she would learn the value of a dollar. Little did he suspect that the tuition he paid ensured she didn't ever have to learn anything. She spent her time with the Young Communist club and every enviro-wacko cult group on campus. Professors who had never seen her in a lecture and never received a completed assignment gave her "c's" because she was in the right circles.

So we have Boston U. economics baccalaureate who proclaims on national TV that she has no idea what quantitative easing is, declaring free everything for everyone, daddy will pay for it.
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

not sustainable (IMHO)
why is that? what merchant in Commerce would be Worse off, with every adult patron having recourse to an income starting at the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

not sustainable (IMHO)
why is that? what merchant in Commerce would be Worse off, with every adult patron having recourse to an income starting at the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

the merchant would have a hard time finding cheap labor to restock
the shelves and sweep the floor. Kids like I was would have a hard time
finding work to "save up" for college
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

You are always confused about this.

Why should the filthy ass oppressive government ever dictate the wages between an employer and employee?

The "minimum" wage should be set by the supply and demand of the free market for labor.

You Commies hate free markets, don't you?

You Commies love the government telling us what to do, don't you?
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

You are always confused about this.

Why should the filthy ass oppressive government ever dictate the wages between an employer and employee?

The "minimum" wage should be set by the supply and demand of the free market for labor.

You Commies hate free markets, don't you?

You Commies love the government telling us what to do, don't you?

Danny the druggie wants free money. He doesn't give a shit about wages, he's never had a job and never will. He wants "unemployment for being unemployed," in other words welfare.

Real unemployment is an insurance policy that pays a fixed benefit, usually 6 months. It isn't welfare. But druggie danny has never had a job, so he doesn't know how it works.
These Socialists idiots ought to ask the merchants in Seattle how the MW is working for them. They are after all the business owners who hire these little pukes.
"Sorry but I can't afford to pay all ten of you the MW so I'm laying off four of you permanently. Enjoy your Christmas. Those remaining will have to work that much harder. Enjoy your Christmas too. It's likely the last one you'll have employed by this company".
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

not sustainable (IMHO)
why is that? what merchant in Commerce would be Worse off, with every adult patron having recourse to an income starting at the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

the merchant would have a hard time finding cheap labor to restock
the shelves and sweep the floor. Kids like I was would have a hard time
finding work to "save up" for college
the law of large numbers works for us, in this case.
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

You are always confused about this.

Why should the filthy ass oppressive government ever dictate the wages between an employer and employee?

The "minimum" wage should be set by the supply and demand of the free market for labor.

You Commies hate free markets, don't you?

You Commies love the government telling us what to do, don't you?
you seem more confused.
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

You are always confused about this.

Why should the filthy ass oppressive government ever dictate the wages between an employer and employee?

The "minimum" wage should be set by the supply and demand of the free market for labor.

You Commies hate free markets, don't you?

You Commies love the government telling us what to do, don't you?

Danny the druggie wants free money. He doesn't give a shit about wages, he's never had a job and never will. He wants "unemployment for being unemployed," in other words welfare.

Real unemployment is an insurance policy that pays a fixed benefit, usually 6 months. It isn't welfare. But druggie danny has never had a job, so he doesn't know how it works.
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment should only end when that natural rate of unemployment ends.
These Socialists idiots ought to ask the merchants in Seattle how the MW is working for them. They are after all the business owners who hire these little pukes.
"Sorry but I can't afford to pay all ten of you the MW so I'm laying off four of you permanently. Enjoy your Christmas. Those remaining will have to work that much harder. Enjoy your Christmas too. It's likely the last one you'll have employed by this company".
Seattle's economy is driven by a mix of older industrial companies, and "new economy" Internet and technology companies, service, design, and clean technology companies. The city's gross metropolitan product (GMP) was $231 billion in 2010, making it the 11th largest metropolitan economy in the United States.--
a united front for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

You are always confused about this.

Why should the filthy ass oppressive government ever dictate the wages between an employer and employee?

The "minimum" wage should be set by the supply and demand of the free market for labor.

You Commies hate free markets, don't you?

You Commies love the government telling us what to do, don't you?

Danny the druggie wants free money. He doesn't give a shit about wages, he's never had a job and never will. He wants "unemployment for being unemployed," in other words welfare.

Real unemployment is an insurance policy that pays a fixed benefit, usually 6 months. It isn't welfare. But druggie danny has never had a job, so he doesn't know how it works.
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment should only end when that natural rate of unemployment ends.

Being paid for being a drug addict and lazy bum is not healthy for any economy.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
The Socialist bitch is so fucking stupid even the LIBs won't let her run.
She'll have a ghost writer write a book for her and after she loses when she runs again we'll be a regular on MSNBC.......maybe get her own show.

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