Republicans Are Flailing and Failing in Afghanistan Hearing


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
For all their posturing, none of them can lay a glove on Joseph Biden (God's choice), Mark Milley, or Lloyd Austin. It's pathetic. They keep wanting them to "admit" that their advice was to NOT end the Afghanistan War.
No military leader is going to contradict the Commander in Chief, period. No matter who the president is.

And now the moron Tommy Tuberville is blabbering nonsensically.
Synthaholic Your President Biden has created a never-ending disaster in the Middle East. We are just seeing the beginning of what will be the rise of a powerful new Terrorist state with the combined forces of Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS. There will be a million Afghan refugees, a generation of Afghan women who will be treated like farm animals, and brutal torture and murder of any Afghans who were loyal to the US.
For all their posturing, none of them can lay a glove on Joseph Biden (God's choice), Mark Milley, or Lloyd Austin. It's pathetic. They keep wanting them to "admit" that their advice was to NOT end the Afghanistan War.
No military leader is going to contradict the Commander in Chief, period. No matter who the president is.

And now the moron Tommy Tuberville is blabbering nonsensically.

Milley, austin would have been tried for treason under the founders. They are a disgrace and a disease to the nation.
And there WAS a plan in place in case the Afghan Army collapsed suddenly...and it was executed rather successfully
Who told you a plan was in place? Milley, Biden?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Both are known liars.
The military should have stayed until everyone was out. Its the most basic of common sense, which is probably why biden failed.
I dont understand why that is so hard to accept.
Idiotic. How many dead service members would you be okay with to accomplish the goal?
Afghanistan was a bi partisan act of massive treason against the US.


Col Tim Osman

who denied doing 911 before being informed by the Mossad that he needs to take credit....

See the source image

See the source image

Ziggy was alive and functional on 912. Ziggy never bothered to fess that he knew "Osama" extremely well....
"Milley Told China in Secret Phone Call He Would Give the CCP Advance Warning if US Was Ever Going to Attack"

By Milley's own admission, he volunteered his service to engage in espionage, to warn them of any future attack the US might plan.


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