Republicans Are Having Some Trouble Talking About Rape and Incest

That lie will never take on any vestige of truth, no matter how often, how loudly, or how many times you repeat it.

Do you really think the millions of women who have had abortions thought of those fetuses as children?

Even the latest changes in abortion laws don't call them children, buddy.

Republicans do incest a lot more and rape more.
Penelplop isn’t done making up the shit she sores. Give her time. In the meanwhile, let’s ask her one of the hard questions:

Got a link?
Do you really think the millions of women who have had abortions thought of those fetuses as children?

No more than slave owners and traders in our own nation's past, or Nazis in 1930s-1940s Germany thought of their victims as human.
No more than slave owners and traders in our own nation's past, or Nazis in 1930s-1940s Germany thought of their victims as human.
Republicans are having trouble talking about rape and incest because the truth and facts of abortion conflict with the lies contrived by the right.

And that lie the right has contrived is that abortion is the sole purview of ‘immoral’ women who knowingly have unprotected sex with men they don’t know, and should they become pregnant they can have an ‘abortion on demand.’

Conservatives tell themselves this lie to ‘justify’ violating the privacy rights of women and compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

The truth is that there are married couples not ready to have children, using a contraceptive method in good faith, who become pregnant regardless through no fault of their own.

The truth is that women become pregnant against their will the result of the violent crime of rape.

The truth is that girls become pregnant against their will the consequence of incest.

The truth is that for women becoming pregnant can jeopardize their health and even their lives.

It’s this truth that conservatives have a problem taking about; the truth that exposes their lies to indeed be lies.
Republicans are having trouble talking about rape and incest because the truth and facts of abortion conflict with the lies contrived by the right.

And that lie the right has contrived is that abortion is the sole purview of ‘immoral’ women who knowingly have unprotected sex with men they don’t know, and should they become pregnant they can have an ‘abortion on demand.’

Conservatives tell themselves this lie to ‘justify’ violating the privacy rights of women and compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

The truth is that there are married couples not ready to have children, using a contraceptive method in good faith, who become pregnant regardless through no fault of their own.

The truth is that women become pregnant against their will the result of the violent crime of rape.

The truth is that girls become pregnant against their will the consequence of incest.

The truth is that for women becoming pregnant can jeopardize their health and even their lives.

It’s this truth that conservatives have a problem taking about; the truth that exposes their lies to indeed be lies.
The truth is If the right proposed a compromise tomorrow that allowed for abortion ONLY in instances of rape and incest the leftist would tell them to fuck off.
Looks like he's still triggered he can't kill babies.
No, it is ridiculous that a ten year old child that was raped has to go from Ohio to Indiana so she can have the abortion done…

Limiting abortion to fifteen weeks is the better option while leaving openings for Rape, Incest and the Mother and Child health to be another reason to abort the fetus but alas knowing those like you, well you probably would have forced that ten year old to carry that baby to term and the blamed her for not wanting to raise it…
The Republican Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

The Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, wanted Donald Trump to become our President in 2016 and wanted the Republican Party to be in power. Trump appointed three judges to the Supreme Court to continue his legacy.

Putin is being rewarded handsomely. America is in turmoil. The very basis of our democracy, free elections, is under attack. Trump and the Republican Party are, of course, responsible, aided by a very conservative Supreme Court that has become so unpopular it has walled itself off from the American people.

Republicans remain silent.

We have never experienced the silence from a major party that we are experiencing now.

The Times writes, "Pressed by Supreme Court decisions diminishing rights that Americans hold dear and expanding those cherished by the right, the United States appears to be drifting apart into separate nations, with diametrically opposed social, environmental and health policies.

"Call these the Disunited States."

Thank you, Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch, and Brett M. Kavanaugh. Vladimir Putin is extremely proud of you. Thanks to the President I wanted, you have accomplished in a few months what communist Russia could not accomplish in over a hundred years.

America has become a divided nation!

The responsibility lies with the Republican Party, which accounts for their total silence.

For reasons that confuse many, it is expected that the Republican Party will be rewarded for what they have done. As their leader, Trump, is being investigated for possible sedition, the Republican Party may win control of Congress in November.

How could this happen? The rural voters that dominate the Republican Party are clueless. As this thread shows, they avoid reality. They don't know, and they don't want to know.
We have never experienced the silence from a major party that we are experiencing now.
The leader of the Republican Party may be in trouble with the law. Trump surely is in trouble with the voters. Yet not one Republican in Washington is coming to the defense of Trump in the media. Republicans are totally silent on the issues involving their leader.
Not one Republican wants to be sworn in to testify for the defense of Trump in Jan. 6 committee hearings. The very opposite is happening. Republicans are avoiding the hearings for fear they may be indicted.
ABC reports "On June 24, the Supreme Court's smallest-possible majority struck down the long-standing Roe v. Wade ruling, which had for five decades guaranteed a right to access abortion. It was a rare instance of the court restricting rights it had previously extended via the Constitution.

"Roe's reversal was partly possible because of the votes of the court's three most recent justices, all of whom were appointed for life by President Donald Trump -- himself elected by a minority of the population. He lost the popular vote and was confirmed by Senate Republicans representing roughly 43 percent of the country."

The problem is, our Constitution gave too much power to the smaller states, meaning states with small populations. Americans who live in states with large populations have less power and less representation than those Americans who live in states with smaller populations.

What does this mean exactly? It means the farmer in Montana has more political power, more government influence than the doctor in California. The problem becomes more acute with the realization that, generally speaking, the doctor in California is going to have more education and be more informed than the farmer in Montana.

Republican leaders are not dumb, and they are taking full advantage of their less educated, less informed, voters. Because they are largely uninformed and not fully cognizant of events around them, grassroots Republicans are largely unaware of what is being done in their name. All they know is, they are loyal followers of Donald Trump. Most of them know very little about Trump's attempt to overthrow the elected government.

Here is one example of the problem. There are many others.

Technically speaking, our President is not chosen by the American people. He is voted into office by the electors in the Electoral College in accordance with our Constitution. The number of electors each state has is the total of its Senators and representatives.

California has a total population of a little more than 39 million. California has 55 electors. Montana has a population of little more than a million. Montana has three electors.

When you divide the population by the number of electors, each elector in Montana represents 333,333 Americans. Each elector in California represents 709,090 Americans. The farmer in Montana has over twice the representation than the doctor in California. That is how Trump became our President in 2016 even though he lost the popular vote cast by the American people.

This becomes all the more serious when one realizes that the doctor has a college education and, generally speaking, is more informed than the farmer in Montana who has no use for a college education and political awareness unless the latter has something to do with farming.
Republicans are having trouble talking about rape and incest because the truth and facts of abortion conflict with the lies contrived by the right.

And that lie the right has contrived is that abortion is the sole purview of ‘immoral’ women who knowingly have unprotected sex with men they don’t know, and should they become pregnant they can have an ‘abortion on demand.’

Conservatives tell themselves this lie to ‘justify’ violating the privacy rights of women and compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

The truth is that there are married couples not ready to have children, using a contraceptive method in good faith, who become pregnant regardless through no fault of their own.

The truth is that women become pregnant against their will the result of the violent crime of rape.

The truth is that girls become pregnant against their will the consequence of incest.

The truth is that for women becoming pregnant can jeopardize their health and even their lives.

It’s this truth that conservatives have a problem taking about; the truth that exposes their lies to indeed be lies.
We don’t keep talking about it because we don’t do those things. Those are things Dems like to do. Hence why they keep bringing them up.
No, it is ridiculous that a ten year old child that was raped has to go from Ohio to Indiana so she can have the abortion done…

Limiting abortion to fifteen weeks is the better option while leaving openings for Rape, Incest and the Mother and Child health to be another reason to abort the fetus but alas knowing those like you, well you probably would have forced that ten year old to carry that baby to term and the blamed her for not wanting to raise it…
You're an idiot just like I thought. Why do you ghouls make up stuff all the time?

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