Republicans are pro-birth, not pro-life

The Republican party defined it, because they are anti-abortion.
Funny how you want to talk a bout a term you apparently don't understand.

"Pro-life" describes a political and philosophical position that seeks to restrict abortions, especially abortions on demand when there is no medical necessity for the mother or the baby.

How does that in any way relate to the example you trotted out in the OP?
Another one proving he or she is not pro-life. Humans are humans, are they not? How is one human life more valued by way of boundaries? Does God think the same way as you? That human life is only valued by imaginary borders?

So you want chaos for your libtard utopia of no one works?
Oh, so it's about working now? Life is only important if the baby is going to be employed? My OP was spot on. The Republican hypocrisy and evil is on full display. Calling Jesus to the office. These Republicans need to be rescued from Satin. And to think, all this time, they had us believing they cared about life. Lol! Life is only important if they are employed. Got it.

So you gonna take care of them all?

California is a cess pool.
Do you have any idea how retarded that argument is?

So you don't want to take care of them now?
Considering who asks a retarded question, can only be answered by the retard asking it.

The racist and corrupt Democratic Party is anti-American family.

The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true.
Nice straw man you have there.
What does "pro life" mean?
The Republican party defined it, because they are anti-abortion.
Funny how you want to talk a bout a term you apparently don't understand.

"Pro-life" describes a political and philosophical position that seeks to restrict abortions, especially abortions on demand when there is no medical necessity for the mother or the baby.

How does that in any way relate to the example you trotted out in the OP?
"Seeking to restrict abortions" is a loaded phrase without a meaning, because the anti-abortion crowd wants to eliminate abortions altogether. In the end, that isn't a position. It just ends up being nonsensical to those who already know it is.

The simple fact that an individual can decide what is "on demand" or not, or even believes he or she is morally in a position to decide, on its face is totally ludicrous. It's as ludicrous to propose being pro-life, then suddenly posses the moral high ground as to who gets medical treatment or not in a life threatening situation.

You get to decide who gets an abortion based on your moral expertise, while simultaneously getting to decide who lives or dies after birth. LOL! Damn if you aren't one fucked up ... .. . ......
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Yes..... you must convince yourself that this is true in order to live with the fact you support killing babies..... the mental gymnastics people like you must go through, the lies you tell yourself are so do you manage to stay sane.....oh.....that's right, you're a aren't sane....
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Both parties are hypocrites. You just don't see as many pro death Republicans protesting as pro death Democrats.

Wrong! Cite any incidents of Democrats sending a special needs child back to his or her own country to die.

And by the way, if that is your strong argument, I just proved Republicans are not pro-life, because you just admitted it.

Elian Gonzalez....
We are not the world's free clinic. Sorry if sick children are sent home. See doctors without borders.
Why Republicans would grant health care access to one dying baby — and deny it to millions
It’s not just hypocrisy. It’s the human mind.

Republicans in Congress were moved by the case, too. GOP Reps. Trent Franks and Brad Wenstrup co-sponsored legislation that seeks to make Charlie a US resident. In a statement, they said Charlie’s case “serves as a powerful reminder that every human life has dignity, including the lives of the voiceless and most vulnerable. God forgive us all if we forget that.”

And yes, these two Congress members voted for the House GOP health care bill, a piece of legislation projected to result in tens of millions losing health care.

By Brian Resnick@B_resnick[email protected] Jul 19, 2017, 5:10pm EDT
Talking out of both sides of their mouths as always. They have no principles or beliefs. They prove it to us on a daily basis.
We are not the world's free clinic. Sorry if sick children are sent home. See doctors without borders.
Look how easy it was to prove pro-life is nothing more than a slogan that means shit.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Yes..... you must convince yourself that this is true in order to live with the fact you support killing babies..... the mental gymnastics people like you must go through, the lies you tell yourself are so do you manage to stay sane.....oh.....that's right, you're a aren't sane....

But I have an argument. You don't. That's the big difference. You're a loser who says nothing, while I proved Republican hypocrisy on pro-life. And we won't forget it either.
"Seeking to restrict abortions" is a loaded phrase without a meaning,
Its meaning is clear and plain on its face, to any honest person reads it.

So, I ask again:
How does the "pro life" position in any way relate to the example you trotted out in the OP
Lol! Do you make it a habit to ask such stupid questions? You're either dead or you are not. Republicans seek to stop abortions for pro-birth, only to send the kid home to die. What is it you seem to be having trouble understanding?
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

I agree we should let this kid stay, they applied legally so I don't understand why an exception can not be made in this case as well as others.
"Seeking to restrict abortions" is a loaded phrase without a meaning,
Its meaning is clear and plain on its face, to any honest person reads it.

So, I ask again:
How does the "pro life" position in any way relate to the example you trotted out in the OP
Lol! Do you make it a habit to ask such stupid questions? You're either dead or you are not. Republicans seek to stop abortions for pro-birth, only to send the kid home to die. What is it you seem to be having trouble understanding?

I didn't waste my time watching the video....... billions upon billions are spent in this country, with republicans donating more time and money than democrats to all kinds of charity works, as well as tax dollars for assistance programs to the poor and especially to children....

To say that republicans only care about birth shows you really are a stupid human..... you should stop posting, learn something real, meditate on it, and gain wisdom....
"Seeking to restrict abortions" is a loaded phrase without a meaning,
Its meaning is clear and plain on its face, to any honest person reads it.
So, I ask again:
How does the "pro life" position in any way relate to the example you trotted out in the OP
Lol! Do you make it a habit to ask such stupid questions?
The fact you cannot answer my questions says all that need be said.
I accept your concession .
"Seeking to restrict abortions" is a loaded phrase without a meaning,
Its meaning is clear and plain on its face, to any honest person reads it.

So, I ask again:
How does the "pro life" position in any way relate to the example you trotted out in the OP
Lol! Do you make it a habit to ask such stupid questions? You're either dead or you are not. Republicans seek to stop abortions for pro-birth, only to send the kid home to die. What is it you seem to be having trouble understanding?

Wrong, this has nothing to do with abortion, it is dealing more with the complications of immigration. People are always looking for an angle though.

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