Republicans are pro-birth, not pro-life

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.
Spoiler alert, illegals put way more into the economy than they receive from government help. And another thing, banks exist because of the working poor. So sell that crock to someone else who drinks it like Kool-aid.

Illegals get very little in government help. Now the banks.......that's another story. They get billions. We even take from the elderly to boost them up.

Always so helpful to have Internet "experts" come in and blankly assert talking points as fact without substantiation. I know it does wonders for me to hear you parrot your indoctrination at me . . . so that I can see what lies the gullible morons of the world are swallowing today.

You should know, though, that no one is going to accept anything as fact simply because you state it as though it were, especially since it's YOU stating it.

"Illegals don't get government assistance, because I was told to believe they didn't and I really want to! Now talk about this utterly unrelated topic, because I'm obsessed with hating rich people, and every thread has to be about that!"

If you are going to address my quote, address my actual quote. Don't change what I said and pretend you are addressing what I said. That's dishonest.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

My people come first. Fuck the rest of the world.

Do you people come first, who are your people? Baby Charlie from the UK.


Vastator Gold Member

May every lib who made his preventable death possible rot in the bowels of Hell.

parents say good by to baby charlie

These people are monsters in a Jesus suit pretending to be pro-life.

Yes, I took that post down, didn't want to post on one person, while so many of the republicans voted for baby Charlie to come here with his 2 parents, terminal, just to give a bad rap to socialize healthcare.

Their hypocrisy is amazing.

But not surprising.
Prove she is lying then, or you are the liar.

He mouth was moving.
Thanks, you're a proven liar.

So are you :funnyface: If Maddow's mouth is moving she is lying. That's what you TDSers say about Trump. Wasssamatta? Can't take it? MSNBC is a failing leftist propaganda outlet yet you cite it as 'proof' :21:
Folks, have you seen this post that was typed out by this immature idiot?

Since when is the TRUTH 'immature?' MSNBC are proven liars. Maddow is a joke. Everyone knows it....but YOU. :1peleas:

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