Republicans are pro-birth, not pro-life

Let me clarify this for libtards:

Republicans: Want to fight for the right of the baby to be born. Then they expect the parents to be adults and care for the childs needs. Not depending on the gov't.

Liberals: Want to suck the babies brains out through a tube. If it survives this they think the gov't should pay for all the childs expenses.

I'm pro-life. I think it's great that as a society we can help out parents when they are down.

Take your generalizations and we'll, you know what to do with them.

And you can take your "govt should pay for babies" and well you know what you can do with them.

You either care or you don't.

Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".
Let me clarify this for libtards:

Republicans: Want to fight for the right of the baby to be born. Then they expect the parents to be adults and care for the childs needs. Not depending on the gov't.

Liberals: Want to suck the babies brains out through a tube. If it survives this they think the gov't should pay for all the childs expenses.

I'm pro-life. I think it's great that as a society we can help out parents when they are down.

Take your generalizations and we'll, you know what to do with them.

And you can take your "govt should pay for babies" and well you know what you can do with them.

You either care or you don't.

Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Republicans want Americans to die. They want the hungry, homeless, mentally ill, substance abusers, and veterans to all die. They care more about human fetuses than about human life.

The majority of conservatives only obsess about the fetus because it's a freebie. Doesn't cost anything. They can pretend they care about the sanctity of a human life while at the same figuring out ways of kicking the poor and sick off of any taxpayer assistance programs. That includes babies, children with horrible disabilities, and the elderly.

"The majority of conservatives REALLY think this, instead of what they actually say, because I just KNOW what's going on in their heads better than they do, even though I don't know any conservatives, but this makes me feel like less of an evil piece of shit, so it's true because I want it to be!"
Let me clarify this for libtards:

Republicans: Want to fight for the right of the baby to be born. Then they expect the parents to be adults and care for the childs needs. Not depending on the gov't.

Liberals: Want to suck the babies brains out through a tube. If it survives this they think the gov't should pay for all the childs expenses.

I'm pro-life. I think it's great that as a society we can help out parents when they are down.

Take your generalizations and we'll, you know what to do with them.

And you can take your "govt should pay for babies" and well you know what you can do with them.

You either care or you don't.

Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
I'm pro-life. I think it's great that as a society we can help out parents when they are down.

Take your generalizations and we'll, you know what to do with them.

And you can take your "govt should pay for babies" and well you know what you can do with them.

You either care or you don't.

Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.
And you can take your "govt should pay for babies" and well you know what you can do with them.

You either care or you don't.

Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.
You either care or you don't.

Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.

The argument needs no explanation - it's rampant ignorance and wealth bigotry - but the incoherent phrasing by which you tried to express it did.

Sorry I didn't dumb that down far enough for you to understand the first time.
Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.

The argument needs no explanation - it's rampant ignorance and wealth bigotry - but the incoherent phrasing by which you tried to express it did.

Sorry I didn't dumb that down far enough for you to understand the first time.

So you disagree with Trump that rates need lowered?
You either care or you don't.

Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.
Spoiler alert, illegals put way more into the economy than they receive from government help. And another thing, banks exist because of the working poor. So sell that crock to someone else who drinks it like Kool-aid.
Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.

The argument needs no explanation - it's rampant ignorance and wealth bigotry - but the incoherent phrasing by which you tried to express it did.

Sorry I didn't dumb that down far enough for you to understand the first time.

So you disagree with Trump that rates need lowered?

"So you think something you never commented on at all about a point with no relation to the thread that I just wanted to shoehorn in because it's my one obsessive talking point?"

I'll make you a deal: you provide me with a coherent rationale about how banks are relevant to the thread topic of the pro-life movement, and I'll treat it like a remotely serious post from a semi-rational human being.
Newflash: government giveaway programs are not the only way in the world to "care".

Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.
Spoiler alert, illegals put way more into the economy than they receive from government help. And another thing, banks exist because of the working poor. So sell that crock to someone else who drinks it like Kool-aid.

Illegals get very little in government help. Now the banks.......that's another story. They get billions. We even take from the elderly to boost them up.
I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.

The argument needs no explanation - it's rampant ignorance and wealth bigotry - but the incoherent phrasing by which you tried to express it did.

Sorry I didn't dumb that down far enough for you to understand the first time.

So you disagree with Trump that rates need lowered?

"So you think something you never commented on at all about a point with no relation to the thread that I just wanted to shoehorn in because it's my one obsessive talking point?"

I'll make you a deal: you provide me with a coherent rationale about how banks are relevant to the thread topic of the pro-life movement, and I'll treat it like a remotely serious post from a semi-rational human being.

You have to answer the question for me to address my point to you.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Republicans want Americans to die. They want the hungry, homeless, mentally ill, substance abusers, and veterans to all die. They care more about human fetuses than about human life.

The majority of conservatives only obsess about the fetus because it's a freebie. Doesn't cost anything. They can pretend they care about the sanctity of a human life while at the same figuring out ways of kicking the poor and sick off of any taxpayer assistance programs. That includes babies, children with horrible disabilities, and the elderly.

You are throwing rocks in your glass house... buddy
Those need reserved for the banks.

I'm sorry, could you say that again in English? My Gibberish-to-English translator is on the fritz again.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.
Spoiler alert, illegals put way more into the economy than they receive from government help. And another thing, banks exist because of the working poor. So sell that crock to someone else who drinks it like Kool-aid.

Illegals get very little in government help. Now the banks.......that's another story. They get billions. We even take from the elderly to boost them up.

Always so helpful to have Internet "experts" come in and blankly assert talking points as fact without substantiation. I know it does wonders for me to hear you parrot your indoctrination at me . . . so that I can see what lies the gullible morons of the world are swallowing today.

You should know, though, that no one is going to accept anything as fact simply because you state it as though it were, especially since it's YOU stating it.

"Illegals don't get government assistance, because I was told to believe they didn't and I really want to! Now talk about this utterly unrelated topic, because I'm obsessed with hating rich people, and every thread has to be about that!"

Just for the record, your post became an epic and worthless failure the moment you blithered the word "banks".

Both the US Census Bureau and the Center for Immigration Studies have released numerous reports showing that illegal immigrant households DO receive taxpayer-funded public assistance all across the spectrum of public life. Lie to yourself all you want, but don't expect anyone to ignore the evidence from the experts in favor of your wishful thinking.
He doesn't know himself. Just to give you a heads up.

The argument is that we have to reserve the government programs for the banks but not for the poor shouldn't have to be explained.

The argument needs no explanation - it's rampant ignorance and wealth bigotry - but the incoherent phrasing by which you tried to express it did.

Sorry I didn't dumb that down far enough for you to understand the first time.

So you disagree with Trump that rates need lowered?

"So you think something you never commented on at all about a point with no relation to the thread that I just wanted to shoehorn in because it's my one obsessive talking point?"

I'll make you a deal: you provide me with a coherent rationale about how banks are relevant to the thread topic of the pro-life movement, and I'll treat it like a remotely serious post from a semi-rational human being.

You have to answer the question for me to address my point to you.

I don't "have" to do anything, least of all answer your asinine straw man question in order to get you to THEN frame it as a coherent, rational question. If you want to insist on clutching your tinfoil hat and be a laughingstock, that's your choice. You misunderstand if you think the choice was "Be rational or demand that I respect your insanity." It was actually "Earn my notice by trying to behave like a person, or be ignored like every other gibbering lunatic."

Your ration of my valuable time is at an end, and you are now officially beneath my notice. Enjoy screaming conspiracy theories at nothing and no one.


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