Republicans are pro-birth, not pro-life

The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Then walk your talk and cut a check or shut your mouth. You dumbfucks go on about how bad it is, yet do nothing but talk and go on about what a shame it is. There medical issues aren't ours. Their parents should have taken better care of them. Not the US taxpayer problem. Now, how much you going to donate or are you a typo or libtard and only talk?

When their parents decide to defend them you label them as "terrorists".

Wrong. I label them as shitty parents.
Yea, I know. That's the part we haven't discussed. They're refugees seeking asylum from their own countries that we destroyed. Now isn't that some shit? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

Why did we NOT demand that Obama live up to his promises and stop these wars? Why did we NOT protest Obama's wars that he started?
Dude, get a grip. "PROTEST?" Are you serious? I protested the Gulf war for God's sake because it was a war based on profit. So was the second Iraq war. We used Zarqawi as the excuse for the second war which produced ISIS. Obama inherited the wars for profit while two million refugees from Iraq spread into Syria, taking ISIS with them. You are trying to blame the wrong source. Obama was nothing but a symptom of failed warsby the US that Dick Cheney was hell bent on waging. Stop blaming the guy who got caught catching a ride on a train for which he would have never ridden on to begin with; The Secret History of ISIS

Dick Cheney did not stop Obama from doing the right thing.
OMG! Are you serious? There was no right or wrong "thing" once ISIS took control, because no one knew who the enemy was by then. It challenges all my restraints to go off the deep end here, and wonder how in the world could any human being after years of discovering who was behind the lies about invading Iraq and why, that we end up blaming Obama? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Man, some of you haven't a clue. Nada Bakos, in verbal clear explanation, on video, explained the sequence of events by Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney, they were trying to wipe the intelligence about Zarqawi under the rug. Those are the two criminals to blame. It is totally ludicrous and grotesquely ignorant after watching how the intelligence was channeled, to skip all that, and jump to blaming Obama. That is nothing but partisan nonsense.

I didn't blame Obama for Iraq. I blamed him for his lies.
"Lies?" Whatever you think he said or didn't say as lies, are totally irrelevant to the source of this problem. You aren't making any sense? You mean to tell me, after all the years of the Bush administration lying about Iraq, sending our troops to their death for no good reason, then propagating ISIS as a result, causing two million Iraqi's to flee to Syria, all you care about are lies from Obama? After millions of lives lost, it comes down to Obama? What a sick joke you play on yourself. You have nothing of substance to argue about.
Both parties are hypocrites. You just don't see as many pro death Republicans protesting as pro death Democrats.
Wrong! Cite any incidents of Democrats sending a special needs child back to his or her own country to die.

And by the way, if that is your strong argument, I just proved Republicans are not pro-life, because you just admitted it.
Trump is not the first republican to treat sick children in this way. Putin’s Mitch was doing it a couple years ago. Remember when Republicans let the chip program lapse so they could use sick children to score political points? Moscow Mitch thought it was so cool he even put out a tweet about it

Yep, I remember. These people are the worst scum on the planet.
Except for the illegals.
Which illegals, us or the others? There are two you know.
The illegals that snuck over OUR southern border and want free stuff.
So, you're talking about war in another country where kids never left. Got it. Yea, if that's proof Obama was kicking folks from other countries out of our own hospitals, I just grew a third eye and a second head. Thanks for letting us now that you were not telling the truth.

Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.

You sent me a link to an hour long program. I do not need to watch that to understand what we did.
Then you should be smart enough not to tie any of it to Obama. The way to find and solve problems is to look to the source. Here's a hint, look to the source.
Wrong! Cite any incidents of Democrats sending a special needs child back to his or her own country to die.

And by the way, if that is your strong argument, I just proved Republicans are not pro-life, because you just admitted it.
Trump is not the first republican to treat sick children in this way. Putin’s Mitch was doing it a couple years ago. Remember when Republicans let the chip program lapse so they could use sick children to score political points? Moscow Mitch thought it was so cool he even put out a tweet about it

Yep, I remember. These people are the worst scum on the planet.
Except for the illegals.
Which illegals, us or the others? There are two you know.
The illegals that snuck over OUR southern border and want free stuff.
And what are our consequences for doing the same thing?
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Then walk your talk and cut a check or shut your mouth. You dumbfucks go on about how bad it is, yet do nothing but talk and go on about what a shame it is. There medical issues aren't ours. Their parents should have taken better care of them. Not the US taxpayer problem. Now, how much you going to donate or are you a typo or libtard and only talk?

Their parents fled to safety because of our actions. It's on us; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

If you can't counter this argument, then shut the fuck up.
An here's M14 Shooter again with a ton of the funny faces and his finger up his ass. Lol! What a loser.
Why did we NOT demand that Obama live up to his promises and stop these wars? Why did we NOT protest Obama's wars that he started?
Dude, get a grip. "PROTEST?" Are you serious? I protested the Gulf war for God's sake because it was a war based on profit. So was the second Iraq war. We used Zarqawi as the excuse for the second war which produced ISIS. Obama inherited the wars for profit while two million refugees from Iraq spread into Syria, taking ISIS with them. You are trying to blame the wrong source. Obama was nothing but a symptom of failed warsby the US that Dick Cheney was hell bent on waging. Stop blaming the guy who got caught catching a ride on a train for which he would have never ridden on to begin with; The Secret History of ISIS

Dick Cheney did not stop Obama from doing the right thing.
OMG! Are you serious? There was no right or wrong "thing" once ISIS took control, because no one knew who the enemy was by then. It challenges all my restraints to go off the deep end here, and wonder how in the world could any human being after years of discovering who was behind the lies about invading Iraq and why, that we end up blaming Obama? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Man, some of you haven't a clue. Nada Bakos, in verbal clear explanation, on video, explained the sequence of events by Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney, they were trying to wipe the intelligence about Zarqawi under the rug. Those are the two criminals to blame. It is totally ludicrous and grotesquely ignorant after watching how the intelligence was channeled, to skip all that, and jump to blaming Obama. That is nothing but partisan nonsense.

I didn't blame Obama for Iraq. I blamed him for his lies.
"Lies?" Whatever you think he said or didn't say as lies, are totally irrelevant to the source of this problem. You aren't making any sense? You mean to tell me, after all the years of the Bush administration lying about Iraq, sending our troops to their death for no good reason, then propagating ISIS as a result, causing two million Iraqi's to flee to Syria, all you care about are lies from Obama? After millions of lives lost, it comes down to Obama? What a sick joke you play on yourself. You have nothing of substance to argue about.

Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush. What Obama did is not Bush's fault.
Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.

You sent me a link to an hour long program. I do not need to watch that to understand what we did.
Then you should be smart enough not to tie any of it to Obama. The way to find and solve problems is to look to the source. Here's a hint, look to the source.

You can only blame the one who did it. When Bush did wrong (and he did) that is on Bush. When Obama did wrong (and he did) that is on Obama.
I see the Little Trumpsters are displaying their UN-Christian lack of empathy.
How can someone be pro life and condone what Trump is doing to the immigrant children, slow genocide.
As I have stated repeatedly, I'm pro life and the Trump cruel decision to let child immigrants die, is just plain sick and goes against the Word of God, the Bible.
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Trump is not the first republican to treat sick children in this way. Putin’s Mitch was doing it a couple years ago. Remember when Republicans let the chip program lapse so they could use sick children to score political points? Moscow Mitch thought it was so cool he even put out a tweet about it

Yep, I remember. These people are the worst scum on the planet.
Except for the illegals.
Which illegals, us or the others? There are two you know.
The illegals that snuck over OUR southern border and want free stuff.
And what are our consequences for doing the same thing?
I don't know anybody who snuck into Honduras though I worked with people from there.
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.

You sent me a link to an hour long program. I do not need to watch that to understand what we did.
Then you should be smart enough not to tie any of it to Obama. The way to find and solve problems is to look to the source. Here's a hint, look to the source.

You can only blame the one who did it. When Bush did wrong (and he did) that is on Bush. When Obama did wrong (and he did) that is on Obama.
The only way to problem solve is to understand the source, then make a plan. You don't look for it by blaming what happened at the end. That is total stupidity to think you should problem solve at the end.
Yep, I remember. These people are the worst scum on the planet.
Except for the illegals.
Which illegals, us or the others? There are two you know.
The illegals that snuck over OUR southern border and want free stuff.
And what are our consequences for doing the same thing?
I don't know anybody who snuck into Honduras though I worked with people from there.
I already provided the links. The fact that you have no argument aqainst them, tells me you're a loser; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.

You sent me a link to an hour long program. I do not need to watch that to understand what we did.
Then you should be smart enough not to tie any of it to Obama. The way to find and solve problems is to look to the source. Here's a hint, look to the source.

You can only blame the one who did it. When Bush did wrong (and he did) that is on Bush. When Obama did wrong (and he did) that is on Obama.
That is a diluted argument that tells us absolutely nothing. Keep digging that hole of yours heading no place. You aren't producing any specifics, therefore you are only making yourself into a fool.
As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.

You sent me a link to an hour long program. I do not need to watch that to understand what we did.
Then you should be smart enough not to tie any of it to Obama. The way to find and solve problems is to look to the source. Here's a hint, look to the source.

You can only blame the one who did it. When Bush did wrong (and he did) that is on Bush. When Obama did wrong (and he did) that is on Obama.
The only way to problem solve is to understand the source, then make a plan. You don't look for it by blaming what happened at the end. That is total stupidity to think you should problem solve at the end.

There has been no end unlike what Obama promised.
As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.

You sent me a link to an hour long program. I do not need to watch that to understand what we did.
Then you should be smart enough not to tie any of it to Obama. The way to find and solve problems is to look to the source. Here's a hint, look to the source.

You can only blame the one who did it. When Bush did wrong (and he did) that is on Bush. When Obama did wrong (and he did) that is on Obama.
That is a diluted argument that tells us absolutely nothing. Keep digging that hole of yours heading no place. You aren't producing any specifics, therefore you are only making yourself into a fool.

I have been very specific.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

You're such a tool. So a soldier that is suffering waiting on medical treatment, should have to wait for an illegal to get treatment instead?
View attachment 276553

You are asking a question for which no one suggested that. Just how stupid are you?

We need to take care of our veterans before we advertise to the world. If you get here, you get free shit.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

You're such a tool. So a soldier that is suffering waiting on medical treatment, should have to wait for an illegal to get treatment instead?
View attachment 276553

You are asking a question for which no one suggested that. Just how stupid are you?

We need to take care of our veterans before we advertise to the world. If you get here, you get free shit.

We need to quit breaking our veterans.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Republicans want Americans to die. They want the hungry, homeless, mentally ill, substance abusers, and veterans to all die. They care more about human fetuses than about human life.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

My people come first. Fuck the rest of the world.

Then you just admitted that you are not pro-life. Thanks for proving me right.

Fuck off. No person killed that cockroach. Illness/disease did. Glad they shipped him ba k. Who the fuck wants to import disease into their country? Only an idiot...

Wow you sure aren't pro life.

Human beings are cockroaches.

I usually scroll right by your posts but the cockroach quote caught my eye and I read the post.

I wish I hadn't.

But I'm damn sure anti abortion amongst my people.

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