Republicans are pro-birth, not pro-life

Though and prayers don't amount to much do they, are you pro life and anti abortion as well??
They haven't got a clue. In the mean time, Trump and his supporters support murder of children. The most inhumane policy this country has ever seen. The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc – Latest News & Video

Democrats supported that also when Obama was practicing it overseas. A life is a life is a life. Being born elsewhere does not change that.
Please provide documentation of Obama supporting kicking kids out of a hospital with a life threatening condition? We need links proving this please? Thanks!

Irrelevant. I hate when people reply this way. Kicking people out of a hospital is no worse than dropping bombs on a hospital.
One day you may get the choice of a family member and the ones you pine for in your agendas for medical treatment in any way. That is the real test.

It's not about me.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Evil has obviously consumed you in your hateful OP.

Americans should be pro-life for US Citizens ... FIRST!

Would you like to see a bunch of videos on Americans dying because they can't obtain health insurance even though Obama promised we'd all have health insurance.

Or how about the homeless in Seattle, LA, San Francisco, Washington DC, etc, etc, etc...??
Should the USA allow US citizens to die and not be cared for FIRST?

I suggest Ms Maddow or you, take in these children and care for them financially before she (and YOU) complain about horrible Republicans!
Another one proving he or she is not pro-life. Humans are humans, are they not? How is one human life more valued by way of boundaries? Does God think the same way as you? That human life is only valued by imaginary borders?

So you want chaos for your libtard utopia of no one works?
Oh, so it's about working now? Life is only important if the baby is going to be employed? My OP was spot on. The Republican hypocrisy and evil is on full display. Calling Jesus to the office. These Republicans need to be rescued from Satin. And to think, all this time, they had us believing they cared about life. Lol! Life is only important if they are employed. Got it.

You may have believed that but I have never believed that republicans are pro life. It's the reason why I don't use the term to describe them.. I use anti choice.

Pro life people don't fight with their lives for people who start wars with lies, torture people and kill thousands.

Pro life people don't fight with their lives to keep weapons of war in our nation so that crazy people can assassinate innocent people over and over and over with no end in sight. In fact they fight to keep the carnage happening.

Pro life people don't reverse laws that prevent mentally ill people from having weapons.

Pro life people don't advocate for reproductive laws that force women to die.

Pro life people don't refer to human beings as scum, slut, whore, thugs, trash, garbage, leaches and invaders.
No, we are talking overseeing the death of innocent children.
But you were the one accusing Obama of kicking kids out of hospitals, not me.

No I didn't. I accused Obama as being as callous towards life as is Trump and that the (D)'s were hardly any better condemning that than the (R)'s are now. At least the (R)'s don't pretend to care.

It is relevant if you are making the claim. Telling tall tales isn't going to advance your narrative one inch by distracting to Obama. Still waiting on documentation?

You narrowed the claim down. A life is a life is a life. Where one is born does not change that.
Negative! "A life is a life is a life" is documented where, by who, and what are the credentials? I have narrowed nothing down and am not arguing "where one is born does not change that." I could care less where someone is born if they are in need.

Whether they are "in need" is irrelevant. What they are in need of in the places we intervene is for us to stop "intervening" and killing them.
Yea, for ten years I've been preaching to the choir, and no one on the Right gives a shit and ignores every word; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

This immigration problem we have, along with refugee crisis is 100% on us; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

These arguments largely disappeared under Obama. You can't even bring yourself to condemn his failures now.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be, there is no President Trump today. The DNC is making the same mistakes now.

There is NO way I vote for Trump but the odds of me supporting and voting (D) grow slimmer by the day.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

The people he's attacking now are here legally.

We have a program that allows people to come here legally for medical treatment. All the people he's kicking out now have legally applied to come here and were legally allowed to come here for medical treatment.

People who have cancer, heart problems, cystic fibrosis and a long list of other conditions.

I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy, I just couldn't imagine how much worse it could get and I didn't want to experience it.

This is just a disgrace.
Yea, I know. That's the part we haven't discussed. They're refugees seeking asylum from their own countries that we destroyed. Now isn't that some shit? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

Why did we NOT demand that Obama live up to his promises and stop these wars? Why did we NOT protest Obama's wars that he started?

Dude, get a grip. "PROTEST?" Are you serious? I protested the Gulf war for God's sake because it was a war based on profit. So was the second Iraq war. We used Zarqawi as the excuse for the second war which produced ISIS. Obama inherited the wars for profit while two million refugees from Iraq spread into Syria, taking ISIS with them. You are trying to blame the wrong source. Obama was nothing but a symptom of failed warsby the US that Dick Cheney was hell bent on waging. Stop blaming the guy who got caught catching a ride on a train for which he would have never ridden on to begin with; The Secret History of ISIS
But you were the one accusing Obama of kicking kids out of hospitals, not me.

No I didn't. I accused Obama as being as callous towards life as is Trump and that the (D)'s were hardly any better condemning that than the (R)'s are now. At least the (R)'s don't pretend to care.

It is relevant if you are making the claim. Telling tall tales isn't going to advance your narrative one inch by distracting to Obama. Still waiting on documentation?

You narrowed the claim down. A life is a life is a life. Where one is born does not change that.
So, show us documentation that supports the callous nature of Obama's policies? Without that, your words mean nothing. Without documentation supporting what you say, that's worth about two shits in a bucket.

American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

We voted on this. The vote was "No". He did it anyway and the (D)'s did nothing. We then started dropping bombs on the heads of innocent people.

So, you're talking about war in another country where kids never left. Got it. Yea, if that's proof Obama was kicking folks from other countries out of our own hospitals, I just grew a third eye and a second head. Thanks for letting us now that you were not telling the truth.

Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

My people come first. Fuck the rest of the world.

Then you just admitted that you are not pro-life. Thanks for proving me right.

Fuck off. No person killed that cockroach. Illness/disease did. Glad they shipped him ba k. Who the fuck wants to import disease into their country? Only an idiot...

Wow you sure aren't pro life.

Human beings are cockroaches.

I usually scroll right by your posts but the cockroach quote caught my eye and I read the post.

I wish I hadn't.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Evil has obviously consumed you in your hateful OP.

Americans should be pro-life for US Citizens ... FIRST!

Would you like to see a bunch of videos on Americans dying because they can't obtain health insurance even though Obama promised we'd all have health insurance.

Or how about the homeless in Seattle, LA, San Francisco, Washington DC, etc, etc, etc...??
Should the USA allow US citizens to die and not be cared for FIRST?

I suggest Ms Maddow or you, take in these children and care for them financially before she (and YOU) complain about horrible Republicans!
Another one proving he or she is not pro-life. Humans are humans, are they not? How is one human life more valued by way of boundaries? Does God think the same way as you? That human life is only valued by imaginary borders?

So you want chaos for your libtard utopia of no one works?
Oh, so it's about working now? Life is only important if the baby is going to be employed? My OP was spot on. The Republican hypocrisy and evil is on full display. Calling Jesus to the office. These Republicans need to be rescued from Satin. And to think, all this time, they had us believing they cared about life. Lol! Life is only important if they are employed. Got it.

You may have believed that but I have never believed that republicans are pro life. It's the reason why I don't use the term to describe them.. I use anti choice.

Pro life people don't fight with their lives for people who start wars with lies, torture people and kill thousands.

Pro life people don't fight with their lives to keep weapons of war in our nation so that crazy people can assassinate innocent people over and over and over with no end in sight. In fact they fight to keep the carnage happening.

Pro life people don't reverse laws that prevent mentally ill people from having weapons.

Pro life people don't advocate for reproductive laws that force women to die.

Pro life people don't refer to human beings as scum, slut, whore, thugs, trash, garbage, leaches and invaders.
Absolutely spot on. I wasn't smart enough to put it into context like you, but I thank you for typing out my exact sentiments as well. :clap2:
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

My people come first. Fuck the rest of the world.

Then you just admitted that you are not pro-life. Thanks for proving me right.

Fuck off. No person killed that cockroach. Illness/disease did. Glad they shipped him ba k. Who the fuck wants to import disease into their country? Only an idiot...

Wow you sure aren't pro life.

Human beings are cockroaches.

I usually scroll right by your posts but the cockroach quote caught my eye and I read the post.

I wish I hadn't.

These folks are disgusting human beings, hiding behind false beliefs.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

The people he's attacking now are here legally.

We have a program that allows people to come here legally for medical treatment. All the people he's kicking out now have legally applied to come here and were legally allowed to come here for medical treatment.

People who have cancer, heart problems, cystic fibrosis and a long list of other conditions.

I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy, I just couldn't imagine how much worse it could get and I didn't want to experience it.

This is just a disgrace.
Yea, I know. That's the part we haven't discussed. They're refugees seeking asylum from their own countries that we destroyed. Now isn't that some shit? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

Why did we NOT demand that Obama live up to his promises and stop these wars? Why did we NOT protest Obama's wars that he started?

Dude, get a grip. "PROTEST?" Are you serious? I protested the Gulf war for God's sake because it was a war based on profit. So was the second Iraq war. We used Zarqawi as the excuse for the second war which produced ISIS. Obama inherited the wars for profit while two million refugees from Iraq spread into Syria, taking ISIS with them. You are trying to blame the wrong source. Obama was nothing but a symptom of failed warsby the US that Dick Cheney was hell bent on waging. Stop blaming the guy who got caught catching a ride on a train for which he would have never ridden on to begin with; The Secret History of ISIS

Dick Cheney did not stop Obama from doing the right thing.
No I didn't. I accused Obama as being as callous towards life as is Trump and that the (D)'s were hardly any better condemning that than the (R)'s are now. At least the (R)'s don't pretend to care.

You narrowed the claim down. A life is a life is a life. Where one is born does not change that.
So, show us documentation that supports the callous nature of Obama's policies? Without that, your words mean nothing. Without documentation supporting what you say, that's worth about two shits in a bucket.

American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

We voted on this. The vote was "No". He did it anyway and the (D)'s did nothing. We then started dropping bombs on the heads of innocent people.

So, you're talking about war in another country where kids never left. Got it. Yea, if that's proof Obama was kicking folks from other countries out of our own hospitals, I just grew a third eye and a second head. Thanks for letting us now that you were not telling the truth.

Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

The people he's attacking now are here legally.

We have a program that allows people to come here legally for medical treatment. All the people he's kicking out now have legally applied to come here and were legally allowed to come here for medical treatment.

People who have cancer, heart problems, cystic fibrosis and a long list of other conditions.

I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy, I just couldn't imagine how much worse it could get and I didn't want to experience it.

This is just a disgrace.
Yea, I know. That's the part we haven't discussed. They're refugees seeking asylum from their own countries that we destroyed. Now isn't that some shit? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

Why did we NOT demand that Obama live up to his promises and stop these wars? Why did we NOT protest Obama's wars that he started?

Dude, get a grip. "PROTEST?" Are you serious? I protested the Gulf war for God's sake because it was a war based on profit. So was the second Iraq war. We used Zarqawi as the excuse for the second war which produced ISIS. Obama inherited the wars for profit while two million refugees from Iraq spread into Syria, taking ISIS with them. You are trying to blame the wrong source. Obama was nothing but a symptom of failed warsby the US that Dick Cheney was hell bent on waging. Stop blaming the guy who got caught catching a ride on a train for which he would have never ridden on to begin with; The Secret History of ISIS

Dick Cheney did not stop Obama from doing the right thing.

OMG! Are you serious? There was no right or wrong "thing" once ISIS took control, because no one knew who the enemy was by then. It challenges all my restraints to go off the deep end here, and wonder how in the world could any human being after years of discovering who was behind the lies about invading Iraq and why, that we end up blaming Obama? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Man, some of you haven't a clue. Nada Bakos, in verbal clear explanation, on video, explained the sequence of events by Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney, they were trying to wipe the intelligence about Zarqawi under the rug. Those are the two criminals to blame. It is totally ludicrous and grotesquely ignorant after watching how the intelligence was channeled, to skip all that, and jump to blaming Obama. That is nothing but partisan nonsense.
So, show us documentation that supports the callous nature of Obama's policies? Without that, your words mean nothing. Without documentation supporting what you say, that's worth about two shits in a bucket.

American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

We voted on this. The vote was "No". He did it anyway and the (D)'s did nothing. We then started dropping bombs on the heads of innocent people.

So, you're talking about war in another country where kids never left. Got it. Yea, if that's proof Obama was kicking folks from other countries out of our own hospitals, I just grew a third eye and a second head. Thanks for letting us now that you were not telling the truth.

Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.
Pro birth but not pro life.

No matter what evil Republicans do, they always say true or not, somebody else did it first.

As if that gives them license to be just as awful as you can be.
So, show us documentation that supports the callous nature of Obama's policies? Without that, your words mean nothing. Without documentation supporting what you say, that's worth about two shits in a bucket.

American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

We voted on this. The vote was "No". He did it anyway and the (D)'s did nothing. We then started dropping bombs on the heads of innocent people.

So, you're talking about war in another country where kids never left. Got it. Yea, if that's proof Obama was kicking folks from other countries out of our own hospitals, I just grew a third eye and a second head. Thanks for letting us now that you were not telling the truth.

Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
You have finally entered nonsense territory minus an intelligent rebuttal without documentation.
The people he's attacking now are here legally.

We have a program that allows people to come here legally for medical treatment. All the people he's kicking out now have legally applied to come here and were legally allowed to come here for medical treatment.

People who have cancer, heart problems, cystic fibrosis and a long list of other conditions.

I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy, I just couldn't imagine how much worse it could get and I didn't want to experience it.

This is just a disgrace.
Yea, I know. That's the part we haven't discussed. They're refugees seeking asylum from their own countries that we destroyed. Now isn't that some shit? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

Why did we NOT demand that Obama live up to his promises and stop these wars? Why did we NOT protest Obama's wars that he started?
Dude, get a grip. "PROTEST?" Are you serious? I protested the Gulf war for God's sake because it was a war based on profit. So was the second Iraq war. We used Zarqawi as the excuse for the second war which produced ISIS. Obama inherited the wars for profit while two million refugees from Iraq spread into Syria, taking ISIS with them. You are trying to blame the wrong source. Obama was nothing but a symptom of failed warsby the US that Dick Cheney was hell bent on waging. Stop blaming the guy who got caught catching a ride on a train for which he would have never ridden on to begin with; The Secret History of ISIS

Dick Cheney did not stop Obama from doing the right thing.
OMG! Are you serious? There was no right or wrong "thing" once ISIS took control, because no one knew who the enemy was by then. It challenges all my restraints to go off the deep end here, and wonder how in the world could any human being after years of discovering who was behind the lies about invading Iraq and why, that we end up blaming Obama? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Man, some of you haven't a clue. Nada Bakos, in verbal clear explanation, on video, explained the sequence of events by Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney, they were trying to wipe the intelligence about Zarqawi under the rug. Those are the two criminals to blame. It is totally ludicrous and grotesquely ignorant after watching how the intelligence was channeled, to skip all that, and jump to blaming Obama. That is nothing but partisan nonsense.

I didn't blame Obama for Iraq. I blamed him for his lies.
American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

We voted on this. The vote was "No". He did it anyway and the (D)'s did nothing. We then started dropping bombs on the heads of innocent people.

So, you're talking about war in another country where kids never left. Got it. Yea, if that's proof Obama was kicking folks from other countries out of our own hospitals, I just grew a third eye and a second head. Thanks for letting us now that you were not telling the truth.

Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
That's not a counter argument. It's a failure to lock horns with the information I provided to you.

You sent me a link to an hour long program. I do not need to watch that to understand what we did.
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Then walk your talk and cut a check or shut your mouth. You dumbfucks go on about how bad it is, yet do nothing but talk and go on about what a shame it is. There medical issues aren't ours. Their parents should have taken better care of them. Not the US taxpayer problem. Now, how much you going to donate or are you a typo or libtard and only talk?
American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

We voted on this. The vote was "No". He did it anyway and the (D)'s did nothing. We then started dropping bombs on the heads of innocent people.

So, you're talking about war in another country where kids never left. Got it. Yea, if that's proof Obama was kicking folks from other countries out of our own hospitals, I just grew a third eye and a second head. Thanks for letting us now that you were not telling the truth.

Always with the excuses when it's "your guy".
No excuses! History tells the true story of which Obama was the victim of the circumstances; The Secret History of ISIS

As I said, always with the excuses when it's your guy. (Obama and Hillary armed Isis)
You have finally entered nonsense territory minus an intelligent rebuttal without documentation.

The thing is, you know all of this already.

CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'
The lie that is pedaled all across this country on a daily basis by Republicans that they are pro-life was/is simply not true. And they will never be able to run on that claim, because the evidence is right here for everyone to see. I suppose their idea of pro-life cannot cross borders in order for pro-life to qualify? What a sick bunch of pathetic human beings, to take a kid with a life threatening illness back to his country only to die without medical treatment for his condition. Evil has consumed the Republican party, not pro-life.

Then walk your talk and cut a check or shut your mouth. You dumbfucks go on about how bad it is, yet do nothing but talk and go on about what a shame it is. There medical issues aren't ours. Their parents should have taken better care of them. Not the US taxpayer problem. Now, how much you going to donate or are you a typo or libtard and only talk?

When their parents decide to defend them you label them as "terrorists".

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