Republicans Are Taking Out Their Obama Hate On Dreamers and Child Refugees

How exactly?

Oh by the way? Most people of the Jewish faith in this country are Liberal and vote Democrat.
Exactly my question too! Where are the Facts supporting Libs taking their hate out on Jews and Christians?

Where are the facts that support your contention that Republicans hate children?
Convoluted rhetoric are not facts.

Conservatives (Republicans) voted to cut SNAP.

That's a program to feed American Children.
I'm a tax payer.

And I pay alot in taxes.

Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States.

That may not be the Christian thing to do..but it's the right thing to do.
Actually it IS exactly the Christian thing to do. But those who purport to be Christians are as far removed from being so as the Sun is from Pluto. Sad isn't it.

The Christian thing to do is for individuals to give of their resources to help those in need. The federal government is not Christian, as the left so often points out. It is bound by constraints enumerated in a document we call the Constitution.

I've asked repeatedly in threads on and around this subject for a Liberal to define charity. None have even attempted.

How about you, my friend?
Well you've evidently been reaching the wrong people with that question, my friend. Charity begins at home and should continue throughout the country. Did you know that there are grants and other monies that are given by the government for the purpose of assisting others who are in need? That is charity at it's best as should be. After all, it's far better for the government to assist those in need than to spend it on their pork barrel projects that will yield nothing but a chip on the sponsor's shoulder in the end. The government even gives Charity to foreign countries, by the billions, at times so take it from that. We simply cannot afford not to help those who are hungry in this great nation of wealth. We have the means and if people would only open their hearts so many others could be helped. But the main deterrent is not the Libs or the Democrats, my friend, they are willing to help those in need, it is the miserly Republicans who always throw a wrench into things when such assistance is being proposed. And that is the real Shame!
A new thread which is exactly the same as all others:
The initial post: "Republicans Are Taking Out Their Obama Hate On Dreamers and Child Refugees"
1st reply: "Libs are taking out their hate on Jews and Christians."
2nd reply: I chose to ignore it
3rd reply: "Oh by the way? Most people of the Jewish faith in this country are Liberal and vote Dem."
4th reply: "I'm a tax payer, and I pay a lot in taxes. Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States. That may not be the Christian thing to do; but it's the right thing to do."
5th reply: "That shit's about to change.

What does the 1sr reply have to do with the original post? It's an attempt to change the subject and point out that the left isn't perfect, which it failed to do. Most Democrats I know are as Christian as most of the Right Wings I know.

The 3rd reply speaks for itself correcting the lie of #2

The 3rd reply is great and surprising. For the Fundamental Right. You should take a look at yourselves and asked what's wrong with the reply.
"Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States. That may not be the Christian thing to do..but it's the right thing to do."
The Spirit of the NT made clear in a very few words.
For years I have asked why people are not willing to things for no other reason than it is the right thing to do. We don't do the right thing because it might cost us something and accumulating wealth is far more important than doing the right thing. Besides, we can use the money to buy things we really don't need.

I think it may be time for some people to change their wanters.
what a bunch of hateful people they call themselves our fellow countrymen and women

nothing but hate from this person
Yeah right.... Republicans hate children... Christ! If Liberals had there way, none would survive pregnancy.

We hate children because we want this administration to enforce the law.


You are entertaining though.
You want this administration to enforce the law? Then why the Hell didn't you argue that point when George W. Bush was president and had an all-Republican Congress and had SIGNED THE 2008 LAW TO ALLOW REFUGEE CHILDREN INTO THIS COUNTRY Plus When RONALD REAGAN WAS PRESIDENT and GAVE AMNESTY TO ILLEGALS? We can plainly see the sheer Complacency, Hypocrisy, and Idiocy that is there on your side which is very telling and speaks volumes for when it's politically convenient to speak out and when it's not. Shame On You!
You are assuming you know what I thought of a law in 2008? Really? You're a bigger ass than I thought.

I have ALWAYS been in favor of rigorous enforcement of immigration laws.

Unlike you and several commenters on the site you linked to in the OP, I often disagree with the policies of some in my party.

So, fool... Are you going to define "charity" or not?
Exactly my question too! Where are the Facts supporting Libs taking their hate out on Jews and Christians?

Where are the facts that support your contention that Republicans hate children?
Convoluted rhetoric are not facts.

Conservatives (Republicans) voted to cut SNAP.

That's a program to feed American Children.

Show me Constitutional justification for government feeding children.

Here's the secret: If you can't feed your kids, don't have so many.
Actually it IS exactly the Christian thing to do. But those who purport to be Christians are as far removed from being so as the Sun is from Pluto. Sad isn't it.

The Christian thing to do is for individuals to give of their resources to help those in need. The federal government is not Christian, as the left so often points out. It is bound by constraints enumerated in a document we call the Constitution.

I've asked repeatedly in threads on and around this subject for a Liberal to define charity. None have even attempted.

How about you, my friend?
Well you've evidently been reaching the wrong people with that question, my friend. Charity begins at home and should continue throughout the country. Did you know that there are grants and other monies that are given by the government for the purpose of assisting others who are in need? That is charity at it's best as should be. After all, it's far better for the government to assist those in need than to spend it on their pork barrel projects that will yield nothing but a chip on the sponsor's shoulder in the end. The government even gives Charity to foreign countries, by the billions, at times so take it from that. We simply cannot afford not to help those who are hungry in this great nation of wealth. We have the means and if people would only open their hearts so many others could be helped. But the main deterrent is not the Libs or the Democrats, my friend, they are willing to help those in need, it is the miserly Republicans who always throw a wrench into things when such assistance is being proposed. And that is the real Shame!

Yes we have the means as individuals, but we don't have the Constitutional authority as a nation.

You started off on the right foot with your definition before you wandered off to socialistic largess.
Charity does indeed begin at home. What you failed to say is that charity is voluntary. When I am forced to contribute to a cause, even one I support, it is no longer charity. It is theft.

Name one charitable thing you do on your own.
A new thread which is exactly the same as all others:
The initial post: "Republicans Are Taking Out Their Obama Hate On Dreamers and Child Refugees"
1st reply: "Libs are taking out their hate on Jews and Christians."
2nd reply: I chose to ignore it
3rd reply: "Oh by the way? Most people of the Jewish faith in this country are Liberal and vote Dem."
4th reply: "I'm a tax payer, and I pay a lot in taxes. Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States. That may not be the Christian thing to do; but it's the right thing to do."
5th reply: "That shit's about to change.

What does the 1sr reply have to do with the original post? It's an attempt to change the subject and point out that the left isn't perfect, which it failed to do. Most Democrats I know are as Christian as most of the Right Wings I know.

The 3rd reply speaks for itself correcting the lie of #2

The 3rd reply is great and surprising. For the Fundamental Right. You should take a look at yourselves and asked what's wrong with the reply.
"Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States. That may not be the Christian thing to do..but it's the right thing to do."
The Spirit of the NT made clear in a very few words.
For years I have asked why people are not willing to things for no other reason than it is the right thing to do. We don't do the right thing because it might cost us something and accumulating wealth is far more important than doing the right thing. Besides, we can use the money to buy things we really don't need.

I think it may be time for some people to change their wanters.
The right thing to do is open the border and let 50year old men sign up for high school claiming they are 16? The right thing to do is arm drug dealers and terrorists and then beg them to enter our country to rape and kill our families? The right thing to do is advertise to children to run away from their homes so we can adopt and raise them as orphans in the USA? WTF?
Problem is we don't hate Obama. We hate his policies which are destroying us.

Republican (Conservative) elected officials have shown their hatred for Obama over and over again.

[ame=]Top Republican Who 'Can't Stand To Look' At Obama Revealed - YouTube[/ame]
The right thing to do is open the border and let 50year old men sign up for high school claiming they are 16? The right thing to do is arm drug dealers and terrorists and then beg them to enter our country to rape and kill our families? The right thing to do is advertise to children to run away from their homes so we can adopt and raise them as orphans in the USA? WTF?

Are you talking about Ronald Reagan, again?

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks to Ronald Reagan, the Contras got to turn Central America into a drug haven and Middle Eastern Terrorists like Osama Bin Laden received the training to do 9/11.

All in one scandal!

Libs are taking out their hate on Jews and Christians.

Yup and the taxpayers of America.

Another piece of bullshit brought to you courtesey of Politicaltouchhole, a fucking idiot.

I'm a tax payer.

And I pay alot in taxes.

Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States.

That may not be the Christian thing to do..but it's the right thing to do.

Bullshit. The taxpayers of America have enough to pay for without dragging kids from other countries here and making us liable for them.

Your another idiot who's magnanimous with other peoples money.

To bad they all can't land at your house at your expense. You'd change your tune big time then.
You see these people have become nothing but pawns for the Democrat party in bed with LaRaza

when you see that kind of hate like that title you know it's got Democrat/progressives hand all over it

this has become so ugly and it's your government with Obama leading them doing it to you

never thought I'd see something like this from a Political party that are now putting down the legal citizens in the country over this

either wake up or let them walk all over you
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I believe the Christian Slater line from Broken Arrow says it best.
Seriously your mind has taken a walk off the map.
The right thing to do is open the border and let 50year old men sign up for high school claiming they are 16? The right thing to do is arm drug dealers and terrorists and then beg them to enter our country to rape and kill our families? The right thing to do is advertise to children to run away from their homes so we can adopt and raise them as orphans in the USA? WTF?

Are you talking about Ronald Reagan, again?

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks to Ronald Reagan, the Contras got to turn Central America into a drug haven and Middle Eastern Terrorists like Osama Bin Laden received the training to do 9/11.

All in one scandal!

Well that was stupid of Reagan wasn't it? But, I thought RR was dead. Why bring him up he's not POTUS is he? Are you trying to say it's ok for Obama to do it because RR did it?
The Christian thing to do is for individuals to give of their resources to help those in need. The federal government is not Christian, as the left so often points out. It is bound by constraints enumerated in a document we call the Constitution.

I've asked repeatedly in threads on and around this subject for a Liberal to define charity. None have even attempted.

How about you, my friend?
Well you've evidently been reaching the wrong people with that question, my friend. Charity begins at home and should continue throughout the country. Did you know that there are grants and other monies that are given by the government for the purpose of assisting others who are in need? That is charity at it's best as should be. After all, it's far better for the government to assist those in need than to spend it on their pork barrel projects that will yield nothing but a chip on the sponsor's shoulder in the end. The government even gives Charity to foreign countries, by the billions, at times so take it from that. We simply cannot afford not to help those who are hungry in this great nation of wealth. We have the means and if people would only open their hearts so many others could be helped. But the main deterrent is not the Libs or the Democrats, my friend, they are willing to help those in need, it is the miserly Republicans who always throw a wrench into things when such assistance is being proposed. And that is the real Shame!

Yes we have the means as individuals, but we don't have the Constitutional authority as a nation.

You started off on the right foot with your definition before you wandered off to socialistic largess.
Charity does indeed begin at home. What you failed to say is that charity is voluntary. When I am forced to contribute to a cause, even one I support, it is no longer charity. It is theft.

Name one charitable thing you do on your own.
I can name several. Among them, giving to churches, giving to the poor, giving to assist in efforts to help rebuild where there have been disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes and people have been left homeless to the degree that I can. As a humanitarian, I like being involved in these type of things because they are the right things to do. You should try it sometime.

As far as the national scene and foreign aid is concerned, did you know that the U.S. in 2012 contributed $37,680,000,000 in foreign aid? We did. That's a lot of money but it goes to good causes around the world. $4.1 Billion alone went for Humanitarian Assistance that many would call charity purposes. And we proudly gave $10.5 Billion for things to include Social Services which of course help people. But actually that is not enough, it is mere peanuts compared to the whole budget of this country.

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