Republicans are the real progressives.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Republicans created this magnificent country with their progressive mentality. It was Republicans who ended slavery and Jim Crow laws and created a perfect system where everyone is equal on paper. The work of social progress is mostly done now and the never-ending pursuit of technological innovation and increased manufacturing is the area that will always demand the most progress.

Republicans want America to focus our educational system on turning out hard-working productive citizens that abide by the rule of law and are well educated in the area that primarily matters, STEM. Republicans want America to be the country of innovation and manufacturing. We must focus on practical, productive education and incentivize hard work. We must focus on practical sources of energy such as fossil fuels and nuclear power. We must keep Americans working more hours every week as we must keep Americans out working, out innovating, and out producing every other country in the world.

Republicans are always looking to the future, rather than focusing on the past. Republicans are the party of consistent progress. what expense do republicans do these things and to what end?

Economic prosperity and technical innovation are the foundation of a great civilization. As far as expenses, Republicans want to lower taxes and government spending, not raise them. The leftists want to spend tax money on wasteful and destructive "progressive" agendas. what expense do republicans do these things and to what end?

Economic prosperity and technical innovation are the foundation of a great civilization. As far as expenses, Republicans want to lower taxes and government spending, not raise them. The leftists want to spend tax money on wasteful and destructive "progressive" agendas.

our economic property is mostly due to europe and japan having to take decades to recover from WWII, leaving us very little competition, and progressives are the ones who save America from Marxism and will be the one who saves it again. Not the freaking conservatives.

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