Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Plenty of banks and mortgage swindlers got found guilty. Good bank of america found guilty for example.

Anyways, this is no argument for voting GOP, is it?

How much did the people get back from those bad loans that BofA was fined for?

Which executives were hauled off to jail?

Congress sat on their hands while people were screwed over and the banks got bailout money.

Anyways it's no argument to vote for the Dems is it?
No, but it's an argument to get you to stop caucusing with rich people who you have nothing in common with other than the color of your skin.

wow!! pandering on two different levels; race and class

Why else do you poor white dudes vote GOP other than race, god, gays and guns?

what race are you leftard?

dont say Black

cuz then wer'e going to have a lil conversation about who REALLY votes against their own interests ok?
Greek American. Basically white. Middle class.
Some think the Republicans or the rich they serve tanked the economy on purpose. All the tax breaks to the rich and corporations while starting two wars. Add to that stop enforcing companies only hire legal workers. Then send all the manufacturing overseas and THEN raise gas to $4 a gallon.

And they got away with it. Even tarp'ed our asses on the way out harry.

More BS, your Democrats did nothing to those on Wall St. after the crash of 2008. They let them go. You know why because your Democratic Congressmen, just like Republicans don't give a crap about you or I. You spout so much propaganda BS, it is nauseating.
Plenty of banks and mortgage swindlers got found guilty. Good bank of america found guilty for example.

Anyways, this is no argument for voting GOP, is it?

How much did the people get back from those bad loans that BofA was fined for?

Which executives were hauled off to jail?

Congress sat on their hands while people were screwed over and the banks got bailout money.

Anyways it's no argument to vote for the Dems is it?
No, but it's an argument to get you to stop caucusing with rich people who you have nothing in common with other than the color of your skin.

Same goes for you Democrats who failed to prosecute those executives that scandal end away tax dollars and were never punished.
Tit for tat. If you lived through GW Bush's presidency and didn't wake up you aint gonna wake up now.
Bill Clinton's Energy Secretary took ENRON execs on overseas official government business trips.
libs are losers who lie to themselves
Yawn; Democrats were and still are neck-deep in banks and in the practices they blame Republicans for tanking the economy.

there is nothing easier to disprove than left-wing lies.
record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress"

idiots and hypocrites

Not exactly.

The 10 Worst Corporate Accounting Scandals of All Time

Thank you four out of the 5 scandals were caught during the Bush Years, jail time given to the ones responsible. The others not so much.

If it makes you feel better about yourself when you pull the lever for Jeb.

There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
How much did the people get back from those bad loans that BofA was fined for?

Which executives were hauled off to jail?

Congress sat on their hands while people were screwed over and the banks got bailout money.

Anyways it's no argument to vote for the Dems is it?
No, but it's an argument to get you to stop caucusing with rich people who you have nothing in common with other than the color of your skin.

wow!! pandering on two different levels; race and class

Why else do you poor white dudes vote GOP other than race, god, gays and guns?

what race are you leftard?

dont say Black

cuz then wer'e going to have a lil conversation about who REALLY votes against their own interests ok?
Greek American. Basically white. Middle class.

useful idiot dupe

but still playing the race card. i see
Enron's Democrat Pals - TIME,8599,338580,00.html
Aug 17, 2002 - Clinton officials also made efforts to help Enron get business overseas. Clinton Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary included Enron officials on
More BS, your Democrats did nothing to those on Wall St. after the crash of 2008. They let them go. You know why because your Democratic Congressmen, just like Republicans don't give a crap about you or I. You spout so much propaganda BS, it is nauseating.
Plenty of banks and mortgage swindlers got found guilty. Good bank of america found guilty for example.

Anyways, this is no argument for voting GOP, is it?

How much did the people get back from those bad loans that BofA was fined for?

Which executives were hauled off to jail?

Congress sat on their hands while people were screwed over and the banks got bailout money.

Anyways it's no argument to vote for the Dems is it?
No, but it's an argument to get you to stop caucusing with rich people who you have nothing in common with other than the color of your skin.

Same goes for you Democrats who failed to prosecute those executives that scandal end away tax dollars and were never punished.
Tit for tat. If you lived through GW Bush's presidency and didn't wake up you aint gonna wake up now.

It's not about party, it is about what is right for the country. I refuse to vote party line. That is where this country is screwed. It is the lazy voter that votes with the propaganda and not with their mind.
Bill Clinton's Energy Secretary took ENRON execs on overseas official government business trips.
libs are losers who lie to themselves

Gore had private energy meetings with Enron and other energy companies. Closed door policy decisions were made.
Enron and the Clintonites | The Weekly Standard
The Weekly Standard
Jan 21, 2002 - Enron, then a growing giant in energy trading, practically had a reserved seat on Clinton administration trade junkets. Commerce Secretary

Bobo is not about honesty or truth it is all party line propaganda.

He excuses all wrong by Democrats and assigns blame to all Republicans. He can't grasp that other people would actually vote for change and not the party line.

He says we need to take back government and yet when given an opportunity, he votes party line. Hillary has his vote tied up, why? She is more Wall St. than any other candidate.
More BS, your Democrats did nothing to those on Wall St. after the crash of 2008. They let them go. You know why because your Democratic Congressmen, just like Republicans don't give a crap about you or I. You spout so much propaganda BS, it is nauseating.
Plenty of banks and mortgage swindlers got found guilty. Good bank of america found guilty for example.

Anyways, this is no argument for voting GOP, is it?

How much did the people get back from those bad loans that BofA was fined for?

Which executives were hauled off to jail?

Congress sat on their hands while people were screwed over and the banks got bailout money.

Anyways it's no argument to vote for the Dems is it?
No, but it's an argument to get you to stop caucusing with rich people who you have nothing in common with other than the color of your skin.

Same goes for you Democrats who failed to prosecute those executives that scandal end away tax dollars and were never punished.
Tit for tat. If you lived through GW Bush's presidency and didn't wake up you aint gonna wake up now.

You lived through the Enron, WorldComm scandals of Clinton and you tell me to wake up?
see frankie this is what am trying to tell are so full of your party you just cant see someone thinking your party and the other party are kinda pathetic frankie....i can see the difference that you cant see....because you cant or wont....
We see it. But the solution is to take 1 of the parties back, not start a new one. Look at how well that worked out for Perot or Paul. Stop it Harry.
take one of the parties back?....yea thats working out great aint it....i was a democrat bobo all my voting life until the late 90's,voted for clinton twice,then far left people like your buddy dean started coming in and started fucking things up,my state is an example,we had a nice blend of liberalism with conservatism,paradise here,then the farther left started taking things over....boom there went california.....thats when i said goodby party.....and until you farther left people get overthrown i wont ever consider voting democrat again....and the republicans are to far right for my tastes....many of them hate anyone thats not like them...and that includes me as i have been told over the years here by many of take your party back bobo and when you dump people like dean let me know....until then i will be my own man....
Think POLICY, please. Every party has to have people like that. But the GOP has MANY MORE when you talk politics. And BAD POLICIES. What policies did Dems do to Cal again? Gov. which? Too damn many people I think is your problem lol...
why does every party HAVE to have people like that?....and as far as i am concerned the democrats have just as many of those kind of people....what policies? about good intentioned policies that no one watched over that started getting abused and ripe with fraud,and if ANYONE including democrats try to reign it in,you get called a heartless racist asshole by certain people out here,you know the ones i said ruined the party and the State,and since no one wants to be looked at as a racist the abuse went on.....and we have always had more people in this State than any other one the last 40 years and had done just fine........
I couldn't care less what kind of people are in a party OR representing it, JUST THE POLICIES they want.

WTF policy do you mean lol? Dean would like to apologize for calling you a racist lol. You're killing me. Hey, 38 million is a helluva lot. Here in WNY we have exactly as many as always lol....perfect place, and the snow keeps the pussies out lol...
Dean would like to apologize for calling you a racist lol. You're killing me
not asking him to apologize,he is to much of an asshole to do that,i was asking him to do what he asks the righties here to do....prove it....something he just cant seem to do.....but thats the kind of assholes that are now abundant in both parties....big talkers....
Yawn; Democrats were and still are neck-deep in banks and in the practices they blame Republicans for tanking the economy.

there is nothing easier to disprove than left-wing lies.
record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress"

idiots and hypocrites

Not exactly.

The 10 Worst Corporate Accounting Scandals of All Time

Thank you four out of the 5 scandals were caught during the Bush Years, jail time given to the ones responsible. The others not so much.

If it makes you feel better about yourself when you pull the lever for Jeb.

There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

Thank you four out of the 5 scandals were caught during the Bush Years, jail time given to the ones responsible. The others not so much.

If it makes you feel better about yourself when you pull the lever for Jeb.

There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

you are a brainwashed, angry left-wing loser

the GOP never "obstructed" obama "from the get go", they just didnt have the numbers
if that is your premise you left-wing losers have a whole lot of explaining to do when you crybabies whine that Bush "tanked the economy", because you are saying even a MINORITY can "obstruct" a President, Democrats were A MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS FOR ALL OF BUSH'S LAST TWO YEARS
you're crying like a baby that people you're calling dumb "sabatoged" a guy you consider brilliant, in smaller numbers no less.

this is why you left-wing losers are dangerous and yet laughable at the same time, you really believe the lies you tell yourselves

Thank you four out of the 5 scandals were caught during the Bush Years, jail time given to the ones responsible. The others not so much.

If it makes you feel better about yourself when you pull the lever for Jeb.

There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.

Thank you four out of the 5 scandals were caught during the Bush Years, jail time given to the ones responsible. The others not so much.

If it makes you feel better about yourself when you pull the lever for Jeb.

There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.
It's impossible to fix people who are brainwashed and set in their ways and refuse to see things clearly. Do what you want. You and trump will be very happy together.

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