Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

you're crying like a baby that people you're calling dumb "sabatoged" a guy you consider brilliant, in smaller numbers no less.

this is why you left-wing losers are dangerous and yet laughable at the same time, you really believe the lies you tell yourselves
I'm not calling them dumb. I'm calling YOU Americans dumb for rewarding their obstruction and sabotage. The media plays you like fools and you think its liberal. You are a joke.
Thank you four out of the 5 scandals were caught during the Bush Years, jail time given to the ones responsible. The others not so much.

If it makes you feel better about yourself when you pull the lever for Jeb.

There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.
It's impossible to fix people who are brainwashed and set in their ways and refuse to see things clearly. Do what you want. You and trump will be very happy together.

Sorry, not seeing what Trump has to do with anything.
Who is brainwashed, me who is looking at alternative candidates and not voting party line or you, who will vote for a Democrat every time?

Who is wanting to take back government like you want and said you will vote for Hillary. Or myself that is willing to look at other parties.

Who is more likely to vote with there head a guy who votes Democrat every time or a person that looks at many candidates and doesn't let mainstream politics effect a decision.

I am the one that didn't vote for Cain or Obama because I saw a better choice. You vote Democrat.

You are the one brainwashed, Clinton helped Enron, Bush ended Enron and sent people to prison for it. Yet, you blame Bush, that is stupidity right there.
Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
thats funny the righties say the same thing only its a vote for the people....just cant see past their own little bubble...

A third party vote is pretty useless.
voting for the same shit over and over is pretty useless too...
Not if you can stop Pubs from obstructing the good stuff. My advice. Move to Oregon, Hawaii, or WNY. or Cambodia.
see frankie this what i have been trying to tell are one of those guys where everything wrong is because of republicans,democrats just cant do no wrong,their shit just smells wonderful people on the right are the same way,its always the lefts fault,then you wonder why people like me cant stand any of you fuckers.....none of you will admit when you are wrong,its always the other guys.....and move back to W.NY?....yea Lake Effect snow,snowstorms coming out of Canada,you can keep that shit,i think i will tolerate the weather here thank warming has been here for some time now....we are used to it....
Then tell me what the fuck you're talking about lol. Pubs wrecked the middle class with their tax rates and payroll tax and political discussion with talking points and propaganda, allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence, ditto a depression, Reagan argghh.....see sig. So WTF have Dems done wrong fer crying out loud?

Dem ALSO know what compromise and a presidential honeymoon mean. It's called good gov't. Pubs lie cheat steal. WTF are YOU talking about?!?!?
So WTF have Dems done wrong fer crying out loud?
frankie you are too controlled by the democrats to talk about this,i have told you in the last few threads what i think about the democrats and it just goes whipping by you dont want to hear it so why keep on asking?...was it the republicans in my state who gave the state workers their great overpriced pension plan thats helping milk the State dry?...i worked for the feds frankie and my pension aint no where near as nice as theirs...a retired CHP officer on my route was getting 90% of her base pay with 100% medical....pretty fucking nice....which party backed that?....i dont have any problems with people getting nice pensions,but these ones were somewhat overblown....and now many are going to have some of the stuff they were promised taken away,which sucks,because this is what they were working towards,and Gov Brown will take a lot of heat to back taking benefits away....i dont like either party frankie they both are filled with assholes and unscrupulous people that are for themselves and their party and will back throwing us a bone only if there is something in it for far as your girlfriend hillary goes,i dont trust her,she has too much baggage...and as far as trump goes,his whole life has been about the almighty dollar,thats whats important to
you're crying like a baby that people you're calling dumb "sabatoged" a guy you consider brilliant, in smaller numbers no less.

this is why you left-wing losers are dangerous and yet laughable at the same time, you really believe the lies you tell yourselves
I'm not calling them dumb. I'm calling YOU Americans dumb for rewarding their obstruction and sabotage. The media plays you like fools and you think its liberal. You are a joke.

silly idiot; it's the same thing. we elected those Republicans that were able to "obstruct" your Messiah obama, in smaller numbers no less.
Oh and a huge majority of newscasters self-identify as Liberals. If you think their views dont bleed through in the news you're the joke dude.
If it makes you feel better about yourself when you pull the lever for Jeb.

There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.
It's impossible to fix people who are brainwashed and set in their ways and refuse to see things clearly. Do what you want. You and trump will be very happy together.

Sorry, not seeing what Trump has to do with anything.
Who is brainwashed, me who is looking at alternative candidates and not voting party line or you, who will vote for a Democrat every time?

Who is wanting to take back government like you want and said you will vote for Hillary. Or myself that is willing to look at other parties.

Who is more likely to vote with there head a guy who votes Democrat every time or a person that looks at many candidates and doesn't let mainstream politics effect a decision.

I am the one that didn't vote for Cain or Obama because I saw a better choice. You vote Democrat.

You are the one brainwashed, Clinton helped Enron, Bush ended Enron and sent people to prison for it. Yet, you blame Bush, that is stupidity right there.
I know a 3rd party isn't going to work.

Ok, I'm on your side. Who's our 3rd party candidate? I'll go with that guy for now. But when he/she doesn't win and its Trump or Jeb vs. Hillary, I'm going Hillary. If it's Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary I'll go Bernie first.

Its good to know at least you aren't as much of a conservative as I thought you were. Middle class conservatives have a problem with
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Why do third parties so often fail in American politics
There is the difference, you will pull the lever for any Democrat. I won't pull the lever for any Republican. Cain nor Obama got my vote in 2008. Obama because from the get go is promises were empty and McCain was co-author CFR.
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.
It's impossible to fix people who are brainwashed and set in their ways and refuse to see things clearly. Do what you want. You and trump will be very happy together.

Sorry, not seeing what Trump has to do with anything.
Who is brainwashed, me who is looking at alternative candidates and not voting party line or you, who will vote for a Democrat every time?

Who is wanting to take back government like you want and said you will vote for Hillary. Or myself that is willing to look at other parties.

Who is more likely to vote with there head a guy who votes Democrat every time or a person that looks at many candidates and doesn't let mainstream politics effect a decision.

I am the one that didn't vote for Cain or Obama because I saw a better choice. You vote Democrat.

You are the one brainwashed, Clinton helped Enron, Bush ended Enron and sent people to prison for it. Yet, you blame Bush, that is stupidity right there.
I know a 3rd party isn't going to work.

Ok, I'm on your side. Who's our 3rd party candidate? I'll go with that guy for now. But when he/she doesn't win and its Trump or Jeb vs. Hillary, I'm going Hillary. If it's Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary I'll go Bernie first.

Its good to know at least you aren't as much of a conservative as I thought you were. Middle class conservatives have a problem with
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Why do third parties so often fail in American politics

you're ranting about Republicans and giant corporate interests, and included as a source ENRON. It has been repeatedly shown to you that ENRON was a mostly Democrat scandal Sealybobo. Yet you choose to ignore reality

and you have the gall to accuse others of cognitive dissonance???

you're a mental-case leftard
you're crying like a baby that people you're calling dumb "sabatoged" a guy you consider brilliant, in smaller numbers no less.

this is why you left-wing losers are dangerous and yet laughable at the same time, you really believe the lies you tell yourselves
I'm not calling them dumb. I'm calling YOU Americans dumb for rewarding their obstruction and sabotage. The media plays you like fools and you think its liberal. You are a joke.

silly idiot; it's the same thing. we elected those Republicans that were able to "obstruct" your Messiah obama, in smaller numbers no less.
Oh and a huge majority of newscasters self-identify as Liberals. If you think their views dont bleed through in the news you're the joke dude.
Of course if they are brainwashing you and lying to you they're going to "self proclaim" themselves as liberals. The Detroit News does that too. Then they go endorse GOP Gov. Rick Snyder. And hey, if even the liberal Detroit News is endorsing the guy, he must be GREAT, right? STUPID F's.

They can be liberal on social issues but never on economic issues. In fact, the Detroit News use to have a page or two dedicated to labor. Now it's all Wallstreet and Corporate topics. How's the corporations doing? Not how are the workers doing. If the media were liberal Bush would have got impeached.

So it didn't surprise me when the Supreme Court gave us gay marriage but has sided with corporate interests 100% of the time. Does that means Alito and Roberts are flaming social conservatives but fiscally extreme conservatives? No. It means they don't give a rats ass about gay marriage. They use that shit to distract stupid people like you. Seriously.

Mitch McConnnel, the Kentucky senator, continuously partisan and mean spirited in public, leading a record number of filibusters as Senate minority leader during Obama’s tenure, forcing more than a quarter of all cloture votes in the history of the Senate since the beginning of the Republic. IN THE HISTORY!!! And you defended him because you are brainwashed to love the GOP and hate liberals who did not put our economy in the ditch and did not give all the money to the top 1%. I love how you right wingers will even try to pin that on us. F you. Seriously, I can't take it anymore.

And you rewarded the GOP for their bad behavior?
Obama's promises were empty from the get go? You stupid American sheep rewarded the GOP obstructionists who sabotaged the man's presidency from the get go.

God I hate stupid. You are all so fucking dumb.

Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.
It's impossible to fix people who are brainwashed and set in their ways and refuse to see things clearly. Do what you want. You and trump will be very happy together.

Sorry, not seeing what Trump has to do with anything.
Who is brainwashed, me who is looking at alternative candidates and not voting party line or you, who will vote for a Democrat every time?

Who is wanting to take back government like you want and said you will vote for Hillary. Or myself that is willing to look at other parties.

Who is more likely to vote with there head a guy who votes Democrat every time or a person that looks at many candidates and doesn't let mainstream politics effect a decision.

I am the one that didn't vote for Cain or Obama because I saw a better choice. You vote Democrat.

You are the one brainwashed, Clinton helped Enron, Bush ended Enron and sent people to prison for it. Yet, you blame Bush, that is stupidity right there.
I know a 3rd party isn't going to work.

Ok, I'm on your side. Who's our 3rd party candidate? I'll go with that guy for now. But when he/she doesn't win and its Trump or Jeb vs. Hillary, I'm going Hillary. If it's Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary I'll go Bernie first.

Its good to know at least you aren't as much of a conservative as I thought you were. Middle class conservatives have a problem with
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Why do third parties so often fail in American politics

you're ranting about Republicans and giant corporate interests, and included as a source ENRON. It has been repeatedly shown to you that ENRON was a mostly Democrat scandal Sealybobo. Yet you choose to ignore reality

and you have the gall to accuse others of cognitive dissonance???

you're a mental-case leftard

Yea and Clinton signed Nafta. I'm not going to argue with a fool who probably thinks NAFTA was a democratic idea just because Bill Clinton signed it.

All I know is the banks and mortgage giants tried to cheat us because they were deregulated. Who's all for deregulating these industries? Are We Ailing from Too Much Deregulation Cato Institute

Who's against it? Elizabeth Warren. She wants to regulate the bankers and Wallstreet and go after the cheats but do you support her? No, you right wingers just write her off as a libtard. You are the fools.

Is Enron another one of your Solyndras?
Ok, Clinton will take Enron. But Bush has to take the entire collapse of the global economy and his Great Recession of 2007. Bush had 8 years plus a majority in both houses for many of those years, almost 6 of them, and him and Tom Delay and pedophile Dennis Hastert made things worse not better.
you're crying like a baby that people you're calling dumb "sabatoged" a guy you consider brilliant, in smaller numbers no less.

this is why you left-wing losers are dangerous and yet laughable at the same time, you really believe the lies you tell yourselves
I'm not calling them dumb. I'm calling YOU Americans dumb for rewarding their obstruction and sabotage. The media plays you like fools and you think its liberal. You are a joke.

silly idiot; it's the same thing. we elected those Republicans that were able to "obstruct" your Messiah obama, in smaller numbers no less.
Oh and a huge majority of newscasters self-identify as Liberals. If you think their views dont bleed through in the news you're the joke dude.
Of course if they are brainwashing you and lying to you they're going to "self proclaim" themselves as liberals. The Detroit News does that too. Then they go endorse GOP Gov. Rick Snyder. And hey, if even the liberal Detroit News is endorsing the guy, he must be GREAT, right? STUPID F's.

They can be liberal on social issues but never on economic issues. In fact, the Detroit News use to have a page or two dedicated to labor. Now it's all Wallstreet and Corporate topics. How's the corporations doing? Not how are the workers doing. If the media were liberal Bush would have got impeached.

So it didn't surprise me when the Supreme Court gave us gay marriage but has sided with corporate interests 100% of the time. Does that means Alito and Roberts are flaming social conservatives but fiscally extreme conservatives? No. It means they don't give a rats ass about gay marriage. They use that shit to distract stupid people like you. Seriously.

Mitch McConnnel, the Kentucky senator, continuously partisan and mean spirited in public, leading a record number of filibusters as Senate minority leader during Obama’s tenure, forcing more than a quarter of all cloture votes in the history of the Senate since the beginning of the Republic. IN THE HISTORY!!! And you defended him because you are brainwashed to love the GOP and hate liberals who did not put our economy in the ditch and did not give all the money to the top 1%. I love how you right wingers will even try to pin that on us. F you. Seriously, I can't take it anymore.

And you rewarded the GOP for their bad behavior?

you are simply a moron deep in denial

the you post the dumber you look. it's embarrassing to witness
Ok, Clinton will take Enron. But Bush has to take the entire collapse of the global economy and his Great Recession of 2007. Bush had 8 years plus a majority in both houses for many of those years, almost 6 of them, and him and Tom Delay and pedophile Dennis Hastert made things worse not better.

more stupidity from you

when you blame Bush for stuff you ought to be able tho show where your own Jackass Party didnt repeatedly vote FOR and CONTINUE all the policies you're blaming bush for

keep trying. it's funn slapping you around ;)
you're crying like a baby that people you're calling dumb "sabatoged" a guy you consider brilliant, in smaller numbers no less.

this is why you left-wing losers are dangerous and yet laughable at the same time, you really believe the lies you tell yourselves
I'm not calling them dumb. I'm calling YOU Americans dumb for rewarding their obstruction and sabotage. The media plays you like fools and you think its liberal. You are a joke.

silly idiot; it's the same thing. we elected those Republicans that were able to "obstruct" your Messiah obama, in smaller numbers no less.
Oh and a huge majority of newscasters self-identify as Liberals. If you think their views dont bleed through in the news you're the joke dude.
Of course if they are brainwashing you and lying to you they're going to "self proclaim" themselves as liberals. The Detroit News does that too. Then they go endorse GOP Gov. Rick Snyder. And hey, if even the liberal Detroit News is endorsing the guy, he must be GREAT, right? STUPID F's.

They can be liberal on social issues but never on economic issues. In fact, the Detroit News use to have a page or two dedicated to labor. Now it's all Wallstreet and Corporate topics. How's the corporations doing? Not how are the workers doing. If the media were liberal Bush would have got impeached.

So it didn't surprise me when the Supreme Court gave us gay marriage but has sided with corporate interests 100% of the time. Does that means Alito and Roberts are flaming social conservatives but fiscally extreme conservatives? No. It means they don't give a rats ass about gay marriage. They use that shit to distract stupid people like you. Seriously.

Mitch McConnnel, the Kentucky senator, continuously partisan and mean spirited in public, leading a record number of filibusters as Senate minority leader during Obama’s tenure, forcing more than a quarter of all cloture votes in the history of the Senate since the beginning of the Republic. IN THE HISTORY!!! And you defended him because you are brainwashed to love the GOP and hate liberals who did not put our economy in the ditch and did not give all the money to the top 1%. I love how you right wingers will even try to pin that on us. F you. Seriously, I can't take it anymore.

And you rewarded the GOP for their bad behavior?

you are simply a moron deep in denial

the you post the dumber you look. it's embarrassing to witness
Of course someone who's brainwashed and wrong would say that. That's exactly what a Muslim told me the other day when I told them their religion was completely made up. No matter what evidence I give.

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

You keep telling yourself its me who's wrong. LOL
Ok, Clinton will take Enron. But Bush has to take the entire collapse of the global economy and his Great Recession of 2007. Bush had 8 years plus a majority in both houses for many of those years, almost 6 of them, and him and Tom Delay and pedophile Dennis Hastert made things worse not better.

more stupidity from you

when you blame Bush for stuff you ought to be able tho show where your own Jackass Party didnt repeatedly vote FOR and CONTINUE all the policies you're blaming bush for

keep trying. it's funn slapping you around ;)
If you're having fun then I quit.
Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.
It's impossible to fix people who are brainwashed and set in their ways and refuse to see things clearly. Do what you want. You and trump will be very happy together.

Sorry, not seeing what Trump has to do with anything.
Who is brainwashed, me who is looking at alternative candidates and not voting party line or you, who will vote for a Democrat every time?

Who is wanting to take back government like you want and said you will vote for Hillary. Or myself that is willing to look at other parties.

Who is more likely to vote with there head a guy who votes Democrat every time or a person that looks at many candidates and doesn't let mainstream politics effect a decision.

I am the one that didn't vote for Cain or Obama because I saw a better choice. You vote Democrat.

You are the one brainwashed, Clinton helped Enron, Bush ended Enron and sent people to prison for it. Yet, you blame Bush, that is stupidity right there.
I know a 3rd party isn't going to work.

Ok, I'm on your side. Who's our 3rd party candidate? I'll go with that guy for now. But when he/she doesn't win and its Trump or Jeb vs. Hillary, I'm going Hillary. If it's Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary I'll go Bernie first.

Its good to know at least you aren't as much of a conservative as I thought you were. Middle class conservatives have a problem with
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Why do third parties so often fail in American politics

you're ranting about Republicans and giant corporate interests, and included as a source ENRON. It has been repeatedly shown to you that ENRON was a mostly Democrat scandal Sealybobo. Yet you choose to ignore reality

and you have the gall to accuse others of cognitive dissonance???

you're a mental-case leftard

Yea and Clinton signed Nafta. I'm not going to argue with a fool who probably thinks NAFTA was a democratic idea just because Bill Clinton signed it.

All I know is the banks and mortgage giants tried to cheat us because they were deregulated. Who's all for deregulating these industries? Are We Ailing from Too Much Deregulation Cato Institute

Who's against it? Elizabeth Warren. She wants to regulate the bankers and Wallstreet and go after the cheats but do you support her? No, you right wingers just write her off as a libtard. You are the fools.

Is Enron another one of your Solyndras?

the Left DID push to end regulations in the mortgage industry you loser in denial. all in the name of "fairness". who was in charge of ENRON? who stuck up for ENRON and tried to intervene on ENRON'S behalf when their credfit rating was about to be shredded? ????




IT HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY POINTED OUT TO YOU that Democrats were neck-deep in the very policies you are trying to tie to Republicans only

you are simply a clown
Robert Rubin quits Citigroup amid criticism | Reuters
Jan 9, 2009 - Robert Rubin, a former Treasury Secretary, resigned from Citigroup Inc ... discussion about Poverty Alleviation at the Clinton Global Initiative, in New York, September 20, 2006. ... a federal bailout that will limit losses on $306 billion of toxic assets. ... It leaves a bad taste in your mouth if you're a shareholder.
Robert Rubin - Softpanorama
“As Treasury secretary under Clinton, Rubin was the driving force behind two monstrous ... The U.S. government is now Citigroup's largest single shareholder. .... the crisis, meaning they were leveraged 50:1 (the ratio of total assets to equity). ..... Bill Clinton's treasury secretary, insist that he always favored regulating toxic ...
The Moral Hazard of Hillary Clinton & Company
Apr 6, 2015 - Robert Rubin, Former Treasury Secretary Under Bill Clinton Who Played a ... By October of that year, he had taken a job at Citigroup, the Wall Street ... over $300 billion in asset guarantees, and an unfathomable, initially secret bailout of over $2 trillion in below-market-rate loans from the Federal Reserve
Sucking Up to the Bankers, I | The Nation
Sucking Up to the Bankers I The Nation
The Nation
Sep 27, 2010 - On February 10, 2009, new Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner, ... got us into this mess yet another blank check to buy up the “toxic assets” they gleefully created. ... Robert Rubin when he was President Clinton's Treasury secretary. ... report that the bill had already run to nearly $3 trillion, an amount six
Which Republicans did I put in office. The Congressmen in my district are Democrats. Gitmo is still open. He didn't try to repeal the tax cuts until Congress let them expire.
It's impossible to fix people who are brainwashed and set in their ways and refuse to see things clearly. Do what you want. You and trump will be very happy together.

Sorry, not seeing what Trump has to do with anything.
Who is brainwashed, me who is looking at alternative candidates and not voting party line or you, who will vote for a Democrat every time?

Who is wanting to take back government like you want and said you will vote for Hillary. Or myself that is willing to look at other parties.

Who is more likely to vote with there head a guy who votes Democrat every time or a person that looks at many candidates and doesn't let mainstream politics effect a decision.

I am the one that didn't vote for Cain or Obama because I saw a better choice. You vote Democrat.

You are the one brainwashed, Clinton helped Enron, Bush ended Enron and sent people to prison for it. Yet, you blame Bush, that is stupidity right there.
I know a 3rd party isn't going to work.

Ok, I'm on your side. Who's our 3rd party candidate? I'll go with that guy for now. But when he/she doesn't win and its Trump or Jeb vs. Hillary, I'm going Hillary. If it's Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary I'll go Bernie first.

Its good to know at least you aren't as much of a conservative as I thought you were. Middle class conservatives have a problem with
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Why do third parties so often fail in American politics

you're ranting about Republicans and giant corporate interests, and included as a source ENRON. It has been repeatedly shown to you that ENRON was a mostly Democrat scandal Sealybobo. Yet you choose to ignore reality

and you have the gall to accuse others of cognitive dissonance???

you're a mental-case leftard

Yea and Clinton signed Nafta. I'm not going to argue with a fool who probably thinks NAFTA was a democratic idea just because Bill Clinton signed it.

All I know is the banks and mortgage giants tried to cheat us because they were deregulated. Who's all for deregulating these industries? Are We Ailing from Too Much Deregulation Cato Institute

Who's against it? Elizabeth Warren. She wants to regulate the bankers and Wallstreet and go after the cheats but do you support her? No, you right wingers just write her off as a libtard. You are the fools.

Is Enron another one of your Solyndras?

Enron was Clinton's baby, don't blame others, own it.

Warren has presented what legislation to change Congress and regulate bankers and Wall St.? Talk is cheap, sum it a bill and that is working toward a solution.
The idiotic Left is actually saying they can quantify with certainty the net flow of people their value system says shouldnt even be asked if they are here legally even based on their appearence.

how could you possibly know what the net migration of mexicans is? how could you possibly know how many are already here illegally?

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