Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

A> There are 3-4 MILLION good tech jobs going begging in the US because Pubs won't even invest in a program for that.
B> Yes, people went along with the Boooshie bubblers because MONEY. But the Boooshies wrecked the world- many didn't realize the corruption behind it. The New BS GOP eats shytte period.

everyday you make a fool of yourself here giving the unmistakeable message that even "dub" Republicans are more powerful than you so-called intelligent Progressives
The US Gov't is built perfectly for a-hole obstructors. Cutting taxes on the rich and giant corps is easy with reconciliation and Pubs aren't interested in reform laws etc. Greedy lying thieving a-holes and their silly dupes.
Yea and Clinton signed Nafta. I'm not going to argue with a fool who probably thinks NAFTA was a democratic idea just because Bill Clinton signed it.

All I know is the banks and mortgage giants tried to cheat us because they were deregulated. Who's all for deregulating these industries? Are We Ailing from Too Much Deregulation Cato Institute

Who's against it? Elizabeth Warren. She wants to regulate the bankers and Wallstreet and go after the cheats but do you support her? No, you right wingers just write her off as a libtard. You are the fools.

Is Enron another one of your Solyndras?

the Left DID push to end regulations in the mortgage industry you loser in denial. all in the name of "fairness". who was in charge of ENRON? who stuck up for ENRON and tried to intervene on ENRON'S behalf when their credfit rating was about to be shredded? ????




IT HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY POINTED OUT TO YOU that Democrats were neck-deep in the very policies you are trying to tie to Republicans only

you are simply a clown
Oh yea. Encouraging home ownership. Years before all those middle class people lost their jobs when the GOP sent all those manufacturing jobs overseas from 2000-NOW.

how did the GOP send jobs overseas leftard?

By making it unfavorable to stay in the US, with higher tax rates, higher labor rates, added EPA regulations and other federal regulations and then Clinton signing NAFTA, even though there weren't enough votes to over ride his veto.

Wait, I guess it wasn't the Republicans after at all. Another liberal myth.
Then vote GOP like you did in the midterms you fucking fool.

I told you, I have Democratic reps in Congress, how did I do anything? The problem is you can't handle the facts that your Democrat are as much in with Wall St. as any Republican.
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.

This is another case of the intolerant left wishing for the death of Republicans.

Must be terrible to hate yourself, because you can't face facts and dole out responsibility where it lies.
Actually it started on Reagan's watch. He was the beginning of the end of the middle class in America.

Actually it began on Clinton's watch when the Democrats removed some of the safety nets that FDR put into place to prevent another Depression.
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.

Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
the Left DID push to end regulations in the mortgage industry you loser in denial. all in the name of "fairness". who was in charge of ENRON? who stuck up for ENRON and tried to intervene on ENRON'S behalf when their credfit rating was about to be shredded? ????




IT HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY POINTED OUT TO YOU that Democrats were neck-deep in the very policies you are trying to tie to Republicans only

you are simply a clown
Oh yea. Encouraging home ownership. Years before all those middle class people lost their jobs when the GOP sent all those manufacturing jobs overseas from 2000-NOW.

how did the GOP send jobs overseas leftard?

By making it unfavorable to stay in the US, with higher tax rates, higher labor rates, added EPA regulations and other federal regulations and then Clinton signing NAFTA, even though there weren't enough votes to over ride his veto.

Wait, I guess it wasn't the Republicans after at all. Another liberal myth.
Then vote GOP like you did in the midterms you fucking fool.

I told you, I have Democratic reps in Congress, how did I do anything? The problem is you can't handle the facts that your Democrat are as much in with Wall St. as any Republican.

Wow, Republicans forced Clinton into bad legislation and now they stop Obama cold. LOL! Democrats seem to be very weak, poor bunch get steamrolled by everyone.

Maybe Dems should elect brighter smarter people. :lmao:
take one of the parties back?....yea thats working out great aint it....i was a democrat bobo all my voting life until the late 90's,voted for clinton twice,then far left people like your buddy dean started coming in and started fucking things up,my state is an example,we had a nice blend of liberalism with conservatism,paradise here,then the farther left started taking things over....boom there went california.....thats when i said goodby party.....and until you farther left people get overthrown i wont ever consider voting democrat again....and the republicans are to far right for my tastes....many of them hate anyone thats not like them...and that includes me as i have been told over the years here by many of take your party back bobo and when you dump people like dean let me know....until then i will be my own man....
Think POLICY, please. Every party has to have people like that. But the GOP has MANY MORE when you talk politics. And BAD POLICIES. What policies did Dems do to Cal again? Gov. which? Too damn many people I think is your problem lol...
why does every party HAVE to have people like that?....and as far as i am concerned the democrats have just as many of those kind of people....what policies? about good intentioned policies that no one watched over that started getting abused and ripe with fraud,and if ANYONE including democrats try to reign it in,you get called a heartless racist asshole by certain people out here,you know the ones i said ruined the party and the State,and since no one wants to be looked at as a racist the abuse went on.....and we have always had more people in this State than any other one the last 40 years and had done just fine........
I couldn't care less what kind of people are in a party OR representing it, JUST THE POLICIES they want.

WTF policy do you mean lol? Dean would like to apologize for calling you a racist lol. You're killing me. Hey, 38 million is a helluva lot. Here in WNY we have exactly as many as always lol....perfect place, and the snow keeps the pussies out lol...
Dean would like to apologize for calling you a racist lol. You're killing me
not asking him to apologize,he is to much of an asshole to do that,i was asking him to do what he asks the righties here to do....prove it....something he just cant seem to do.....but thats the kind of assholes that are now abundant in both parties....big talkers....
He's nothing compared to the legion of hater dupe bigot GOPers here and in the country.
i cant tell any difference....hate is hate.....
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...

Bill Clinton The Great Deregulator The Nation

Obama has followed the examples of Summers and Geithner instead of those of Warren and Harris, and that is what has made the election a toss-up as voters continue to suffer in an economy that Democrats as well as Republicans wrecked.

This is from a liberal who understands who the enemy is. Scream as much as you like. More and more people are refusing to become like you a bobo. They are getting smarter and hater dupes like you are being exposed as frauds.
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Actually it started on Reagan's watch. He was the beginning of the end of the middle class in America.

Actually it began on Clinton's watch when the Democrats removed some of the safety nets that FDR put into place to prevent another Depression.
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.
are you now saying that no democrats have been busted for corruption?...
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
A> There are 3-4 MILLION good tech jobs going begging in the US because Pubs won't even invest in a program for that.
B> Yes, people went along with the Boooshie bubblers because MONEY. But the Boooshies wrecked the world- many didn't realize the corruption behind it. The New BS GOP eats shytte period.

everyday you make a fool of yourself here giving the unmistakeable message that even "dub" Republicans are more powerful than you so-called intelligent Progressives
The US Gov't is built perfectly for a-hole obstructors. Cutting taxes on the rich and giant corps is easy with reconciliation and Pubs aren't interested in reform laws etc. Greedy lying thieving a-holes and their silly dupes.

under the rule of you idiot Progressives the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer; both AT A FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA THAN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH

you just look stupid crying like a bitch every day that mean ol people you call "dupes" and the people they elected got the better of you and your community organizer and Harvard graduate every time
Actually it started on Reagan's watch. He was the beginning of the end of the middle class in America.

Actually it began on Clinton's watch when the Democrats removed some of the safety nets that FDR put into place to prevent another Depression.
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.

Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
Example, dupe?
A> There are 3-4 MILLION good tech jobs going begging in the US because Pubs won't even invest in a program for that.
B> Yes, people went along with the Boooshie bubblers because MONEY. But the Boooshies wrecked the world- many didn't realize the corruption behind it. The New BS GOP eats shytte period.

everyday you make a fool of yourself here giving the unmistakeable message that even "dub" Republicans are more powerful than you so-called intelligent Progressives
The US Gov't is built perfectly for a-hole obstructors. Cutting taxes on the rich and giant corps is easy with reconciliation and Pubs aren't interested in reform laws etc. Greedy lying thieving a-holes and their silly dupes.

under the rule of you idiot Progressives the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer; both AT A FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA THAN WAS HAPPENING UNDER BUSH

you just look stupid crying like a bitch every day that mean ol people you call "dupes" and the people they elected got the better of you and your community organizer and Harvard graduate every time
Because Pubs defend to the death corrupt pander to the rich Reaganist tax rates and policies DUH. And had a little WORLD DEPRESSION. Functional moron.
Actually it began on Clinton's watch when the Democrats removed some of the safety nets that FDR put into place to prevent another Depression.
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.

Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
Example, dupe?

Read the link I provided earlier, tons of evidence that Hillary and Bill are in bed with Wall St. look at their staff and where they came from and where they went on to.

Educate yourself instead of being a nut job.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

That's hilarious coming from someone who voted for Obama twice.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Who said that?

Is that your only reply... Your guy killed close to half million people, cost Trillions in War debt and that is the sum total to what you got!


That number gets bigger every time some lib posts it. At most 100,000 people were killed, and the vast majority of them were Iraqi military personnel. Most of the rest were killed by Al Queda terrorists. The total cost of the war was around $1 trillion.

The original subject here was presidents who lie. Now you're moving the goal posts. Lying about a program that will cost many $trillions over it's life time, and that we possibly may never be rid of is serious.

It also hasn't been demonstrated that Bush lied. If anything, the evidence indicates that he told the truth. It's an article of faith among the liberal faithful that he lied.
BS lol. Even the GOP says 2 trillion, "Mushroom Clouds?"! LOL

Where does anyone in the GOP say that?
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
Frustration after 20 pages of brainwashed functional morons not believing facts. The dupes start out with that attitude. Angry white brainwashed ignorant fools by definition, 50% racist too. I want a link to Dean calling you a racist. Some kind of error I believe. LINK?
voting for the same shit over and over is pretty useless too...

Except it's not really the same shit. The policies couldn't be more different.
sure it is....different policies for the same shit....because they were not taken care of 6 years ago...and 4 years before that and so on down the line....
Some think the Republicans or the rich they serve tanked the economy on purpose. All the tax breaks to the rich and corporations while starting two wars. Add to that stop enforcing companies only hire legal workers. Then send all the manufacturing overseas and THEN raise gas to $4 a gallon.

And they got away with it. Even tarp'ed our asses on the way out harry.

I can't untangle that pile of horse manure.
Exactly. They did it and you don't even blame them. Stupid.

How did the rich tank the economy?
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.

Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
Example, dupe?

Read the link I provided earlier, tons of evidence that Hillary and Bill are in bed with Wall St. look at their staff and where they came from and where they went on to.

Educate yourself instead of being a nut job.
They didn't cause a corrupt real estate bubble world depression, fool. All neutral stats show Pubs are MUCH worse in this and lobbyist revolving door, and behind putting and keeping big money in politics. IDIOT.
Except it's not really the same shit. The policies couldn't be more different.
sure it is....different policies for the same shit....because they were not taken care of 6 years ago...and 4 years before that and so on down the line....
Some think the Republicans or the rich they serve tanked the economy on purpose. All the tax breaks to the rich and corporations while starting two wars. Add to that stop enforcing companies only hire legal workers. Then send all the manufacturing overseas and THEN raise gas to $4 a gallon.

And they got away with it. Even tarp'ed our asses on the way out harry.

I can't untangle that pile of horse manure.
Exactly. They did it and you don't even blame them. Stupid.

How did the rich tank the economy?
RICH PUBS. Which TIME? S+L, Reaganist tax hikes on the nonrich DUH, huge cuts for rich and giant corps. ridiculous cronyism and corruption under W. Notice the meltdown and world depression from allowing and selling toxic assets all around the world, dolt?
Actually it started on Reagan's watch. He was the beginning of the end of the middle class in America.

Actually it began on Clinton's watch when the Democrats removed some of the safety nets that FDR put into place to prevent another Depression.
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.
are you now saying that no democrats have been busted for corruption?...
As always when you bring up this bs, much fewer. And no bs propaganda machine. Period.

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