Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

That's hilarious coming from someone who voted for Obama twice.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Who said that?

Is that your only reply... Your guy killed close to half million people, cost Trillions in War debt and that is the sum total to what you got!


That number gets bigger every time some lib posts it. At most 100,000 people were killed, and the vast majority of them were Iraqi military personnel. Most of the rest were killed by Al Queda terrorists. The total cost of the war was around $1 trillion.

The original subject here was presidents who lie. Now you're moving the goal posts. Lying about a program that will cost many $trillions over it's life time, and that we possibly may never be rid of is serious.

It also hasn't been demonstrated that Bush lied. If anything, the evidence indicates that he told the truth. It's an article of faith among the liberal faithful that he lied.
BS lol. Even the GOP says 2 trillion, "Mushroom Clouds?"! LOL

Where does anyone in the GOP say that?
The GOP is totally FOS, of course. I.m guessing this group isn't commie lol.
Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |...
Mar 14, 2013 · The Costs of War report, released ahead of the 10th anniversary of the war, included "substantial" costs to care for wounded veterans.
Lefties have good stats for up to 6 trillion. Great job! For NOTHING but ME chaos.
More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.

Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
Example, dupe?

Read the link I provided earlier, tons of evidence that Hillary and Bill are in bed with Wall St. look at their staff and where they came from and where they went on to.

Educate yourself instead of being a nut job.
They didn't cause a corrupt real estate bubble world depression, fool. All neutral stats show Pubs are MUCH worse in this and lobbyist revolving door, and behind putting and keeping big money in politics. IDIOT.

Numb nuts, your own true liberals will tell you how Clinton was just as responsible as anyone. How Obama has used the same people that got us into trouble. Hillary is consulting with Wall St. to get elected.

I don't think the Republicans are innocent but neither are the Democrats.

You want to continue to be the Ostrich with your head buried in the sand while your leaders kick you in your ass, go right ahead,
That's hilarious coming from someone who voted for Obama twice.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Who said that?

Is that your only reply... Your guy killed close to half million people, cost Trillions in War debt and that is the sum total to what you got!


That number gets bigger every time some lib posts it. At most 100,000 people were killed, and the vast majority of them were Iraqi military personnel. Most of the rest were killed by Al Queda terrorists. The total cost of the war was around $1 trillion.

The original subject here was presidents who lie. Now you're moving the goal posts. Lying about a program that will cost many $trillions over it's life time, and that we possibly may never be rid of is serious.

It also hasn't been demonstrated that Bush lied. If anything, the evidence indicates that he told the truth. It's an article of faith among the liberal faithful that he lied.
BS lol. Even the GOP says 2 trillion, "Mushroom Clouds?"! LOL

Where does anyone in the GOP say that?
The GOP is totally FOS, of course. I.m guessing this group isn't commie lol.
Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |...
Mar 14, 2013 · The Costs of War report, released ahead of the 10th anniversary of the war, included "substantial" costs to care for wounded veterans.

Brown University is infested with Republicans?

Who knew?
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.

Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
Example, dupe?

Read the link I provided earlier, tons of evidence that Hillary and Bill are in bed with Wall St. look at their staff and where they came from and where they went on to.

Educate yourself instead of being a nut job.
They didn't cause a corrupt real estate bubble world depression, fool. All neutral stats show Pubs are MUCH worse in this and lobbyist revolving door, and behind putting and keeping big money in politics. IDIOT.

Numb nuts, your own true liberals will tell you how Clinton was just as responsible as anyone. How Obama has used the same people that got us into trouble. Hillary is consulting with Wall St. to get elected.

I don't think the Republicans are innocent but neither are the Democrats.

You want to continue to be the Ostrich with your head buried in the sand while your leaders kick you in your ass, go right ahead,
bs. Booosh crony regulators allowed FRAUD. Clinton NOT. End of story.
Is that your only reply... Your guy killed close to half million people, cost Trillions in War debt and that is the sum total to what you got!


That number gets bigger every time some lib posts it. At most 100,000 people were killed, and the vast majority of them were Iraqi military personnel. Most of the rest were killed by Al Queda terrorists. The total cost of the war was around $1 trillion.

The original subject here was presidents who lie. Now you're moving the goal posts. Lying about a program that will cost many $trillions over it's life time, and that we possibly may never be rid of is serious.

It also hasn't been demonstrated that Bush lied. If anything, the evidence indicates that he told the truth. It's an article of faith among the liberal faithful that he lied.
BS lol. Even the GOP says 2 trillion, "Mushroom Clouds?"! LOL

Where does anyone in the GOP say that?
The GOP is totally FOS, of course. I.m guessing this group isn't commie lol.
Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |...
Mar 14, 2013 · The Costs of War report, released ahead of the 10th anniversary of the war, included "substantial" costs to care for wounded veterans.

Brown University is infested with Republicans?

Who knew? seems to agree.

That number gets bigger every time some lib posts it. At most 100,000 people were killed, and the vast majority of them were Iraqi military personnel. Most of the rest were killed by Al Queda terrorists. The total cost of the war was around $1 trillion.

The original subject here was presidents who lie. Now you're moving the goal posts. Lying about a program that will cost many $trillions over it's life time, and that we possibly may never be rid of is serious.

It also hasn't been demonstrated that Bush lied. If anything, the evidence indicates that he told the truth. It's an article of faith among the liberal faithful that he lied.
BS lol. Even the GOP says 2 trillion, "Mushroom Clouds?"! LOL

Where does anyone in the GOP say that?
The GOP is totally FOS, of course. I.m guessing this group isn't commie lol.
Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion |...
Mar 14, 2013 · The Costs of War report, released ahead of the 10th anniversary of the war, included "substantial" costs to care for wounded veterans.

Brown University is infested with Republicans?

Who knew? seems to agree.

The study was conducted by Brown University. simply wrote a story about the so-called "findings."
Which they accept. Fox Heritage etc go on and on about how it cost less than Obama's failed stimulus. A joke, for dupes like you only.
Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
Example, dupe?

Read the link I provided earlier, tons of evidence that Hillary and Bill are in bed with Wall St. look at their staff and where they came from and where they went on to.

Educate yourself instead of being a nut job.
They didn't cause a corrupt real estate bubble world depression, fool. All neutral stats show Pubs are MUCH worse in this and lobbyist revolving door, and behind putting and keeping big money in politics. IDIOT.

Numb nuts, your own true liberals will tell you how Clinton was just as responsible as anyone. How Obama has used the same people that got us into trouble. Hillary is consulting with Wall St. to get elected.

I don't think the Republicans are innocent but neither are the Democrats.

You want to continue to be the Ostrich with your head buried in the sand while your leaders kick you in your ass, go right ahead,
bs. Booosh crony regulators allowed FRAUD. Clinton NOT. End of story.

You need to read and watch the links. This man is a liberal who won't change his ideals for the sake of a party.

Citigroup Just Bought a 7 Billion Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card The Nation

Obama Is Trying to Fix Inequality by Hiring the Same Hacks Who Caused It The Nation

Obama s Friends in Low Places The Nation

Now instead of vomiting you hater dupe BS, try reading and refuting what is being said.
Example, dupe?

Read the link I provided earlier, tons of evidence that Hillary and Bill are in bed with Wall St. look at their staff and where they came from and where they went on to.

Educate yourself instead of being a nut job.
They didn't cause a corrupt real estate bubble world depression, fool. All neutral stats show Pubs are MUCH worse in this and lobbyist revolving door, and behind putting and keeping big money in politics. IDIOT.

Numb nuts, your own true liberals will tell you how Clinton was just as responsible as anyone. How Obama has used the same people that got us into trouble. Hillary is consulting with Wall St. to get elected.

I don't think the Republicans are innocent but neither are the Democrats.

You want to continue to be the Ostrich with your head buried in the sand while your leaders kick you in your ass, go right ahead,
bs. Booosh crony regulators allowed FRAUD. Clinton NOT. End of story.

You need to read and watch the links. This man is a liberal who won't change his ideals for the sake of a party.

Citigroup Just Bought a 7 Billion Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card The Nation

Obama Is Trying to Fix Inequality by Hiring the Same Hacks Who Caused It The Nation

Obama s Friends in Low Places The Nation

Now instead of vomiting you hater dupe BS, try reading and refuting what is being said.

In the middle of a meltdown, you don't try to scare the hell out of Wall St. What Obama did worked great.
Yes, Dems are capitalists, just not super greedy, lying cheating ones like Pubs, dupes.
At least Citigroup got fined. Pubs wouldn't do a damn thing.

When the Bush administration caught Enron people went to jail. When the Bush administration caught WorldCom, people went to jail.

Citigroup got fined, a lot less than what TARP gave them. So in fact under Obama, we the taxpayers paid Citigroup's fine. How stupid is that?

You plus you didn't read the links and if you did, you couldn't refute them because it would require critical thinking and you don't seem to have that. It seems all you have is "hater dupe"
Read the link I provided earlier, tons of evidence that Hillary and Bill are in bed with Wall St. look at their staff and where they came from and where they went on to.

Educate yourself instead of being a nut job.
They didn't cause a corrupt real estate bubble world depression, fool. All neutral stats show Pubs are MUCH worse in this and lobbyist revolving door, and behind putting and keeping big money in politics. IDIOT.

Numb nuts, your own true liberals will tell you how Clinton was just as responsible as anyone. How Obama has used the same people that got us into trouble. Hillary is consulting with Wall St. to get elected.

I don't think the Republicans are innocent but neither are the Democrats.

You want to continue to be the Ostrich with your head buried in the sand while your leaders kick you in your ass, go right ahead,
bs. Booosh crony regulators allowed FRAUD. Clinton NOT. End of story.

You need to read and watch the links. This man is a liberal who won't change his ideals for the sake of a party.

Citigroup Just Bought a 7 Billion Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card The Nation

Obama Is Trying to Fix Inequality by Hiring the Same Hacks Who Caused It The Nation

Obama s Friends in Low Places The Nation

Now instead of vomiting you hater dupe BS, try reading and refuting what is being said.

In the middle of a meltdown, you don't try to scare the hell out of Wall St. What Obama did worked great.

You didn't read a damn fucking thing or watch the video. You are incapable of debate because you make shit up and can't back it up.

Thanks for proving that you have no character or morals and incapable of logical and coherent thought. You just hate because you are to ignorant to do anything else.
They deserved to go to jail, obviously. Citigroup just did what Boooshies allowed. Great job.
Video- Bill going along with Pubs doesn't mean Hillary would, and anyway it was FRAUD by Boooshies and private lenders that gave us the meltdown.
Video- Bill going along with Pubs doesn't mean Hillary would, and anyway it was FRAUD by Boooshies and private lenders that gave us the meltdown.

Hillary supported it, Clinton could have vetoed and not been over ridden. Clinton and the Dems are complicit, only a dishonest partisan nutter would disagree. Thanks for playing and losing.
Video- Bill going along with Pubs doesn't mean Hillary would, and anyway it was FRAUD by Boooshies and private lenders that gave us the meltdown.

Hillary supported it, Clinton could have vetoed and not been over ridden. Clinton and the Dems are complicit, only a dishonest partisan nutter would disagree. Thanks for playing and losing.
Booosi crony fraud caused the meltdown. Not that. Even dumber is going back to 1978 for CRA.
So the Republicans better be careful with campaign lies? What about Hillary? Today we find out she should have been marking those documents Top Secret herself! Add to the growing list of crimes. Dereliction of Duty!

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