Republicans Block An Up-Or-Down Vote On The Paycheck Fairness Act

I got nothing.

It's been against the law for 47 years.

Please explain why the none of the old laws worked but all of the new laws will.

The new will work because the old have failed or have loopholes making it difficult to enforce. Please explain why men still make more money than women who do the same job with an equal performance record. I believe a certain group of males want women and minorities to acknowledge them as boss of every facking thing.

Because government fails at making people equal.

How is the government responsible for the facking unequal pay between men and women? There are no government mandates that men get paid more than men, facking Repugs avoiding personality and blaming the government.
So conservatives support filibusters now?

Man this gets so confusing.
I can tell you as an employer, in most cases, not all, take a man and a woman at the same position, they do not work the same hours. Most women have issues with children that cause them to not be available to work the same hours as their male counterparts. Hence the differences in pay.

Facking bullshat, my CSM is females ans she works harder or just as hard as any male and she has children, what about the men who call in sick and wasting company travel money on banging women outside of their marriage or getting drunk?

Who said anything about working hard? I said it has been my experience that most women have children issues that prevent them from traveling and working the same hours as their male counterparts. It wasn't a MAN BETTER THAN WOMAN thing you dolt. It is just a way things are thing.
The new will work because the old have failed or have loopholes making it difficult to enforce. Please explain why men still make more money than women who do the same job with an equal performance record. I believe a certain group of males want women and minorities to acknowledge them as boss of every facking thing.

Because government fails at making people equal.

How is the government responsible for the facking unequal pay between men and women? There are no government mandates that men get paid more than men, facking Repugs avoiding personality and blaming the government.

What does fack mean?
I can tell you as an employer, in most cases, not all, take a man and a woman at the same position, they do not work the same hours. Most women have issues with children that cause them to not be available to work the same hours as their male counterparts. Hence the differences in pay.

Facking bullshat, my CSM is females ans she works harder or just as hard as any male and she has children, what about the men who call in sick and wasting company travel money on banging women outside of their marriage or getting drunk?

Who said anything about working hard? I said it has been my experience that most women have children issues that prevent them from traveling and working the same hours as their male counterparts. It wasn't a MAN BETTER THAN WOMAN thing you dolt. It is just a way things are thing.

It is just a way things are thing.[/QUOTE] Huh?
The new will work because the old have failed or have loopholes making it difficult to enforce. Please explain why men still make more money than women who do the same job with an equal performance record. I believe a certain group of males want women and minorities to acknowledge them as boss of every facking thing.

Because government fails at making people equal.

How is the government responsible for the facking unequal pay between men and women? There are no government mandates that men get paid more than men, facking Repugs avoiding personality and blaming the government.

The old laws making people equal didn't work. Neither will the new ones.

You're not a better person for saying that people who are not equal, should be.

In fact, it's makes you a blithering idiot.
The Department of Labor's own commissioned study shows that the disparity between men and women's pay is due to individual choices, not wage bias - so the GOP did the proper thing to block a vote on this utterly nonsensical and destructive bill.

In 2009, the Consad Research Corporation conducted a comprehensive study on the gender wage gap for the Department of Labor, and produced a 95-page report titled “An Analysis of the Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women.” This is from the report’s foreword:

There are observable differences in the attributes of men and women that account for most of the gender wage gap. These variables include:

1. A greater percentage of women than men tend to work part-time.

2. A greater percentage of women than men tend to leave the labor force for child birth, child care and elder care.

3. Women, especially working mothers, tend to value “family friendly” workplace policies more than men.

4. Women may value non-wage benefits more than men do, and as a result prefer to take a greater portion of their compensation in the form of health insurance and other fringe benefits.

The study concludes that “the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers.”...

CARPE DIEM: Single, Childless Women Now Earn MORE Than Men: Do We Really Need MORE Federal Legislation?
Facking bullshat, my CSM is females ans she works harder or just as hard as any male and she has children, what about the men who call in sick and wasting company travel money on banging women outside of their marriage or getting drunk?

Who said anything about working hard? I said it has been my experience that most women have children issues that prevent them from traveling and working the same hours as their male counterparts. It wasn't a MAN BETTER THAN WOMAN thing you dolt. It is just a way things are thing.

It is just a way things are thing.

Yes. Questions?
There, there, dear. Take two aspirin and call me in 20 years.


Gosh..please don't get quiffy on me..


Youre so angry and confused all the time, like you don't have a clue as to what's goiing on or how to react. I thought you needed a hug.

It's a natural state of affairs for liberals.... they live in a state of constant emotional turmoil. It must suck to be so intellectually out of control at all times. It's like a menstrual cycle that continues perpetually....
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An excerpt from the WSJ which further explains this bill - which in the end, would only benefit trial lawyers.

...Under the existing Equal Pay Act, an employer charged with gender discrimination in pay can defend himself or herself by offering evidence that the differential is based on nondiscriminatory factors such as work experience and education. But the PFA limits the use of these bona fide factors by requiring that employers demonstrate that they are job-related necessities.

The PFA also empowers complaining employees to propose alternative methods of determining pay that, if accepted by courts, would presumably be imposed on employers. This unprecedented shift in bargaining power would lead to endless lawsuits.

So would the PFA's changes to the rules governing class-action lawsuits. Under the Equal Pay Act, workers are included in class-action suits only if they opt in. Under the PFA, they would be included automatically—just for being women in a firm that is being sued. And the act provides for compensatory and punitive damages, apparently without limit.

A particularly ridiculous provision would authorize grants to "eligible entities"—supporters of the bill like the American Association of University Women—for training women in negotiation skills. Men are excluded. But if women are the equal of men, why do only they need such training?

So the PFA is not fair, sensible or warranted, and it will impose great costs on employers. Some firms undoubtedly discriminate against women, but their number is small and the federal government's existing antidiscrimination apparatus is more than adequate. This new legislation would simply provide a feast for lawyers—and, by increasing the cost of employing women, would likely harm its intended beneficiaries.

June E. O'Neill: Washington's Equal Pay Obsession -
Exactly... who the hell would hire a woman under these conditions? These people are so out of touch with reality it isn't funny.
The Department of Labor's own commissioned study shows that the disparity between men and women's pay is due to individual choices, not wage bias - so the GOP did the proper thing to block a vote on this utterly nonsensical and destructive bill.

In 2009, the Consad Research Corporation conducted a comprehensive study on the gender wage gap for the Department of Labor, and produced a 95-page report titled “An Analysis of the Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women.” This is from the report’s foreword:

There are observable differences in the attributes of men and women that account for most of the gender wage gap. These variables include:

1. A greater percentage of women than men tend to work part-time.

2. A greater percentage of women than men tend to leave the labor force for child birth, child care and elder care.

3. Women, especially working mothers, tend to value “family friendly” workplace policies more than men.

4. Women may value non-wage benefits more than men do, and as a result prefer to take a greater portion of their compensation in the form of health insurance and other fringe benefits.

The study concludes that “the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers.”...

CARPE DIEM: Single, Childless Women Now Earn MORE Than Men: Do We Really Need MORE Federal Legislation?

Oh crap, facts.

What's a loon to do now?

(It's a right wingnut blog site in 3, 2, 1....) :blowup:
Don't pollute their minds with facts... Libs see pay differences, problem is solved by mandating more pay. They see wealth inequalities, they mandate taking money from one to give to another. They never look at the causes, only the symptoms.
Because government fails at making people equal.

How is the government responsible for the facking unequal pay between men and women? There are no government mandates that men get paid more than men, facking Repugs avoiding personality and blaming the government.

The old laws making people equal didn't work. Neither will the new ones.

You're not a better person for saying that people who are not equal, should be.

In fact, it's makes you a blithering idiot.

It's not about making people equal. It's about equal pay for equal work.

Nice of you to admit the previous laws meant to address this inequalilty did not work. What is the GOP plan to address it? Surely they have a Bill ready to introduce to Congress that will right?

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