Republicans: BUT, China! Democrats: BUT, Russia

Your one and only message - ever - on any topic is how much you hate and fear Da Joooooooos. You seriously need help.
You have NO legitimate rebuttal to ANYTHING I post. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

ALL you have is personal attacks on me as tho that affords you some personal credibility- and, I suppose to kids you call yourself educating that's true- but, I ain't a kid- that you call yourself an educator is an insult to educators- one should be educated in order to pass on knowledge- sadly all you pass on here, is personal attacks.
You're a pretentious troll. That's all.
Your one and only message - ever - on any topic is how much you hate and fear Da Joooooooos. You seriously need help.
You have NO legitimate rebuttal to ANYTHING I post. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

You know, back when I used to take the subway everyday, there would always be some filthy, drunken, mentally ill homeless guy sitting on the floor with a paper bag begging passerby to listen to his little conspiracy stories and assorted fantasies and to take him seriously, just like you.

Pardon me as I step over you and carry on in with the sane people.
Your one and only message - ever - on any topic is how much you hate and fear Da Joooooooos. You seriously need help.
You have NO legitimate rebuttal to ANYTHING I post. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

ALL you have is personal attacks on me as tho that affords you some personal credibility- and, I suppose to kids you call yourself educating that's true- but, I ain't a kid- that you call yourself an educator is an insult to educators- one should be educated in order to pass on knowledge- sadly all you pass on here, is personal attacks.
You're a pretentious troll. That's all.
It's not rational to accuse an entire ethnic group of a conspiracy. That is beyond logic and reason.

Could it be that a large portion of said ethnic group believes in, and supports, the communist ideal? Yes. That is very possible and even likely, in this situation.

It's not da jooooos. It's the fucking commies.
Your one and only message - ever - on any topic is how much you hate and fear Da Joooooooos. You seriously need help.
You have NO legitimate rebuttal to ANYTHING I post. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

ALL you have is personal attacks on me as tho that affords you some personal credibility- and, I suppose to kids you call yourself educating that's true- but, I ain't a kid- that you call yourself an educator is an insult to educators- one should be educated in order to pass on knowledge- sadly all you pass on here, is personal attacks.
You're a pretentious troll. That's all.
It's not rational to accuse an entire ethnic group of a conspiracy. That is beyond logic and reason.

Could it be that a large portion of said ethnic group believes in, and supports, the communist ideal? Yes. That is very possible and even likely, in this situation.

It's not da jooooos. It's the fucking commies.

A more existential threat to us now is the alarming number of our own citizens - of various ethnicities - still think that nonsense is a good idea. Every generation has those numbskulls who really seem to believe that "if we just do it right!" a communist utopia will blossom. Those who study history and the human condition will eventually realize that you can't build a utopia on a fundamentally flawed and destructive idea.
Israel is not America’s enemy or a threat to America

China is

and biden is china’s bitch
From China we get goods in return for money- from Israel we get a hand out for more money- I guess it depends on the definition of enemy- personally, China has never hurt anyone I know- however, Israel gets our soldiers killed for their cause and want our money as well

And, there is this-

Towards the end of 2020, Donald Trump once again followed Jewish orders and ushered Jonathan Pollard, “the most damaging spy in United States history,” towards “a dream realised after 35 very difficult years.” Pollard is Jewish and spied enthusiastically for Israel, doing huge harm to America as he handed priceless secrets to his Mossad handlers. But Pollard was born in America, therefore his “own nation” must be America and, as the IHRA have told us, it is clearly anti-Semitic to say he could be more loyal to Israel than to America.

But what did the citizens and prime minister of Israel do? They brazenly celebrated that vile anti-Semitic stereotype about Jewish disloyalty and treachery. The Irish Savant reported Pollard’s arrival in Israel like this:

It was a welcome befitting a war hero. And in a sense Jonathan Pollard was indeed such a hero, and a patriot. At considerable personal risk he stole secrets which in turn were traded by his country to great effect. He was greeted in Tel Aviv by none other than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. As he disembarked, he kissed the ground and recited the traditional sheheheyanu blessing of thanksgiving. A beaming Beni gushed: “Blessed are you, lord our God, king of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion. I was thrilled to welcome Jonathan and Esther Pollard today upon their arrival in Israel and to give Jonathan an Israeli identity card. Now they are home. Welcome home, now you are a citizen of the State of Israel.” Pollard responded: “We are ecstatic to be home at last after 35 years and we thank the people and the Prime Minister of Israel for bringing us home.” (A Hero’s Homecoming, The Irish Savant, 5th January 2021)

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I don't see any Chinese-
Your post warms this man's heart....

00a-rea-008 (53).jpg
Your one and only message - ever - on any topic is how much you hate and fear Da Joooooooos. You seriously need help.
You have NO legitimate rebuttal to ANYTHING I post. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

ALL you have is personal attacks on me as tho that affords you some personal credibility- and, I suppose to kids you call yourself educating that's true- but, I ain't a kid- that you call yourself an educator is an insult to educators- one should be educated in order to pass on knowledge- sadly all you pass on here, is personal attacks.
You're a pretentious troll. That's all.
It's not rational to accuse an entire ethnic group of a conspiracy. That is beyond logic and reason.

Could it be that a large portion of said ethnic group believes in, and supports, the communist ideal? Yes. That is very possible and even likely, in this situation.

It's not da jooooos. It's the fucking commies.
Yes, because blaming everything on "Commies" is safer and you won't get in trouble for being the actual racist you are....
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, the jewish lobbyist contribute to BOTH Party's with slightly more to Republicans-
Are you telling us that Jrwish citizens are the only people contributing to political campsigns?

surely you cant believe that

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