Republicans can’t seem to accurately define what socialism is

Actually what you’ve failed to do is explain why the US government - in any point in history - isn’t socialist.
I already explained that. Your only argument is that infrastructure is Socialist, I explained it isn't, and your quote from Wikipedia supports that. In fact, because your statement has been proven incorrect, you can't point to a time when the means of production were Socially Controlled.

The closest the US ever came to Socialism was under FDR, when he created and extended the Great Depression, but the NRA and NIRA were both struck down, because they were unconstitutional.
Um no infrastructure isn’t the center of my argument - I just used it as an example of socialism. Again I’ll say this: infrastructure is the product of tax payer revenue. Tax payer money funds infrastructure projects. Thats PRODUCTION and is also SOCIALISM.
Infrastructure is the product of those who labored to produce it.

Your tax money is used to hire capitalists to produce infrastructure.

The capitalist hires wage labor to produce infrastructure.

The capitalists profits off the unpaid value of the labor to produce infrastructure.

Is that then your idea of the social ownership of the means of production? That we all, through our taxes, use our collective capital to exploit labor for private accumulation?

Do you then also believe that the armaments industry is an example of socialism?

The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
I already explained that. Your only argument is that infrastructure is Socialist, I explained it isn't, and your quote from Wikipedia supports that. In fact, because your statement has been proven incorrect, you can't point to a time when the means of production were Socially Controlled.

The closest the US ever came to Socialism was under FDR, when he created and extended the Great Depression, but the NRA and NIRA were both struck down, because they were unconstitutional.
Um no infrastructure isn’t the center of my argument - I just used it as an example of socialism. Again I’ll say this: infrastructure is the product of tax payer revenue. Tax payer money funds infrastructure projects. Thats PRODUCTION and is also SOCIALISM.
Infrastructure is the product of those who labored to produce it.

Your tax money is used to hire capitalists to produce infrastructure.

The capitalist hires wage labor to produce infrastructure.

The capitalists profits off the unpaid value of the labor to produce infrastructure.

Is that then your idea of the social ownership of the means of production? That we all, through our taxes, use our collective capital to exploit labor for private accumulation?

Do you then also believe that the armaments industry is an example of socialism?

The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
In ratio..
Um no infrastructure isn’t the center of my argument - I just used it as an example of socialism. Again I’ll say this: infrastructure is the product of tax payer revenue. Tax payer money funds infrastructure projects. Thats PRODUCTION and is also SOCIALISM.
Infrastructure is the product of those who labored to produce it.

Your tax money is used to hire capitalists to produce infrastructure.

The capitalist hires wage labor to produce infrastructure.

The capitalists profits off the unpaid value of the labor to produce infrastructure.

Is that then your idea of the social ownership of the means of production? That we all, through our taxes, use our collective capital to exploit labor for private accumulation?

Do you then also believe that the armaments industry is an example of socialism?

The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
In ratio..

Was that supposed to signify something intelligable?
What difference was there between Hitler and Stalin?

I'd say Hitler straddled the line between authoritarian left and right while Stalin was full on authoritarian left. Mussolini was far right authoritarian.

You didn't answer shit. The question was what is the difference between Hitler and Stalin. Be specific. The inane sweeping shit means shit

Theres quite a few differences but to keep it simple, mainly in who they hated/blamed. Stalin hated the wealthy and hitler hated the Jews.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” – Gregor Strasser - OberFuhrer of the Gerrman National Socialist Workers Party, #2 to Adolf Hitler.

{. The theme was that the country’s values were being undermined by ‘rootless cosmopolitans.’ There was a particularly vicious assault on [Jewish] theater critics, eventually described as ‘an anti-party group.’ When their Russianized names or pseudonyms were given, the original Jewish name was printed in brackets, and papers asked how anyone so named could understand Russian culture. Meanwhile unpublicized arrests [of Jews], especially of writers in Yiddish, continued, and there was a general growth of public anti-Jewish pressure. Among those arrested at the end of 1948 was Polina Molotov.} - Stalin's Anti-Semitism

Hmmm, not exactly as you described this....

You do realize that you can be anti capitalist and socially conservative at the same time, right? Hitler's socialism is not the socialism of friggin' Denmark. Obviously.
/——/ Denmark can afford socialism because the USA provides their national defense.
Infrastructure is the product of those who labored to produce it.

Your tax money is used to hire capitalists to produce infrastructure.

The capitalist hires wage labor to produce infrastructure.

The capitalists profits off the unpaid value of the labor to produce infrastructure.

Is that then your idea of the social ownership of the means of production? That we all, through our taxes, use our collective capital to exploit labor for private accumulation?

Do you then also believe that the armaments industry is an example of socialism?

The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
In ratio..

Was that supposed to signify something intelligable?
If you was a smart as you claim you'd know..
The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
In ratio..

Was that supposed to signify something intelligable?
If you was a smart as you claim you'd know..
I have never claimed I'm smart. However, it's obvious that you're stupid.
I already explained that. Your only argument is that infrastructure is Socialist, I explained it isn't, and your quote from Wikipedia supports that. In fact, because your statement has been proven incorrect, you can't point to a time when the means of production were Socially Controlled.

The closest the US ever came to Socialism was under FDR, when he created and extended the Great Depression, but the NRA and NIRA were both struck down, because they were unconstitutional.
Um no infrastructure isn’t the center of my argument - I just used it as an example of socialism. Again I’ll say this: infrastructure is the product of tax payer revenue. Tax payer money funds infrastructure projects. Thats PRODUCTION and is also SOCIALISM.
Infrastructure is the product of those who labored to produce it.

Your tax money is used to hire capitalists to produce infrastructure.

The capitalist hires wage labor to produce infrastructure.

The capitalists profits off the unpaid value of the labor to produce infrastructure.

Is that then your idea of the social ownership of the means of production? That we all, through our taxes, use our collective capital to exploit labor for private accumulation?

Do you then also believe that the armaments industry is an example of socialism?

The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
You proved nothing but your ignorance of the difference between price and value. Value is intrinsic in a commodity while price fluctuates with external factors.
Okay but if it is arbitrated by the government, how can you possibly suggest the US government isn’t socialist?
Probably because the means of production are not Socially controlled? Factually? My statement was that Socially Controlled means of production is still arbitrated by the government was to explain to you that the various forms of Social Control are still government control, not that regulated means of production are the same as Social Control, because it isn't. Although I'm fully against both.
Actually what you’ve failed to do is explain why the US government - in any point in history - isn’t socialist.
I already explained that. Your only argument is that infrastructure is Socialist, I explained it isn't, and your quote from Wikipedia supports that. In fact, because your statement has been proven incorrect, you can't point to a time when the means of production were Socially Controlled.

The closest the US ever came to Socialism was under FDR, when he created and extended the Great Depression, but the NRA and NIRA were both struck down, because they were unconstitutional.
Um no infrastructure isn’t the center of my argument - I just used it as an example of socialism. Again I’ll say this: infrastructure is the product of tax payer revenue. Tax payer money funds infrastructure projects. Thats PRODUCTION and is also SOCIALISM.
And government does a piss poor job of it. It costs 5 times what it should cost when government does it. Just compare the cost of a SpaceX rocket launch with the government funded SLS launcher. The former costs $90 million per shot. The later is $4 billion.

But is spaceX as diverse as, say NASA?

I think the diversity is worth 5 times the price.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
In ratio..

Was that supposed to signify something intelligable?
If you was a smart as you claim you'd know..
I have never claimed I'm smart. However, it's obvious that you're stupid.
I am so stupid I can answer your question without you knowing...So why ask the question in the first place?
If the price of a commodity fluctuates then the cost of producing the commodity fluctuates...
Of course, but in terms of value, the socially necessary amount of labor time to produce a commodity at a given period of history, it is unaltered.

I shouldn't miss this opportunity to point out that financial capital greatly distorts the relationship between value and cost.
If the price of a commodity fluctuates then the cost of producing the commodity fluctuates...
Of course, but in terms of value, the socially necessary amount of labor time to produce a commodity at a given period of history, it is unaltered.

I shouldn't miss this opportunity to point out that financial capital greatly distorts the relationship between value and cost.
They manipulate the markets to increase profit which is their only motivation to exist...
So Medicare and Medicaid and civil rights unemployment insurance and welfare etc etc are all for special interests right LOL? All from Democrats. Raising the minimum wage Etc it just goes on and on. Free and cheap health care for many? You're ridiculous. as are all independents and Republicans....

Yes ... Yes they are special interest ... And it doesn't matter who helped pass them.
It doesn't matter if it suits your special interests ... That's still a special interest.

I am not a Republican nor Independent ... Your partisan hackery just doesn't work on me
Of course I don't expect much more out of you than cheap half-assed partisan bullshit ... You should run for Congress; you'd fit right in.

Um no infrastructure isn’t the center of my argument - I just used it as an example of socialism. Again I’ll say this: infrastructure is the product of tax payer revenue. Tax payer money funds infrastructure projects. Thats PRODUCTION and is also SOCIALISM.
Infrastructure is the product of those who labored to produce it.

Your tax money is used to hire capitalists to produce infrastructure.

The capitalist hires wage labor to produce infrastructure.

The capitalists profits off the unpaid value of the labor to produce infrastructure.

Is that then your idea of the social ownership of the means of production? That we all, through our taxes, use our collective capital to exploit labor for private accumulation?

Do you then also believe that the armaments industry is an example of socialism?

The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
You proved nothing but your ignorance of the difference between price and value. Value is intrinsic in a commodity while price fluctuates with external factors.
ROFL! So how is value caculated? What is the value of an orange?
Probably because the means of production are not Socially controlled? Factually? My statement was that Socially Controlled means of production is still arbitrated by the government was to explain to you that the various forms of Social Control are still government control, not that regulated means of production are the same as Social Control, because it isn't. Although I'm fully against both.
Actually what you’ve failed to do is explain why the US government - in any point in history - isn’t socialist.
I already explained that. Your only argument is that infrastructure is Socialist, I explained it isn't, and your quote from Wikipedia supports that. In fact, because your statement has been proven incorrect, you can't point to a time when the means of production were Socially Controlled.

The closest the US ever came to Socialism was under FDR, when he created and extended the Great Depression, but the NRA and NIRA were both struck down, because they were unconstitutional.
Um no infrastructure isn’t the center of my argument - I just used it as an example of socialism. Again I’ll say this: infrastructure is the product of tax payer revenue. Tax payer money funds infrastructure projects. Thats PRODUCTION and is also SOCIALISM.
And government does a piss poor job of it. It costs 5 times what it should cost when government does it. Just compare the cost of a SpaceX rocket launch with the government funded SLS launcher. The former costs $90 million per shot. The later is $4 billion.

But is spaceX as diverse as, say NASA?

I think the diversity is worth 5 times the price.
What the hell does it mean for a space agency to be "diverse?"
That makes no sense. There is nothing right wing about socialism and fascism is a form of socialism. They're both left, Holmes

View attachment 181588

What difference was there between Hitler and Stalin?

I'd say Hitler straddled the line between authoritarian left and right while Stalin was full on authoritarian left. Mussolini was far right authoritarian.

You didn't answer shit. The question was what is the difference between Hitler and Stalin. Be specific. The inane sweeping shit means shit

Theres quite a few differences but to keep it simple, mainly in who they hated/blamed. Stalin hated the wealthy and hitler hated the Jews.

OK, but that isn't an economic difference. There's nothing right or left about that. BTW, the reverse is also true. Jews were treated horribly in Russia as well and the rich got no good deal from Hitler.

So again, you're making the absurd argument that two people with the same policies are opposite ends of the spectrum.

Germany was socialist. They were both left
Infrastructure is the product of those who labored to produce it.

Your tax money is used to hire capitalists to produce infrastructure.

The capitalist hires wage labor to produce infrastructure.

The capitalists profits off the unpaid value of the labor to produce infrastructure.

Is that then your idea of the social ownership of the means of production? That we all, through our taxes, use our collective capital to exploit labor for private accumulation?

Do you then also believe that the armaments industry is an example of socialism?

The labor theory of value was proved wrong over 100 years ago.

If it was you would have no problem in demonstrating that knowledge for us now.

I'll prove it wrong right here and now:

On Monday the price of oranges is $1.00/lb. Monday night there is a severe cold wave in Florida. Half the orange crop dies. Tuesday the price of oranges is $3.00/lb. How did the amount of labor to produce each orange change between Monday and Tuesday?
You proved nothing but your ignorance of the difference between price and value. Value is intrinsic in a commodity while price fluctuates with external factors.
ROFL! So how is value caculated? What is the value of an orange?

Value is subjective. The value of any good or service depends who is evaluating it.

What difference was there between Hitler and Stalin?

I'd say Hitler straddled the line between authoritarian left and right while Stalin was full on authoritarian left. Mussolini was far right authoritarian.

An honest man, I salute you.

Honest? How stupid are you?

kaz: how was Hitler right and Stalin left?

impuretrash: Hitler was right and Stalin was left

Doc1: OM fucking G. You are so GD fing honest! Thank you, thank you!!!!!!


I didn't say Hitler was right-wing. I said he straddled the line but was definitely authoritarian. He had some socialist ideas but also some conservative leanings. He used the power of the state to get rid of who he saw as moral degenerates.

How was Hitler "right?" His economic policies were completely left

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