Republicans can’t stop fighting — even when they aren’t fighting Barack Obama


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Republicans can t stop fighting even when they aren t fighting Barack Obama - The Washington Post

...the current intra-Republican conflict over the budget shows that they may have gotten so used to shaking their fists and drawing lines in the sand that many of them can’t imagine any other way to go about negotiating — even when Barack Obama and the Democrats aren’t involved.

Republicans have been arguing bitterly among themselves for days now over a budget resolution — whether it will increase military spending, and if so, whether some of the money will be offset by other budget cuts or not. At various moments the conflict has pitted fiscal hawks against military hawks, the House leadership against uppity backbenchers, and the House against the Senate. The drama, which included a failed late-night vote Wednesday in the House Budget Committee, has largely been around a mere $20 billion of the $600 billion Republicans want to spend next year on the military. It sometimes seems like an endless episode of “Real Housewives,” where even the tiniest disagreement quickly turns to shouted insults and overturned chairs.

Speaker John Boehner is now crafting some parliamentary maneuvers that will get the GOP budget to a successful floor vote in a way that lets everyone tell themselves they won....

More at the link.

Discuss. Is the GOP fighting just for the sake of fighting?
Well , they don't have a commie witch (Pelosi) and a thug President who threatens them with some trumped up charges if they step out line. think Menendez.

You all should be real proud of your party. goosestepping rubber stamping sheep, thugs and all belong in the "corrupted Bastards club"

and and OMG they fight against that dear wonderful Obambam..HOW DARE THEY
Well , they don't have a commie witch (Pelosi) and a thug President who threatens them with some trumped up charges if they step out line. think Menendez.

You all should be real proud of your party. goosestepping rubber stamping sheep, thugs and all belong in the "corrupted Bastards club"

and and OMG they fight against that dear wonderful Obambam..HOW DARE THEY

Those anti-grumpy pills just are not working with you, what? What a shame....

So, you call our President a "thug" and then you hope that people will respect what you say. Is that how it works for you.

OH, and BTW, again, HERE is the OP:

Republicans can’t stop fighting — even when they aren’t fighting Barack Obama

Mebbe this time you can actually read for content.

Must agree with the Party
How did the topic of hilarious Republican infighting turn into Frank and Stephanie showing off their love of Stalinism?

Frank here adores Stalinism so much, he can work it into any discussion. For example, if you go to the Environment folder, you'll find Frank demanding the gulag for people who disagree with his global warming denier cult.

If Stalin was alive, Frank would be constantly servicing him. But as Stalin is dead, Frank can only service him in spirit, as we see him doing here.
Democrat are more like North Koreans and wouldn't speak up against the Party

pretty much. and we see their base is programmed that way too

take this thread for an example

Difference of opinion is an alien concept to the progressive hive mind

Look at the clown avatars, you those are independent thinkers?

oh yeah. their masters (in their party) gives them orders, they march right out and spreads any lie, misleads people if they have to, smear, and use dirty politics like good little servants to the PARTY
Republicans can’t stop fighting — even when they aren’t fighting Barack Obama
...That is because they do not have any other agenda except Obama. Example. Trumped up charges against Menendez. Are you kidding me? Menendez created his own problem. Then justice department should just ignore it? Maybe Stephanie is watching too much Fox News.
congressional right wingers (very, very few GOPers in congress can exercise ANY independence from the tea baggers' ideology) are now like snakes in a snake pit....biting one another and pursuing a nihilistic ideology.
Republicans can’t stop fighting — even when they aren’t fighting Barack Obama
...That is because they do not have any other agenda except Obama. Example. Trumped up charges against Menendez. Are you kidding me? Menendez created his own problem. Then justice department should just ignore it? Maybe Stephanie is watching too much Fox News.

and you sound like a brainwashed DNC talking point parrot. so go eat a cracker or something

I don't watch ANY of the news stations. so your little insult is stupid as was your post
Stephanie, Then go educate yourself before farting that you do not have any clue what that shit your talking about. If you're not listening to a news where in the world you get your baseless opinion? Walmart? I am a republican and ashamed to be one.
RW are divided so they fight.

wait until they start trying to nominate a candidate. The Dems will sit back and watch them destroy themselves then elect a President.

and RW don't get it. They deserve to lose.
Republicans can t stop fighting even when they aren t fighting Barack Obama - The Washington Post

...the current intra-Republican conflict over the budget shows that they may have gotten so used to shaking their fists and drawing lines in the sand that many of them can’t imagine any other way to go about negotiating — even when Barack Obama and the Democrats aren’t involved.

Republicans have been arguing bitterly among themselves for days now over a budget resolution — whether it will increase military spending, and if so, whether some of the money will be offset by other budget cuts or not. At various moments the conflict has pitted fiscal hawks against military hawks, the House leadership against uppity backbenchers, and the House against the Senate. The drama, which included a failed late-night vote Wednesday in the House Budget Committee, has largely been around a mere $20 billion of the $600 billion Republicans want to spend next year on the military. It sometimes seems like an endless episode of “Real Housewives,” where even the tiniest disagreement quickly turns to shouted insults and overturned chairs.

Speaker John Boehner is now crafting some parliamentary maneuvers that will get the GOP budget to a successful floor vote in a way that lets everyone tell themselves they won....

More at the link.

Discuss. Is the GOP fighting just for the sake of fighting?

I don't see a problem, healthy and spirited debate over spending is a good thing. Too many establishment republicans seem to be forgetting they promised to reduce federal spending. A billion here and a billion there, pretty soon you're talking real money. 20 billion is not insignificant. Look at it this way, $20,000,000,000.00.
Republicans can t stop fighting even when they aren t fighting Barack Obama - The Washington Post

...the current intra-Republican conflict over the budget shows that they may have gotten so used to shaking their fists and drawing lines in the sand that many of them can’t imagine any other way to go about negotiating — even when Barack Obama and the Democrats aren’t involved.

Republicans have been arguing bitterly among themselves for days now over a budget resolution — whether it will increase military spending, and if so, whether some of the money will be offset by other budget cuts or not. At various moments the conflict has pitted fiscal hawks against military hawks, the House leadership against uppity backbenchers, and the House against the Senate. The drama, which included a failed late-night vote Wednesday in the House Budget Committee, has largely been around a mere $20 billion of the $600 billion Republicans want to spend next year on the military. It sometimes seems like an endless episode of “Real Housewives,” where even the tiniest disagreement quickly turns to shouted insults and overturned chairs.

Speaker John Boehner is now crafting some parliamentary maneuvers that will get the GOP budget to a successful floor vote in a way that lets everyone tell themselves they won....

More at the link.

Discuss. Is the GOP fighting just for the sake of fighting?
of course they have to fight. It's a sound political strategy.

The party out of power has to cultivate discontent, even amongst their own. The last thing they want is an impression of stability. When, and if, they win back the white house in 2016, they'll go back to the way they were in the Bush days. Remember how criticizing the President during war time was "aiding the terrorists"? Remember how unpatriotic the Democrats were for criticism about Iraq?

If there is a GOP President in 2016...all of the sudden, government spending will not be bad anymore. We'll stop hearing about how Americans have lost their freedoms, and how America has undergone a fundemental transformation.

Ahhh, the salad days....good time...good times...

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