Republicans Continue to Insult Women

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Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Republicans have pretty much lost suburban women. They never had Urban women. They are left with rural women, and that won't win elections. Yet they continue to alienate woman with draconian abortion bans, banning library books and sometimes libraries themselves, and attacking their children's education.

Now they are calling women stupid. Great strategy!

Repealing RvW is the best thing that has happened for women in decades. They now have the opportunity to free themselves from unwanted pregnancies by taking control of their reproductive cycle. Already Plan B drugs are flying off the shelves. It's a great day for women thanks to the Republicans.

If women don't understand this then they are stupid.
Republicans have pretty much lost suburban women. They never had Urban women. They are left with rural women, and that won't win elections. Yet they continue to alienate woman with draconian abortion bans, banning library books and sometimes libraries themselves, and attacking their children's education.

Now they are calling women stupid. Great strategy!

Yer fulla prunes, Mr. Syn. I love men who open the doors for me, and I love to thank them for it. Always have and always will.

I'm just wondering why the Democrat party is putting up loco stuff like our conservative men disrespect us conservative women. Could it be that you think so little of us that we girls can't win if we ask a strong man to open a new jar lid off the jar? And we can thank them for that too, especially those of us who don't have strong hands like our men have. What do you wish your thread "Republicans continue to Insult Women" to do for the Democrats? Defeat Donald Trump? Oh, I hit pay dirt. :laughing0301: :heehee: Thanks very much, for giving me a laugh, Mr. Syn. Oh, and are you insulted yet? :auiqs.jpg:
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Repealing RvW is the best thing that has happened for women in decades. They now have the opportunity to free themselves from unwanted pregnancies by taking control of their reproductive cycle. Already Plan B drugs are flying off the shelves. It's a great day for women thanks to the Republicans.

If women don't understand this then they are stupid.
Exactly. And hey here's a concept: How about be responsible if you are going to have sex?
Personally, I don't give a damn about abortions. As an XY Chromosome human, I can't have them, so it doesn't matter to me. That said, if you want to point to "draconian," (i.e., something unusually harsh or severe) I would have to point to a procedure that literally "rips" a human out of a uterus, thus exterminating the human life. That's draconian.
As to banning books, I believe you will find that under Marxist governments, the banning of books is considered the norm and you will find that the new President of the American Library Association, Emily Drabinski, is a self-described "Marxist" and all employed librarians must adhere to her rules and customers that disagree with her rules are shown the door.
As to what women believe, there are plenty of women that are on the side of being pro-life, just as there are plenty of women who believe in killing the kids growing inside them. Again, I personally don't care whether a woman has one or not.
I do believe that republicans should leave it up to the states, not strive for a national ban on it. If you live in a heavily red state and they forbid abortions, MOVE to a heavily blue state.
I'm a gun owner that lives in a heavily blue state. I don't like their anti-gun stance, as law-abiding gun owners aren't the problem with guns. But being too old and too poor to move, I have to just abide by whatever stupid policy they go with. (Their aim being to disarm the general public and implement a Marxist government).
Republicans have pretty much lost suburban women. They never had Urban women. They are left with rural women, and that won't win elections. Yet they continue to alienate woman with draconian abortion bans, banning library books and sometimes libraries themselves, and attacking their children's education.

Now they are calling women stupid. Great strategy!

every listen to rap music done by demcrat voters......they talk about women like they are all dogshit....get woke dude

Republicans Continue to Insult Women​

Shut up bitch. (Hope I didn't make you cry).

Republicans have pretty much lost suburban women. They never had Urban women. They are left with rural women
Gee, that really is a cruel slap in the face to women everywhere insulting and demeaning them--- except the rural women who HAVE to be smart in order to just survive.

and that won't win elections.
There is being right and serving truth and helping people, but all you care about is winning elections.

draconian abortion bans
Must mean not getting knocked up whoring around with 3 guys then waiting 28 weeks to decide you don't want the kid. How draconian!

banning library books
Gay porn.

and attacking their children's education.
Nothing is attacking children's educations more than leftwing Covid lockdowns and mask mandates. Time to bring back the family unit, moms staying home and home-schooling.

Now they are calling women stupid.
Nope, just you.
Republicans have pretty much lost suburban women. They never had Urban women. They are left with rural women, and that won't win elections. Yet they continue to alienate woman with draconian abortion bans, banning library books and sometimes libraries themselves, and attacking their children's education.

Now they are calling women stupid. Great strategy!

Can you define what a woman is?
Yeah....keep believing that.

I bet you think men can get pregnant too.
Let's see if you can read.

Let's see if you can read.

Sorry, not biting.

You need to use a bit more brevity when you post.

If those are your own words....then you should be ashamed.

No real LDS thinks like that. True Mormons have the Holy Spirit, and clearly you don't.

If the Bishop knew about this he'd excommunicate you.
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