Republicans continue war on women, education, and communities - by arson


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Arson destroys Women With A Vision office — Please Help!
Thanks to the fast response of all of our supporters across the country, many of you have already heard that our office was broken into last night and set on fire. The worst damage was concentrated in our community organizing and outreach office where we store all of the resources we use to educate our community. We lost everything. We do not have an office to operate out of right now. Most of our office equipment and all of our educational resources were destroyed. Because of the targeted nature, we can only assume that this was intentional.
"Republicans continue war on women, education, and communities - by arson"

So a Republican did this? :cuckoo:

I think you are just advertising for donations, is that you in the video?


Where does anyone say Republicans had anything to do with this? And why would they as a party care to destroy this organization...

Major fail.........

Where does anyone say Republicans had anything to do with this? And why would they as a party care to destroy this organization...

Major fail.........
My bad - it wasn't a Republican - just someone whose motive appears to be consistent with being against sex education and women's sexual rights - like Republicans.

Where does anyone say Republicans had anything to do with this? And why would they as a party care to destroy this organization...

Major fail.........
My bad - it wasn't a Republican - just someone whose motive appears to be consistent with being against sex education and women's sexual rights - like Republicans.

DING DING Projection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Boop this is what I'm talking about!!!!!!!!!!! Blame it on republicans before you know the facts, Ooh how do you have the stomach to eat so much crow?
I bet you assumed Giffords would be assasin was a tea partier, like the media portrayed, but it was a crazy democrat, as usual.
I bet you assumed Giffords would be assasin was a tea partier, like the media portrayed, but it was a crazy democrat, as usual.

How much do you want to bet? I'll give you 100 to 1.

OMG you are hilarious. I'll type slower, maybe you'll understand. He WAS A crazy democrat. He hated Bush, laughed at abortion, he's just like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he shot Giffords. Wow man, seriously are you like 12?
Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another former classmate, Caitie Parker, who attended high school and college with Loughner,[38] described his political views as "radical."[39] "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal," said Parker of Loughner in an online interview with Anthony De Rosa of Reuters Media. Parker, a self-described liberal activist and environmentalist,[40] also remembered Loughner as a "pot head".[41] Loughner has a history of drug use, having been arrested in September 2007 for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.[42] "I haven't seen him in person since '07," Parker recalled in early 2011. "I'm looking back at this [as] a 14–19 year old...who knows if any of us knew what for sure we were yet."[43]

Again I'm right, man you liberals need to give me someone better than this. Ooh is like single A, this is the big leagues baby!

Where does anyone say Republicans had anything to do with this? And why would they as a party care to destroy this organization...

Major fail.........
My bad - it wasn't a Republican - just someone whose motive appears to be consistent with being against sex education and women's sexual rights - like Republicans.

Wow, there really are people out there as stupid as you.......... Who'd a thunk it?
Arson destroys Women With A Vision office — Please Help!
Thanks to the fast response of all of our supporters across the country, many of you have already heard that our office was broken into last night and set on fire. The worst damage was concentrated in our community organizing and outreach office where we store all of the resources we use to educate our community. We lost everything. We do not have an office to operate out of right now. Most of our office equipment and all of our educational resources were destroyed. Because of the targeted nature, we can only assume that this was intentional.

Negged for being a complete asshole with no facts, just assumptions
Arson destroys Women With A Vision office — Please Help!
Thanks to the fast response of all of our supporters across the country, many of you have already heard that our office was broken into last night and set on fire. The worst damage was concentrated in our community organizing and outreach office where we store all of the resources we use to educate our community. We lost everything. We do not have an office to operate out of right now. Most of our office equipment and all of our educational resources were destroyed. Because of the targeted nature, we can only assume that this was intentional.

Every time I see one of these cases of supposed "right wing" attacks, it turns out to either have been "self inflicted" to "raise conciousness (and MONEY)" or it turns out to be a real left wing loon, that libs will insist was actually right wing anyway.

I mean look at this thread. It's just his assumption that the "right wing" did it, based on what? OH yeah, his own narrow minded bigoted thinking about conservatism and the right.

Yawn, the thread is a total fail.

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