Republicans determined to start a war.

If we send uninvited troops into Mexico, would Russia be justified in sending tens of billions in monetary and weaponry support to them? The precedent has been set.
Yes he does. Good for him. Are you a Putin puppet?
Im not anyones puppet. Him and Z can drop off the face of the earth for all i care.
You, on the other hand, are a puppet. You regurgitate the media and war mongers talking points like a pro! At least you are good at something :dunno:
1. What happens when we bomb? The cartels lose labs and people.
2. Yes Mexico would support it.
3. The US military would love to be deployed to the border for some target practice.
4. If the Mexicans are fighting the cartels now, why wouldn't they welcome help from the US military? You just defeated your argument.
5. So Biden's "Open Borders" was to get the drug gangs to outnumber the police. I'd still bet on the police.
6. You just described open season on drug dealers...

Nope. The most dangerous calls the police handle is Domestic Disputes. Emotions are running high and often they’ll stop fighting each other long enough to attack the police.

The Mexicans will respond just as we would. They’ll stop fighting each other and turn on the Americans. The Mexican people would join in.

Republicans hate the Democrats and honestly Vice versa. However do you think that hatred would continue if Russia attacked Alaska?

On December 8th 1941 political opponents walked into Congress arm in arm to show solidarity.

Democrats and Republicans passed the PATRIOT ACT. the most unconstitutional legislation in modern history. It was nearly unanimous in its passage.

Reagan famously said the most dangerous words in the world are. “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.” If Americans don’t want to hear those words what makes you think Mexicans will buy it?
Accch! The Mexican-American war gave us California, Arizona and New Mexico. It established the border at the Rio Grande. The US gain in treasure and territory was immense.

I somehow doubt that anyone is seriously proposing occupying Mexico. Smashing out the cartels, Maybe. I doubt that the will is there to really go at it..and the cartels response in the US would be a factor.

Best way to shut-down the cartels is to eliminate the demand for drugs North of the border. After all, they're just servicing their client base, right?

No market, no money. No money, no cartels.

Kind of like how the migrant issue could be solved. Jail the employers and actively enforce current laws...Many Latinx in the US would rather live elsewhere..but here is where the money is.

But..we are not going to do that, now are we?

You could destroy the cartels tomorrow. One piece of legislation. Easy as that.
Sure. Ukraine was invaded. They are responding by fighting for what is theirs. Ukraine didn’t invade Russia.

But somehow it will be different if we invade Mexico. Or something.
WE are funding the war. We are funding their pensions, FFS. But you bitch about money? GTFO :lol:

Republicans determined to start a war. Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico.

Well now, let's take a look-see. You complain about US muscle in Mexico (I can't fault you 'on the surface') but you've permanently hoisted the Ukraine flag so it seems to me that your logic is totally f*cked on the subject of "National Defense". Did you not think this subject through before you posted this thread?
Syria is more complicated than you realize.

Were we involved in the war in Syria before or after Obama left office. All wars are complicated when individual countries got involved in them isnt

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