Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Twisted what about that? That involves no facts or logic to twist. . Thats just you ragging on both major parties with no substance there either.

Biden budget for 2025: Besides restoring the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6% from the current 37%, Biden wants the country’s wealthiest to pay the same tax rate on their investment income as middle-class families pay on their wages.

Are you for that Saint Papageorgeo?

I’m for cutting spending, Biden isn’t for that, I want the debt to go down, Biden is against that. He needs to raise taxes on every American and Biden is against it, so he is like Trump in my book 0-3.

Now you are claing you didn’t spin? You are deliberately being dishonest again and can’t be truthful, figures, Saint Stupid.
Men don’t gestate fetuses - only women do.

Check the thread title :

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.

Republicans are not forcing women to become a parent - She can give the baby up for adoption. Republicans are forcing women to give birth to a child and a man cannot do that.
More lies! You are on a roll Saint Stupid.
We are $34 trillion in debt, we need to cut spending and raise taxes to wash out reduce debt. It isn’t fact, it is an opinion based on economic principles. You have a better idea to reduce debt?
What is your source that it has to be “raise taxes on “all” Americans?

Your argument “raise taxes on all Americans” when applied to a rational mind under a process of critical thinking and logic would bring forth a conclusion for the 2024 presidential race to keep Donald Trump and his coattails needs to be kept out of the White House and be pummeled in a he Electoral College and popular vote. In order to do that you have to vote for Biden because raising taxes on the rich is better than cutting taxes for the rich if you truly care about servicing our debt.

Voting Turd Party leaves the door open for Trump to sneak in who will cut taxes mostly for his billion dollar Capitol gain on his shady Truth Social deal and lowering taxes more for his his fellow democracy hating billionaires.

Reason would take you there St.PapaG but your mind appears to be concocting Tranny jokes like every good MAGA is expected to do to help Trump win.
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What is your source that it has to be “raise taxes on “all” Americans?

Your argument “raise taxes on all Americans” when applied to a rational mind under a process of critical thinking and logic would bring forth a conclusion for the 2024 presidential race to keep Donald Trump and his coattails needs to be kept out of the White House and be pummeled in a he Electoral College and popular vote. In order to do that you have to vote for Biden because raising taxes on the rich is better than cutting taxes for the rich if you truly care about servicing our debt.

Voting Turd Party leaves the door open for Trump to sneak in who will cut taxes mostly for his billion dollar Capitol gain on his shady Truth Social deal and lowering taxes more for his his fellow democracy hating billionaires.

Reason would take you there St.PapaG but your mind appears to be concocting Tranny jokes like every good MAGA is expected to do to help Trump win.
Progs would suffer and/or die without massive taxes. You are artificial. Many people are in all sides. You just do not think the worse things that can happen economically.
What is your source that it has to be “raise taxes on “all” Americans?

Your argument “raise taxes on all Americans” when applied to a rational mind under a process of critical thinking and logic would bring forth a conclusion for the 2024 presidential race to keep Donald Trump and his coattails needs to be kept out of the White House and be pummeled in a he Electoral College and popular vote. In order to do that you have to vote for Biden because raising taxes on the rich is better than cutting taxes for the rich if you truly care about servicing our debt.

Voting Turd Party leaves the door open for Trump to sneak in who will cut taxes mostly for his billion dollar Capitol gain on his shady Truth Social deal and lowering taxes more for his his fellow democracy hating billionaires.

Reason would take you there St.PapaG but your mind appears to be concocting Tranny jokes like every good MAGA is expected to do to help Trump win.
The sensible thing to do is reduce spending
Men don’t gestate fetuses - only women do.

Check the thread title :

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.

Republicans are not forcing women to become a parent - She can give the baby up for adoption. Republicans are forcing women to give birth to a child and a man cannot do that.

Check the tread title? I’m a republican who supports a vote on making abortion completely legal.

Yes, only women gestate. Did you think women don’t know this? Obviously not.

Plus, only women are given a voice to end gestation when abortion is legal. And she is the only one that can force the man to become a parent by not legally ending the gestation.

1. She knowingly participates in the act that begins gestation.

2. She is the only one within the couple that is allowed the decision to continue the gestation.

3. The man has no say in whether the gestation results in a child or not.

With all of the above true, she and only she should be liable for her decision.

Now in the case of a child conceived within a legal marriage, then both parties should be given the choice as to whether the gestation should be terminated, and if the decision is made that the gestation should proceed, and after a DNA test confirms that the male is indeed to father, both should be responsible for the support of the child.

How do you think that vote would come out?
Because there is no threat to his physical well being when giving birth to a child.
That's the science of child birth, Biology, you know! That should not be considered when both parties agreed to sex, women are the only people given the right to murder
I’m a republican who supports a vote on making abortion completely legal.
But you vote nationally to keep this shit in power in states like Texas Florida and Mississippi the entire Bible Belt.

David Barton

Kason Huddleston has spent the last few years helping elect Christians and push back against what he believes is indoctrination of children in Rowlett, near Dallas. Far too often, he said, churches and pastors have become complacent, or have been scared away from political engagement by federal rules that prohibit churches from overt political activity.

Through trainings from groups like Christians Engaged, which advocates for church political activity and had a booth at this year’s convention, he said he has been able show more local Christians that they can be “a part of the solution” to intractable societal ills such as fatherlessness, crime or teen drug use. And while he thinks that some of his peers’ existential rhetoric can be overwrought, he agreed that there is an ongoing effort to “tear down the family unit” and shroud America’s true, Christian roots.

“If you look at our government and our laws, all of it goes back to a Judeo-Christian basis,” he said. “Most people don’t know our true history because it’s slowly just been removed.”

He then asked: “Have you ever read David Barton?”

Since the late 1980s, Barton has barnstormed the state and country claimingthat church-state separation is a “myth” meant to shroud America’s true founding as a Christian nation. Barton, a self-styled “amateur historian” who served as Texas GOP vice chair from 1997 to 2006, has been thoroughly debunked by an array of historians and scholars — many of them also conservative Christians.

BD INC Barton David 748 2012.jpg

David Barton, left, of WallBuilders, at a Texas Eagle Forum reception at the Republican Party of Texas convention in Fort Worth on June 7, 2012. Credit: Bob Daemmrich for The Texas Tribune

Despite that, Barton’s views have become widespread among Republicans, including Patrick, Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine and U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson. And his influence over the party was clear at last week’s convention, where his group, WallBuilders, maintained a booth and delegates frequently cited him.

This year’s platform, the votes for which are expected to be released later this week, included planks that urged lawmakers and the State Board of Education to “require instruction on the Bible, servant leadership and Christian self-governance,” and supports the use of religious chaplains in schools — which was made legal under a law passed by the state Legislature last year.

Warren Throckmorton, a former Grove City College professor and prominent conservative, Christian critic of Barton, told the Tribune that the platform emblematizedBarton’s growing influence, and his movement’s conflicting calls to preserve “religious liberty” while attempting to elevate their faith over others. The platform, he noted, simultaneously demands that students’ religious rights be protected, and for schools to be forced to teach the Bible.

“What about the other students who aren’t Christians and who don't believe in the Bible?” he said. “This is not religious liberty — it’s Christian dominance.
women are the only people given the right to murder
Except in the real world, abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder specifically when a previable fetus is aborted.. When a post viable fetus is aborted, the pregnancy is wanted, but the doctors and the mother arrive at the conclusion that she has the right of self-defense during the biological to prevent the function of giving birth from killing her or harming her in serious ways.
Wait, what?

How does your rant address my proposal that gives women the choice you claim they want?

Did your woman instruct you to avoid it?
How does your rant address my proposal that gives women the choice you claim they want?
if you are a Republican Saint Norm, you do not really believe women have a right to a safe and legal abortion.

Or you just really don’t give a shit about women’s right to have control over their own body and keep the government out of it
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Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1
Abortion is the taking of a human life.

Argument made.

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