Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

if you are a Republican Saint Norm, you do not really believe women have a right to a safe and legal abortion.

Or you just really don’t give a shit about women’s right to have control over their own body and keep the government out of it
What exactly do you have against choice?

Make sure you ask your woman how to answer first though.
Twisted what about that? That involves no facts or logic to twist. . Thats just you ragging on both major parties with no substance there either.

Biden budget for 2025: Besides restoring the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6% from the current 37%, Biden wants the country’s wealthiest to pay the same tax rate on their investment income as middle-class families pay on their wages.

Are you for that Saint Papageorgeo?

I am good with higher taxes on everyone, we all got here together, we all need to sacrifice to get out together.
If you concede that it's a human life it has rights.
Of course, it has rights. It Has the same protected right to life through it’s mother. H

There is no basis in common law where the fetus has protection rights that supersede the even the right of privacy to the mother.

The US Constitution does not give the unborn equal protection as an individual person until he or she is born. That’s the reality and that’s the argument that Republican white Christian nationalists cannot legally and morally push aside in order to please, the God of Abraham and the biblical worldview of all his believers.
What exactly do you have against choice?

Make sure you ask your woman how to answer first though.
Isn’t it cool how this nut job makes up crap about where you stand on issues just because you vote for one person over another?
I am good with higher taxes on everyone, we all got here together, we all need to sacrifice to get out together.
No, it’s been out of balance ever since Reagan initiated trickle down, piss on the poor, economics.

We need an equal 50 years to balance and inequities out.
Twisted what about that? That involves no facts or logic to twist. . Thats just you ragging on both major parties with no substance there either.

Biden budget for 2025: Besides restoring the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6% from the current 37%, Biden wants the country’s wealthiest to pay the same tax rate on their investment income as middle-class families pay on their wages.

Are you for that Saint Papageorgeo?

Your claim was I thought Republicans were stupid and left out that I said BOTH parties were stupid. So, get it right and quit twisting my words. You are either really stupid or just out and out dishonest, I can’t figure out which. Which are you?
No, it’s been out of balance ever since Reagan initiated trickle down, piss on the poor, economics.

We need an equal 50 years to balance and inequities out.
We have been going deeper in debt with every President for over 100 years. Coolidge was the last President to reduce debt. So as I was saying it took all of us to get here and it will take all of us to get out, but you just want the rich to be punished for our governments reckless spending.
Isn’t it cool how this nut job makes up crap about where you stand on issues just because you vote for one person over another?
When you say in the same sentence “I am a Republican“ and “I am opposed to government banning abortion because I believe in reproductive freedom for women“ it means in rational theology that you are a Republican and not an advocate for reproductive freedom in America.

You are living in self delusion is what I am pointing out.?

So you are Liar Saint PapaG when you say I was telling Saint Norm that he has to take a certain stand on an issue.. what I am saying is that Saint Norm is dishonest when he says he takes a certain stand on an issue and then votes for the political party that stands for the complete opposite
Your claim was I thought Republicans were stupid and left out that I said BOTH parties were stupid.
I never have claimed that you think only Republicans are stupid. In fact, I have pointed out often the idiocy of your thinking that both parties are stupid.
When you say in the same sentence “I am a Republican“ and “I am opposed to government banning abortion because I believe in reproductive freedom for women“ it means in rational theology that you are a Republican and not an advocate for reproductive freedom in America.

You are living in self delusion is what I am pointing out.?

So you are Liar Saint PapaG when you say I was telling Saint Norm that he has to take a certain stand on an issue.. what I am saying is that Saint Norm is dishonest when he says he takes a certain stand on an issue and then votes for the political party that stands for the complete opposite
You have two parties that are terrible and corrupt, yet Saint Stupid believe you have to embrace all of the ideals to votefor a party? lol! That is why you are Saint Stupid, I vote for fiscally responsible candidates, that leaves out Biden and Trump, that Is a problem and why I find better candidates that are of neither party and yes you make stupid assumptions, so I’ll stick to what I stated about you.
I never have claimed that you think only Republicans are stupid. In fact, I have pointed out often the idiocy of your thinking that both parties are stupid.
Not in that one post and I knew you’d play this stupid game and You did because you can’t be honest with yourself or anyone else, I am over your dishonesty, you called me out and I responded, I call you out and it is your stupid games, right Saint Stupid.

Except in the real world, abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder specifically when a previable fetus is aborted.. When a post viable fetus is aborted, the pregnancy is wanted, but the doctors and the mother arrive at the conclusion that she has the right of self-defense during the biological to prevent the function of giving birth from killing her or harming her in serious ways.
It's fine, I get it you don't believe in protecting human life in the womb, because no matter what you say, or whatever term you use, that is a human being. Self defense, that is a new one who defends the human in the womb. Pray tell how is that child going to harm her or kill her?
Moms Enjoy Long-term Health Benefits Following a Healthy Pregnancy | Newsroom
Not in that one post
What post
It's fine, I get it you don't believe in protecting human life in the womb, because no matter what you say, or whatever term you use, that is a human being. Self defense, that is a new one who defends the human in the womb. Pray tell how is that child going to harm her or kill her?
Moms Enjoy Long-term Health Benefits Following a Healthy Pregnancy | Newsroom
what is the maternal death rate in America.
When you say in the same sentence “I am a Republican“ and “I am opposed to government banning abortion because I believe in reproductive freedom for women“ it means in rational theology that you are a Republican and not an advocate for reproductive freedom in America.

You are living in self delusion is what I am pointing out.?

So you are Liar Saint PapaG when you say I was telling Saint Norm that he has to take a certain stand on an issue.. what I am saying is that Saint Norm is dishonest when he says he takes a certain stand on an issue and then votes for the political party that stands for the complete opposite
Everyone deserves reproductive freedom, even men, except for cuckolds of course. They only deserve the reproductive freedoms their woman order them to have. Right?
Not in that one post
What post? I’m certain you misread something because it’s not consistent with everything I post. The problem you have is that you trash both parties to guarantee nothing good happens for the working class.
When you have no stake in the situation, When you NEVER will have to suffer the consequences.
Of what a pregnancy's with problems can do, both to the mother and the child. You should have no vote.
This should be decided by women who can get pregnant. Not old men trying to win elections .

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