Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Trump is not committed to a 15 week ban
He opposes a six week ban which is the only ban that saves baby fetus.

Within three weeks after a six week ban half a million fetuses will be aborted each year.

When does Trump start saving them?
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He opposes a six week ban which is the only ban that saves baby fetus.

Within three weeks after a six week ban half a million fetuses will be aborted each year.

When does Trump start saving them?
Now you are just blowing smoke to cover your ass

Trump has never said he supports a 15 week ban
Trump has never said he supports a 15 week ban

He wants to negotiate with Dems. to something past six weeks because six weeks is terrible he says.

Only six weeks bans would end Baby fetus deaths.

Why aren’t you angry Saint Flash that Trump wants to kill baby fetuses between six weeks and somewhere up to 24 weeks to get elected?
He wants to negotiate with Dems. to something past six weeks because six weeks is terrible he says.

Only six weeks bans would end Baby fetus deaths.

Why aren’t you angry Saint Flash that Trump wants to kill baby fetuses between six weeks and somewhere up to 24 weeks to get elected?
We’ll just have to wait and see

Trump’s not locking himself in as you seem to believe
Trump’s not locking himself in as you seem to believe
He locked in against the six week ban when he called it a terrible mistake.

Along with Trump a 60 % majority of Republicans oppose allowing abortions until only six weeks. Those Republicans are killing 800,000 fetuses every year between six to sixteen weeks.

even if Trump could agree to ten weeks to start bans that kills half a million baby fetuses every year..

So why are MAGA more moral tha libs.

Weeks of PregnancyPercentageYearly total
< 9 weeks65.4%563,958
9-10 weeks14.7%126,761
11-12 weeks8.2%70,710
13-15 weeks6.3%54,326
16-20 weeks4.1%35,355
21+ weeks1.3%11.,210
All abortions100%862,320
initforme said: I won't support a Democrat nor, nor nor nor a Republican. My Christianity will NOT allow it. vnvtfrm. 23.03.23 #4

initforme said: “Unintended pregnancies are a massive problem. Bad news for a nation.” vnvtfrm.23.11.22 #82

nf.23.11.27 #11,955 Why? Half a million pregnancies are terminated within nine weeks from a woman’s last menstrual cycle. Three hundred thousand more take place before the 16th week. All pregnancy terminations are absolutely private medical procedures.

Our Nation, our lives keep on living - no problem, no bad news except for the Saintly MAGA types.

Why, then?

nf.23.11.27 #446
to vnvtfrm.23.11.22 #82
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" Consequence Of Jurisprudence And Fee Press Incompetence For Informed Consent Of The Public "

* Traitorous Principles To Us Republic Pandering Dumb Founded Dogma *

This thread is a DING. Abortion is a state issue. The End.
Abortion is an individual issue and dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 10th and 1st amendments .

Abortion is an individual issue
And no argument has been made revealing why a state had in interest in banning abortion:

{A) Mississippi, through Dobbs, argued that the Constitution does not provide a right to abortion (and as such, states can freely ban abortions if it is rationally related to legitimate government interests).

{B} Mississippi argued that “liberty” as written in the Fourteenth Amendment only implicates fundamental rights that are “deeply rooted in U.S history and tradition.”

{C} Mississippi contended that the “viability line” prevented a state from protecting its interest and was too arbitrary or subjective.
Sorry that you're so bitter, but I'm a woman and family loving man.

But thanks for reinforcing my previous argument that there are negative side effects to birth control pills that women hate.

I know about these side effects because I've had Girl Friends that tried birth Control pills and suffered the side effects - in one case weight gain.
Come again? are you a woman, or a Family loving man?
And no argument has been made revealing why a state had in interest in banning abortion:

{A) Mississippi, through Dobbs, argued that the Constitution does not provide a right to abortion (and as such, states can freely ban abortions if it is rationally related to legitimate government interests).

{B} Mississippi argued that “liberty” as written in the Fourteenth Amendment only implicates fundamental rights that are “deeply rooted in U.S history and tradition.”

{C} Mississippi contended that the “viability line” prevented a state from protecting its interest and was too arbitrary or subjective.
You are simply making arguments to excuse murder!
1. The USSC via Dobbs said that RvW was wrongly decided, and made abortion a state responsibility.
2. Many states have already legalized or restricted abortion access.
3. Ohio was the latest referendum, and OH made abortion legal without restrictions.

Please try to keep up. Abortion needs to be off our radar or women will decide elections for democrats.
then why oppose a vote on it in every state? and yes, I am fully aware that you dems will make abortion your major campaign issue in the next election. I will never understand why killing unborn human beings is such a major issue with liberals. I guess its all part of the "I am not responsible for anything I do" and "the government should bail me out for my mistakes".
And no argument has been made revealing why a state had in interest in banning abortion:

{A) Mississippi, through Dobbs, argued that the Constitution does not provide a right to abortion (and as such, states can freely ban abortions if it is rationally related to legitimate government interests).

{B} Mississippi argued that “liberty” as written in the Fourteenth Amendment only implicates fundamental rights that are “deeply rooted in U.S history and tradition.”

{C} Mississippi contended that the “viability line” prevented a state from protecting its interest and was too arbitrary or subjective.
If you consider abortion to be murder then the state must take a stand on it. if not, then let each woman make her own decision on it. As a matter of fact, if the liberal view is correct, abortion should be allowed up to 2 years after birth since it may take that long to know if the kid is a burden or unwanted. how about that libs?
then why oppose a vote on it in every state? and yes, I am fully aware that you dems will make abortion your major campaign issue in the next election. I will never understand why killing unborn human beings is such a major issue with liberals. I guess its all part of the "I am not responsible for anything I do" and "the government should bail me out for my mistakes".
1. No one opposes state-by-state votes on abortion, stop lying.
That is what is happening, and in most cases abortion is passing by a mile, like recently in OH.

2. Abortion is a "right" claimed by women. Republicans need to stop talking about abortions or they will never win another election.
If democrats want to kill their larvae let them.

3. Its actually more like "my body - my right". Do not antagonize women voters by threatening access to their abortions.
Fewer democrats is a good thing.
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nobody’s business ABC’s / abortion privacy

Dragonlady said: They're none of his {trvmp’s} business and none of yours either.

Aborting a fetus is nobody’s business besides;

(a) the woman who decides if to continue gestation or not.

(b) the family and friends or advisers to whom she *(a) confides

(c) the doctor or medical team she requests to perform or proscribe an abortion

nf.23.11.37 #455 to drgnldy.23.11.27
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then why oppose a vote on it in every state? and yes, I am fully aware that you dems will make abortion your major campaign issue in the next election. I will never understand why killing unborn human beings is such a major issue with liberals. I guess its all part of the "I am not responsible for anything I do" and "the government should bail me out for my mistakes".

How many women have to die before you recognize what overturning Roe have done?

You can't understand why women don't want to die having a baby?????? Especially since there are medical treatments which would both save their lives, and completely remove the risk of death from serious complications. That we don't want our daughters, our friends or our sisters dying either???? That takes a special level of stupidity on your part.

Well if you can't understand why women aren't willing to increase the risk to their lives in having a baby, maternal mortality in the USA already the highest in the first world, try staying out of things you don't understand and are none of your business.

Why don't you try holding the men responsible? No woman ever got pregnant without genetic material from a man.

The lead plaintiff in the Texas Law Suit, had an ectopic pregancy which is never viable. The fetus will always die, and the woman has about 10 minutes after it dies, to get medical treatment or she will die with it. There is no time to go to another state and have and abortion. Even though she was admitted to hospital to await the moment her tube burst, and her fetus died, so they couldd immediately save her life, she nearly died and may never be able to have a child ever.

Both this woman and her husband could have been spared all of this if her doctor could have admitted her to hospital and removed the fetus, when it was still small enough not to cause permanent damage, the moment the ultrasound revealled the ectopic pregnancy. There are 100,000 ectopic pregnancies in the USA each year, none of which has ever resulted in a live birth.

The Texas Judge upheld the right to have a medically necessary abortion in cases where the fetus isn't viable, and the woman's life is endangered. Specifically to cover ectopic pregnancies, and Ken Paxton, the impeached AG of Texas, has appealled that limited exception.

They force it on Men afterall

kyzr said: 3. Its actually more like "my body - my right". Do not antagonize women voters by threatening access to their abortions. • ••• • Fewer democrats is a good thing. kyzr!.24.11.27 #454

This is not about abortion; it is about equal rights women demanded since they got the pill 💊 in the SIxties.

Every young woman in present and future generations will not go back to MAGA/greatness (Ward and June Cleaver ‘50s and early ‘60s BEFORE THE PILL)

No USSC decision was more American, Constitutional and correct for gender equality than this one:

1973: In a 7-2 decision, the all-male supreme court ruled that the constitution protects the right to an abortion. Justices found abortion was a “fundamental” right for a woman’s “life and future”, and that Texas had violated the rights of “Jane Roe” when an abortion ban prevented her from obtaining one.​
You are on a sinking USS Republican Party Ship Saint Kyzr unless you quit voting with the white extremist brand of Christian males who want to force full term gestation on women for Jesus whi they believe have saved them to dominate women. Or you can tell white Christian male MAGA to go fuck themselves with their abortion theocracy crusade.

nf.23.11.27 #458
to kyzr!.24.11.27 #454
kyzr said: 3. Its actually more like "my body - my right". Do not antagonize women voters by threatening access to their abortions. • ••• • Fewer democrats is a good thing.

This is not about abortion; it is about equal rights women demanded since they got the pill 💊 in the SIxties.
Every young woman in present and future generations will not go back to MAGA/greatness (Ward and June Cleaver ‘50s and early ‘60s BEFORE THE PILL)

No USSC decision was more American, Constitutional and correct for gender equality than this one:
1973: In a 7-2 decision, the all-male supreme court ruled that the constitution protects the right to an abortion. Justices found abortion was a “fundamental” right for a woman’s “life and future”, and that Texas had violated the rights of “Jane Roe” when an abortion ban prevented her from obtaining one.​
You are on a sinking USS Republican Party Ship Saint Kyzr unless you quit voting with the white extremist brand of Christian males who want to force full term gestation on women for Jesus whi they believe have saved them to dominate women. Or you can tell white Christian male MAGA to go fuck themselves with their abortion theocracy crusade.
1. What country are you from?

2. R v W was wrongly decided. Even RBG said so.

3. No one is opposing "the pill" or contraception methods dumbass.

4. The Republican Party is not sinking. The abortion issue is where it belongs, with the states. The party that is sinking is the D. If the polls are even half right 2024 should be a big year for Republicans.

So stop lying about abortion, that is a state issue, not a Federal one.

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