"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Your hypotheticals aren't even interesting. It matters not what the CIA thought on day one, if your claim is even true. What matters, and what every investigation determined, was that the CIA was telling the administration that protests over a video sparked the attacks. And they told the administration that during the period the administration was publically declaring the video was the reason.

So there were no lies, Dreamer. You can repeat otherwise just like Birthers continue to cry that Obama BC is a fake, but your cries do not undermine 7 (so far) investigations.

I also note, you have no proof the administration pressured the CIA to push the protest narrative. The Rhodes email certainly doesn't indicate that. The Rhodes email only show the administration wanted Susan Rice to keep pushing the protest narrative. Susan Rice was not the CIA.

So it doesn't matter that what the CIA thought on day one needed to be changed all those times before their talking points were acceptable to the White House and the State Department? So you think for some reason that the CIA caved to THAT pressure yet somehow maintained integrity from there on out? What the Rhodes email demonstrates is the amount of effort and concern that the White House was devoting to maintaining a certain narrative in regards to Benghazi. It's the same thing with the Nuland emails. They demonstrate how freaked out the State Department was over the political fallout from their "normalization" decision to draw down security in Libya. The reclassification of the Rhodes emails to Top Secret show that the Obama White House even at that point understood that they needed to hide what it was that they'd just done. One can only assume that if they were going to the trouble of reclassifying emails like Rhodes that they were much more careful about how they communicated amongst themselves so that they wouldn't HAVE to hide more documents.
No, it doesn't matter because as they collected information, they came to the conclusion the attack was a protest sparked by an anti-Islamic video. That's what matters. And it matters because that was what the IC was feeding to the administration during the period the administration was publically pushing the protest narrative.

That's the story that the Administration is now pushing but the facts belie that, Faun. It was readily apparent from almost the very start that there was no protest in Benghazi that night. If there HAD been one don't you think Ambassador Stevens or someone else at the Consulate would have informed someone of that taking place? The truth is...an hour and a half before the attack starts...Christopher Stevens walks a Turkish diplomat out to the front gates of the Consulate and the street is EMPTY! The protest gone wild theory was quickly discarded by everyone BUT the Obama White House! They kept that narrative going as long as they possibly could...until even the pro-Obama press corp were refusing to believe the bullshit that Jay Carney was feeding them.
Why on Earth should anyone believe your conspiracy theory over 7 GOP-led investigations? None of them found what you're claiming. They found the IC was pushing the protest narrative to the Obama administration until 9.24.2012. It was not, as you claim, "quickly discarded by everyone BUT the Obama White House" There's a record -- and the record shows that is simply not the case.

Dreamers lie to cling to their conspiracy.

And I ask again...since it was so obvious that there was no protest...what would make the CIA stick with that scenario for that long?

Just a bunch of idiots over there at Langley? Is that your take on things? Or would a more logical explanation be that they bowed to the same pressure to change the original talking points a dozen times to maintain the bullshit that it was a protest that started the attack?
That's not a question I, or you, has the answer to. What is known is that the CIA was pushing the protest narrative until 9.24.2012.

As far as a bunch of idiots at Langley, that isn't my position. I don't have the information they had which led them to construct the intelligence estimates they provided for the Obama administration. However, if it was due to incompetence within our intelligence community, how hard would that be to believe. Don't forget the excuse the previous administration used for being so wrong about WMD being in Iraq.
If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?
Because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Stevens made the call. Had they stayed at the embassy, 400 miles away, they'd have been fine.

Shit happens, time to grow up.

Ah, yes the "shit happens" excuse!
If we had a Secretary of State who cared as much about the safety of our diplomats as she did about appearances then our diplomats security would not have been entrusted to Libyan militias instead of our own people. But Hillary didn't want the Libyans to think we didn't trust them so we didn't go that way. Time for Clinton to grow up and take responsibility for her actions.
It happened on her watch but Stevens made the call and twice turned down extra security. He was also well known for jogging all by himself around town. She's wasn't his babysitter and it wasn't her fault. It's a dangerous job and he played it fast and loose. And it was Stevens who didn't want them to think we lacked faith, not Clinton.
OS 10349692
Oh for the love of God! It isn't my "imagination" that security was insufficient

This is what you wrote that points to what I am saying came from your obsessed and frantic imagination:

OS 10348159
You make it sound like Christopher Stevens accidentally died in a house fire

How on earth do you interpret plain language to mean something so distant from what was pretty clear intent by the writer? I wrote in that post of mine that you mangled, that security was not sufficient. Read it again. Perhaps it will
be absorbed in your frantic obsessed mind this time.

. Sure, more security may have prevented the fire being set, but at what cost do you make judgment calls that certain security arrangements are sufficient

I am quite certain you mangled my post so you could avoid responding to my concluding point:

NF 10349439
You were not demanding prior to the attacks that Congress provide unlimited spending for all security needs around the world were you?

When you come to grips with that point you will understand why the Trey Gowdy Benghazi witchhunt is going nowhere in terns if SCANDAL just like all the other nonsense you are continuing to pursue and obsess over,
OS 10349692
the decision to take away 2/3's of Ambassador Steven's security team in light of what was taking place in Libya

What decision and subsequent reduction of "2/3 of Ambassador Steven's security team" are you referring to?
FW 10350052
What I know for sure is four people didn't have to die, to me that is a scandal

Every death that is not due to natural causes does not 'have to' happen.

Is every tragic death and injury that is noticeable politically and on a national scale a "scandal" to you?

Why did GW Bush's approval rating shoot upwards of forty percent to 92 percent immediately following the "scandal" of the September 2011 terrorist attacks?

Thousands of people on that morning didn't, as you say 'have to die'.
I have four reasons that anyone should be able to figure out as to why Benghazi is a scandal Just because the left doesn't give a crap about those four reasons doesn't make it any less so.

I have 5000 reasons why the Iraq War was a scandal. Just because the Right doesn't give a crap doesn't make it any less so.
How many investigations were there into the IRS scandal before "miraculously" they found some 30,000 of Lois Lerner's emails? When people are deliberately hiding evidence you keep investigating until you discover the truth. If you don't then you encourage governmental officials to lie and hide the truth from us in the future.

Right. and after they go through those 30,000 e-mails, they are probably going to discover that Lerner was just doing her job. Ooops.
Jesus you people are idiots.

They knew from the moment it happened that it was terrorists and anyone who thinks they told the POTUS and his administration it was because of demonstrations is a flamming idiot.

Panetta told Obama immediately that it was terrorists so you tell me why the administration lied about it.

Panetta Obama Told Benghazi Was Terrorist Attack
That's the story that the Administration is now pushing but the facts belie that, Faun. It was readily apparent from almost the very start that there was no protest in Benghazi that night. If there HAD been one don't you think Ambassador Stevens or someone else at the Consulate would have informed someone of that taking place? The truth is...an hour and a half before the attack starts...Christopher Stevens walks a Turkish diplomat out to the front gates of the Consulate and the street is EMPTY! The protest gone wild theory was quickly discarded by everyone BUT the Obama White House! They kept that narrative going as long as they possibly could...until even the pro-Obama press corp were refusing to believe the bullshit that Jay Carney was feeding them.

You keep going on about this Turkish Diplomat, but that makes it sound like Stevens wasn't that concerned about security at that point.

There was a protest, and people across the Islamic world were upset about this video. Deal with it.
Jesus you people are idiots.

They knew from the moment it happened that it was terrorists and anyone who thinks they told the POTUS and his administration it was because of demonstrations is a flamming idiot.

Panetta told Obama immediately that it was terrorists so you tell me why the administration lied about it.

No one ever denied it was terrorists. Obama called it an act of terror the next day.
Jesus you people are idiots.

They knew from the moment it happened that it was terrorists and anyone who thinks they told the POTUS and his administration it was because of demonstrations is a flamming idiot.

Panetta told Obama immediately that it was terrorists so you tell me why the administration lied about it.

No one ever denied it was terrorists. Obama called it an act of terror the next day.

You tell me why did his administration lie about it for two weeks telling the American people it was because of a demonstration about a video??

No, the problem is that you want to take the whole discussion of demonstrations out of context.

There were demonstrations all over the world over this video in the week of this attack. Therefore, it was not a huge stretch to assume that the video was a contributing factor to this attack.

You see, the problem is you guys keep going back and forth about why this is a scandal. Is it a scandal beacuse there wasn't adequate security (not that 10 more guards could have done much against attackers armed with mortars and rocket launchers) or is a scandal because people in the Administration thought that the video was a factor in what they called an "Act of Terror" from the very beginning?

Or is it a scandal because the Weird Mormon Robot you guys nominated tried to ghoulishly make this a political issue and repeatedly got his magic-underwear clad ass handed to him when he did?
Sorry. Doesn't wash.

They knew from the get go it was terrorists. They told Obama so immediately.

You tell me why they lied and continued to lie for two weeks.
How many investigations were there into the IRS scandal before "miraculously" they found some 30,000 of Lois Lerner's emails? When people are deliberately hiding evidence you keep investigating until you discover the truth. If you don't then you encourage governmental officials to lie and hide the truth from us in the future.

How long did watergate drag out?

Well over two years...and that was with a main stream media who chased the story like rabid dogs!

Yep, if it weren't for the press I am not sure Nixon would have left office. At first the whole story sounded preposterous. that a well liked president would do such a thing.

No, the problem is that you want to take the whole discussion of demonstrations out of context.

There were demonstrations all over the world over this video in the week of this attack. Therefore, it was not a huge stretch to assume that the video was a contributing factor to this attack.

You see, the problem is you guys keep going back and forth about why this is a scandal. Is it a scandal beacuse there wasn't adequate security (not that 10 more guards could have done much against attackers armed with mortars and rocket launchers) or is a scandal because people in the Administration thought that the video was a factor in what they called an "Act of Terror" from the very beginning?

Or is it a scandal because the Weird Mormon Robot you guys nominated tried to ghoulishly make this a political issue and repeatedly got his magic-underwear clad ass handed to him when he did?

On 9/11 there was one protest and that was in Cairo. Other then that most came days after Benghazi. One could think that what Rice and Obama said led to MORE riot.

And you really want us to believe that Obama and Rice went on a hunch instead of solid intelligence? EVERYONE knew it wasn't a riot over the video.

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