Republicans for Harris

uneducated seems to indicate your education level. Pre school.
Says the tool who doesn’t capitalize the first word of his sentence. :itsok:
“Preschool” is one word, btw.
Tell me again how “present” and “presence” are synonymous. 🤣
your continued present seems to say you going to vote for Harris
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It is amazing how many grammar police that patrol the USMB. Arrest me officer of the grammar patrol. You seem to like to laugh at your own jokes. Does it make you feel better when your so sad.

Well here is something to contemplate


and the rest on the list

So fell good about yourself, I am glad that I was able to make you happy or happi or heppe, or hippopotamus
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Illiterate because you are uneducated?

  1. Albert Einstein​

    Being bilingual, one could hardly blame Einstein for being a bad speller in English. Yet it wasn’t just in English that Einstein struggled. He also was a pretty bad speller in his native German, and got even worse when he began using English more regularly. Of course, Einstein didn’t make those same errors when it came to writing mathematical equations, a fact that helped to make his name synonymous with genius today.

So I am in good company with others who were bad spellers.

Probably need to rethink the connection between intellect and spelling as there is none

So lets wrap this up

Scientists have found that people who constantly get bothered by grammatical errors online have "less agreeable" personalities than those who just let them slide.

And those friends who are super-sensitive to typos on your Facebook page? Psychological testing reveals they're generally less open, and are also more likely to be judging you for your mistakes than everyone else.

I like that "grammar mistakes junkies"

Hey its not me by scientist who say this and I used a nicer word.
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  1. Albert Einstein​

    Being bilingual, one could hardly blame Einstein for being a bad speller in English. Yet it wasn’t just in English that Einstein struggled. He also was a pretty bad speller in his native German, and got even worse when he began using English more regularly. Of course, Einstein didn’t make those same errors when it came to writing mathematical equations, a fact that helped to make his name synonymous with genius today.

So I am in good company with others who were bad spellers.

Probably need to rethink the connection between intellect and spelling as there is none

So lets wrap this up

Scientists have found that people who constantly get bothered by grammatical errors online have "less agreeable" personalities than those who just let them slide.

And those friends who are super-sensitive to typos on your Facebook page? Psychological testing reveals they're generally less open, and are also more likely to be judging you for your mistakes than everyone else.

I like that "grammar mistakes junkies"

Hey its not me by scientist who say this and I used a nicer word.
Or you’re just another dumb liberal fucktard. Much more likely when one considers your contributions here.
Or you’re just another dumb liberal fucktard. Much more likely when one considers your contributions here.
Your easy to manipulate and do not contribute anything to the discussion because you get to excited and feel inadequate. So vote for Harris and you will feel worthy.
well lets compare Trump and Harris

Both have tax plans - must be an election year

Harris wants tax breaks for most. She offset this with increasing corporate tax rates

Trump wants tax breaks also but he offers nothing to offset the loss revenue

Will have to be approved by congress

Harris wants financial help for small business

Both want child tax credit
difference is newborns will get an additional 1000

inflation is difficult but both want to address it

lower prescription drug prices

Abortion (Roe VS Wade) Democrats vs Republicans no change

Climate- no change Democrats vs republicans

Harris environmental friendly initiatives but says she will not interfere with oil and gas production
She says she will not ban fracking

Trump wants to undo the electric car mandate under Biden

Harris says she she does not support electric car mandates

Trump says he will undue mandates but there are no mandates

biden just introduced incentive to buy electric.

Guns no change between what democrats want and what republican's want

democrats want gun safety

Republicans want to keep gun owners happy

no change

Democrats want free tuition but Harris has not publicly endorsed this

Harris Go America in the race with China in world dominance in commerce

So it the same as it always been

Tax breaks

china bad

gun control


tax breaks

Same old same old

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See that how easy it is because you're feeling of inadequacy get the best of you so you want to feel superior.
You got it wrong again, dipstick. It’s “your” in that context. Did you graduate high school? Lulz.
well lets compare Trump and Harris

Both have tax plans - must be an election year

Harris wants tax breaks for most. She offset this with increasing corporate tax rates

Trump wants tax breaks also but he offers nothing to offset the loss revenue

Will have to be approved by congress

Harris wants financial help for small business

Both want child tax credit
difference is newborns will get an additional 1000

inflation is difficult but both want to address it

lower prescription drug prices

Abortion (Roe VS Wade) Democrats vs Republicans no change

Climate- no change Democrats vs republicans

Harris environmental friendly initiatives but says she will not interfere with oil and gas production
She says she will not ban fracking

Trump wants to undo the electric car mandate under Biden

Harris says she she does not support electric car mandates

Trump says he will undue mandates but there are no mandates

biden just introduced incentive to buy electric.

Guns no change between what democrats want and what republican's want

democrats want gun safety

Republicans want to keep gun owners happy

no change

Democrats want free tuition but Harris has not publicly endorsed this

Harris Go America in the race with China in world dominance in commerce

So it the same as it always been

Tax breaks

china bad

gun control


tax breaks

Same old same old

I asked you for your favorite Harris policy proposal and you went "vague" on me, Kilroy! Harris wants tax breaks for most? What tax breaks and for what taxpayers? Increasing corporate taxes? That makes the US less competitive globally. So what is Harris proposing to keep corporations from investing elsewhere? When that was done before you had corporations moving operations to more tax friendly locales like Ireland. What is Harris planning to do to make sure that doesn't happen again?
I asked you for your favorite Harris policy proposal and you went "vague" on me, Kilroy! Harris wants tax breaks for most? What tax breaks and for what taxpayers? Increasing corporate taxes? That makes the US less competitive globally. So what is Harris proposing to keep corporations from investing elsewhere? When that was done before you had corporations moving operations to more tax friendly locales like Ireland. What is Harris planning to do to make sure that doesn't happen again?
Biden raised taxes and they did not leave

They still make money

and they will get some breaks from taxes

In 2020, Nike got $109 million back from the federal government and was able to defer $380 million in federal, state, and foreign taxes. That left the net of $348 they paid.

MAGA is a cancer on the Republican party. That is not name calling, you dumbass. That is name calling.
a practice or phenomenon perceived to be evil or destructive and hard to contain or eradicate.
"gambling is a cancer sweeping across the nation"
Using MAGA as a pejorative is also name calling.

I get that you don't like the other side, but you are the one who complained about name calling.

And yet you seem find doing it.

I am O.K. with that, but save your tears for someone who cares.
why don't you find a husband and settle down
Are you proposing to me? Not gay, not interested. Or perhaps you’re one of those tolerant liberals that try to use gayness as an insult. Either way, you’re a hypocritical moron.
Next time you ask a question, try using a question mark, dipshit.

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