Republicans have signed their death certificate

I don't get one penny from the government. And I give more than my fair share to the government. So stop generalizing and using quick talking point answers for the ignorant to remember and repeat.

The entitlement morass. Everybody wants it, and under Obama everybody gets it.
Get it? The Republican party hasn't been minimalized or marginalized, yet it has been relegated to obscurity by this Obama-caveat that all "Americans" are due the tit. "Gimme dat shit"

With deference to Dr. Hook....

Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Dat
Gimme Dat Shit, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat Shit
Gimme Dat, Gimme, Gimme Dat,
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Dat Shit
(Oh Sing it one more time Momma)​

Everyone gets entitlements, not just the poor

You and I get our share and the rich get more than anyone

Did you go to public school? Did your kids go?
You get a deduction for your mortgage? Your kids?
Use public transportation? Roads? Who maintains them?

Yes you get entitlements

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