Republicans have signed their death certificate

You can revise history as much as you want but democrats were the ones fighting for states rights (slavery). Also, might I remind you that liberal icon Woodrow Wilson became president in 1912 and his first official act was to re-segregate the civil service. The left's history with race is atrocious and it remains so. The "soft bigotry of low expectations" persist in the democratic party today.
States rights is the natural home for conservatives but the very concept has been tainted by the fact that it became the professed home of pro slavery and pro segregation democrats. Luckily, with the help of conservative voters the republican party was able to undo much of the lefts damage. The fight, obviously, continues.


Learn the difference between Democrat/Republican and Liberal/Conservative

It will make your understanding of history much easier

Why is it so hard for some to GET IT?

Its true that the Republican party was once "great" but those days are gone. Or at least, they're among the missing. Now its all about big business, foreign money and screwing over the little guy.

That's why they're losing more and more elections.

Actually, they're winning more and more local elections. However, I do think your eulogy is a bit premature and if you think big business, foreign money and screwing the little guy doesn't describe the democratic party then I have a bridge to sell you.

Learn the difference between Democrat/Republican and Liberal/Conservative

It will make your understanding of history much easier

Why is it so hard for some to GET IT?

Its true that the Republican party was once "great" but those days are gone. Or at least, they're among the missing. Now its all about big business, foreign money and screwing over the little guy.

That's why they're losing more and more elections.

Actually, they're winning more and more local elections. However, I do think your eulogy is a bit premature and if you think big business, foreign money and screwing the little guy doesn't describe the democratic party then I have a bridge to sell you.

John, your type of the GOP is dying.
Graham predicts 'breakthrough' passage of immigration bill with over '70 votes' - The Hill's Video

Sorry, but when they're subverting laws with their amnesty and calling heroes like Snowden, traitors they're done. The base has no reason to support them. They're done. They think that their base blindly supports them and that it's just a matter of competing for Democrat strongholds. They're completely wrong on both accounts. We are going to see a hell of an implosion.
A split in the party, sounds like good thing to me.
Go for it.

How much would Dems benefit when Republicans are essentially Democrats anyhow? If I were you, I'd hope that the Republicans continue their charade for as long as possible.
Why is it so hard for some to GET IT?

Its true that the Republican party was once "great" but those days are gone. Or at least, they're among the missing. Now its all about big business, foreign money and screwing over the little guy.

That's why they're losing more and more elections.

Actually, they're winning more and more local elections. However, I do think your eulogy is a bit premature and if you think big business, foreign money and screwing the little guy doesn't describe the democratic party then I have a bridge to sell you.

John, your type of the GOP is dying.

Jake, your type of the GOP is dying.
It's not an issue of the Rebublican party "dying", it's an issue of America being wrested from its core principals by a Liberal agenda hellbent on accommodating the perceived needs of a populace that has degenerated into a morass of entitlement.
The entitlement morass. Everybody wants it, and under Obama everybody gets it.

Get it?

The Republican party hasn't been minimalized or marginalized, yet it has been relegated to obscurity by this Obama-caveat that all "Americans" are due the tit. "Gimme dat shit"

With deference to Dr. Hook....

Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Dat
Gimme Dat Shit, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat Shit
Gimme Dat, Gimme, Gimme Dat,
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Dat Shit
(Oh Sing it one more time Momma)​
Why is it so hard for some to GET IT?

Its true that the Republican party was once "great" but those days are gone. Or at least, they're among the missing. Now its all about big business, foreign money and screwing over the little guy.

That's why they're losing more and more elections.

Actually, they're winning more and more local elections. However, I do think your eulogy is a bit premature and if you think big business, foreign money and screwing the little guy doesn't describe the democratic party then I have a bridge to sell you.

John, your type of the GOP is dying.

Well, it does seem that way sometimes. Being a conservative with a libertarian streak I would have to admit that the party that gave me McCain and Romney don't seem to want to keep me around. Not to suggest I could ever bring myself to vote democrat. On the flip side of that coin though. Obama is imploding with scandal, corruption and incompetence. I suspect this will effect the democratic party and its brand. We'll see.
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Actually, they're winning more and more local elections. However, I do think your eulogy is a bit premature and if you think big business, foreign money and screwing the little guy doesn't describe the democratic party then I have a bridge to sell you.

John, your type of the GOP is dying.

Well, it does seem that way sometimes. Being a conservative with a libertarian streak I would have to admit that the party that gave me McCain and Romney don't seem to want to keep me around. Not to suggest I could ever bring myself to vote democrat. On the flip side of that coin though. Obama is imploding with scandal, corruption and incompetence. I suspect this will effect the democratic party and its brand. We'll see.

Romney is 'moderate.' But, he has real values and doesn't deserve to be in the same breath with McCain, who is a total weasel.
The entitlement morass. Everybody wants it, and under Obama everybody gets it.

Get it?

The Republican party hasn't been minimalized or marginalized, yet it has been relegated to obscurity by this Obama-caveat that all "Americans" are due the tit. "Gimme dat shit"

With deference to Dr. Hook....

Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Dat
Gimme Dat Shit, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat Shit
Gimme Dat, Gimme, Gimme Dat,
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Dat Shit
(Oh Sing it one more time Momma)​

Everyone gets entitlements, not just the poor

You and I get our share and the rich get more than anyone
John, your type of the GOP is dying.

Well, it does seem that way sometimes. Being a conservative with a libertarian streak I would have to admit that the party that gave me McCain and Romney don't seem to want to keep me around. Not to suggest I could ever bring myself to vote democrat. On the flip side of that coin though. Obama is imploding with scandal, corruption and incompetence. I suspect this will effect the democratic party and its brand. We'll see.

Romney is 'moderate.' But, he has real values and doesn't deserve to be in the same breath with McCain, who is a total weasel.

Most of our Republican weasels infest our far reactionary right and some of our "libertarian" leaning members. The mainstream of the GOP continues to isolate and marginalize their influence.
Well, it does seem that way sometimes. Being a conservative with a libertarian streak I would have to admit that the party that gave me McCain and Romney don't seem to want to keep me around. Not to suggest I could ever bring myself to vote democrat. On the flip side of that coin though. Obama is imploding with scandal, corruption and incompetence. I suspect this will effect the democratic party and its brand. We'll see.

Romney is 'moderate.' But, he has real values and doesn't deserve to be in the same breath with McCain, who is a total weasel.

Most of our Republican weasels infest our far reactionary right and some of our "libertarian" leaning members. The mainstream of the GOP continues to isolate and marginalize their influence.

Most of our bla bla bla.... :clap2:
Romney is 'moderate.' But, he has real values and doesn't deserve to be in the same breath with McCain, who is a total weasel.

Most of our Republican weasels infest our far reactionary right and some of our "libertarian" leaning members. The mainstream of the GOP continues to isolate and marginalize their influence.

Most of our bla bla bla....

The bla bla bla continues from our reactionary right. :clap2:
Wow! I don't think you got one point right! LOL!
wow, your pretty ignorant,

Wow YOU'RE the ignorant one.

The democrats never switched from being conservative to liberal. They just became shills for every special interest group. It's all about money and power to the democrats they don't care about what's best for the country.

You have just described both parties: neither is liberal, neither is conservative, both are corrupt.
I don't get one penny from the government. And I give more than my fair share to the government. So stop generalizing and using quick talking point answers for the ignorant to remember and repeat.

The entitlement morass. Everybody wants it, and under Obama everybody gets it.
Get it? The Republican party hasn't been minimalized or marginalized, yet it has been relegated to obscurity by this Obama-caveat that all "Americans" are due the tit. "Gimme dat shit"

With deference to Dr. Hook....

Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Dat
Gimme Dat Shit, Gimme Dat
Gimme, Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat Shit
Gimme Dat, Gimme, Gimme Dat,
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Dat Shit
(Oh Sing it one more time Momma)​

Everyone gets entitlements, not just the poor

You and I get our share and the rich get more than anyone
wow, your pretty ignorant,

Wow YOU'RE the ignorant one.

The democrats never switched from being conservative to liberal. They just became shills for every special interest group. It's all about money and power to the democrats they don't care about what's best for the country.

You have just described both parties: neither is liberal, neither is conservative, both are corrupt.

I agree that both parties are corrupt but the democrats are better at it.

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