Republicans have signed their death certificate

Graham predicts 'breakthrough' passage of immigration bill with over '70 votes' - The Hill's Video

Sorry, but when they're subverting laws with their amnesty and calling heroes like Snowden, traitors they're done. The base has no reason to support them. They're done. They think that their base blindly supports them and that it's just a matter of competing for Democrat strongholds. They're completely wrong on both accounts. We are going to see a hell of an implosion.

Really? I guess the people of Connecticut didn't get the memo seeing as they just elected Samuel Belsito (R) to a seat held by Democrats for 40 years. :cuckoo:

Well, I'll be damned if the country doesn't turn on a dime on a seat in Connecticut. Thanks for that hearty analysis.
Let in 30 million mexicans and both democrats and republicans will be in a political death spiral. Just give the cartels the keys and walk away.

Of course they might be dissuaded from citizenship by the coming war over Syria.
Graham predicts 'breakthrough' passage of immigration bill with over '70 votes' - The Hill's Video

Sorry, but when they're subverting laws with their amnesty and calling heroes like Snowden, traitors they're done. The base has no reason to support them. They're done. They think that their base blindly supports them and that it's just a matter of competing for Democrat strongholds. They're completely wrong on both accounts. We are going to see a hell of an implosion.

Really? I guess the people of Connecticut didn't get the memo seeing as they just elected Samuel Belsito (R) to a seat held by Democrats for 40 years. :cuckoo:

Well, I'll be damned if the country doesn't turn on a dime on a seat in Connecticut. Thanks for that hearty analysis.

Imagine if you will why that would happen? I'll tell you Einstein... It's because the Democrat war on guns is blowing up in liberal's faces. You stated you weren't a liberal, but you certainly sound like an Obama fluffer to me.
Really? I guess the people of Connecticut didn't get the memo seeing as they just elected Samuel Belsito (R) to a seat held by Democrats for 40 years. :cuckoo:

Well, I'll be damned if the country doesn't turn on a dime on a seat in Connecticut. Thanks for that hearty analysis.

Imagine if you will why that would happen? I'll tell you Einstein... It's because the Democrat war on guns is blowing up in liberal's faces. You stated you weren't a liberal, but you certainly sound like an Obama fluffer to me.

And this based upon what excuse that I've made for Democrats? The truth is that you're what the Republicans want. They want you to focus soley on your hate for Democrats to distract you from the fact that they sticking that knife in your back and twisting every chance they get.
Wow! I don't think you got one point right! LOL!
wow, your pretty ignorant,

Segregation was an entirely democrat thing.

Segregation was an entirely CONSERVATIVE thing, not a Liberal thing.

African Americans were given the right to vote after the civil war waged by a republican.
Republican WERE the Liberals in 1860. I thought you knew history?

Some states made it hard for African Americans to vote because of Jim Crow laws in the democratic south.
Which was an entirely CONSERVATIVE thing, not a Liberal thing.

Proportionately, more republicans voted for the civil rights act than democrats.
You pull this stat out of your ass or are we supposed to believe your lying conservative lips?

Silly con. You go attaching party names and act like "gotcha!".

NO moron.

I use the word Liberal.

Party names are irrelevant since liberals have changed from one to the other.

But of course you said you knew history, so...
Let in 30 million mexicans and both democrats and republicans will be in a political death spiral. Just give the cartels the keys and walk away.

Of course they might be dissuaded from citizenship by the coming war over Syria.

We have the power to take back our country, the minute we stop accepting corruption as the norm. Right now, Dems and Republicans are feasting. It's a club. They gerrymander the borders, sell their superficial narratives and walk lock-step while they sell the country to the highest bidders. It's as simple as that. And it always will be as long as we the people, keep making excuses for corruption.
It's not about killing the Republican Party, it's about dragging the entire country into the bottomless cesspool of Liberal ideology.
Without Liberals we would still be stuck firmly, in the 17th century.

Liberals worked hard to get Women the Vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.
Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act.
Liberals got women the right to vote.

So what did Conservatives do?
They opposed them on every one of those things.
There was plenty of kicking and screaming by conservatives claiming the world would END!
Much like Today!

Liberals and progressives and citizens with Brains are becoming the majority,
What about us prejudice White folk?

Liberals and progressives and citizens with Brains are becoming the majority,
What about us prejudice White folk?

In the end, this shit will be settled at the end of a gun barrel.

I'm a brainless conservative.

Wow! I don't think you got one point right! LOL! Segregation was an entirely democrat thing. African Americans were given the right to vote after the civil war waged by a republican. Some states made it hard for African Americans to vote because of Jim Crow laws in the democratic south. Proportionately, more republicans voted for the civil rights act than democrats. A liberal president passed social security but it looked completely different than it does now. Then you added some other stuff that I would have to look up but since your track record of historical "knowledge" is subpar I'm just going to pass and have a donut instead.

Notice how this person repeated themselves to trump up the list. :lol: :lmao: :clap2:
Republicans have signed their death certificate


Liberals have announced that the Republican is dead, dying, or both, at every election since the 1980s.

Now they're starting to do it BETWEEN elections.

These people are getting more desperate by the day.

Yeah, I'm real desperate to keep republicans out since there's almost no distinction left between the two parties. There's actually only one party. The corporate party with a democrat wing and a republican wing.
Wow! I don't think you got one point right! LOL!
wow, your pretty ignorant,

Segregation was an entirely democrat thing.

1. Segregation was an entirely CONSERVATIVE thing, not a Liberal thing.

Republican WERE the Liberals in 1860. I thought you knew history?

Some states made it hard for African Americans to vote because of Jim Crow laws in the democratic south.
2.Which was an entirely CONSERVATIVE thing, not a Liberal thing.

Proportionately, more republicans voted for the civil rights act than democrats.
3.You pull this stat out of your ass or are we supposed to believe your lying conservative lips?

Silly con. You go attaching party names and act like "gotcha!".

NO moron.

I use the word Liberal.

Party names are irrelevant since liberals have changed from one to the other.

But of course you said you knew history, so...

1 and 2. Conservatives exist on both sides of the spectrum, idiot. Do you not study Political Science? At any rate, the abolition of slavery has the Republican name attached to it, so does desegregation, along with the Voting Rights act of 1954. Look it up, genius.

3. Vote totals

Totals are in "Yea–Nay" format:

The original House version: 290–130 (69–31%).
Cloture in the Senate: 71–29 (71–29%).
The Senate version: 73–27 (73–27%).
The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289–126 (70–30%).

By party

The original House version:

Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)

Cloture in the Senate:

Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version:

Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:

Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

By party and region

Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)

Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)

The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

Go home. You're a factually corrupt liberal.
The republican party must do three things
1# Oppose this bill and defeat it!
2# Become a party of idea's like infrastructure, science and technology.
3# Don't say stupid things! No more rape is good....Many social issues need to go over to the states.

If we do these three...We could pull it off.
The republican party must do three things
1# Oppose this bill and defeat it!
2# Become a party of idea's like infrastructure, science and technology.
3# Don't say stupid things! No more rape is good....Many social issues need to go over to the states.

If we do these three...We could pull it off.

Rape is good? Republicans oppose science and technology? What the hell are you talking about?
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Cheney calls Snowden a ?traitor,? defends NSA phone call, Internet tracking - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Cheney called Snowden a traitor too. This pretty much shows where the Republican party has been for years. This didn't just happen, people.

The problem I have is that both parties have signed their death warrants by aiding the Syrians, for one, spying on us for two.

I would much rather you dispense with this partisan crap, please.

What partisan crap? You're the one pretending that Syria will be the fall of the Democrats. :eusa_hand:

My point is simply that Republicans have lost their soul and you can't pretend that it's not going to cost them.
The republican party must do three things
1# Oppose this bill and defeat it!
2# Become a party of idea's like infrastructure, science and technology.
3# Don't say stupid things! No more rape is good....Many social issues need to go over to the states.

If we do these three...We could pull it off.

Rape is good? Republicans oppose science and technology? What the hell are you talking about?

We must get the public to believe that...The democrats have control of the game. :eek:
Cheney calls Snowden a ?traitor,? defends NSA phone call, Internet tracking - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Cheney called Snowden a traitor too. This pretty much shows where the Republican party has been for years. This didn't just happen, people.

The problem I have is that both parties have signed their death warrants by aiding the Syrians, for one, spying on us for two.

I would much rather you dispense with this partisan crap, please.

What partisan crap? You're the one pretending that Syria will be the fall of the Democrats. :eusa_hand:

My point is simply that Republicans have lost their soul and you can't pretend that it's not going to cost them.

You are the one suggesting that Democrats won't suffer for this.

It's going to cost everybody dearly. This among other things is the downfall of both parties. Can't you see? Nobody is immune to this toxin!
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TheGreatGatsby said:
You really think that Syria will be a swing issue? I think that's your own partisanship talking.

Syria shouldn't be an issue at all. I am not partisan, I am Libertarian. Let's get that straight.

Libertarian is what I most closely associate with. But, I have no allegiance to any party.

Also, I've traditionally voted heavily Republican b/c I bought the lesser of two evil crap. That's no longer worth it to me. I will not support these loser Republicans any longer. I'm sure plenty of people like me are coming to that position.
Syria shouldn't be an issue at all. I am not partisan, I am Libertarian. Let's get that straight.

Libertarian is what I most closely associate with. But, I have no allegiance to any party.

Also, I've traditionally voted heavily Republican b/c I bought the lesser of two evil crap. That's no longer worth it to me. I will not support these loser Republicans any longer. I'm sure plenty of people like me are coming to that position.

Well, I'm getting that way myself. I'm voting for my Republican Senator because he was endorsed by Ron Paul. The others? Well, I'll have to see when election day gets here.

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