Republicans Heard The Voters: They Want Hunter Biden’s Laptop

That's the idiotic post of the day. Explain your reasoning.
Read the bible.

New King James Version Matthew 9:9
As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him.
That's like your wife going to the doctor with a sore throat, and the doctor doing a pelvic exam. Of course he has to look at it.
haha no it’s not .

it’s like taking my car to a mechanic and expecting him to lift the hood and look around…but your gaslighting because you don’t want to discuss the evidence of crime and corruption of the xiden crime family that was found

that’s what guilty people do…attack the witnesses.
Took 4 years to impeach Trump twice.

HOw many time can they impeach Biden in the 2 years he has left?
And a mighty sorry majority it is. Laughable, actually. They are going nowhere with the agenda they are pursuing. I want my tax dollars to go for meaningful legislation. Hunter Biden, whatever he has done, is not going to be the focus for the public. Trump is just an after thought. If any of you had any brains, you would insist on a viable candidate for President. For someone who detests losing, Trump sets himself up over and over for the same result every time. The only reason he wants to run for President is to escape the iron bars. He might like it though. You can go visit him and have mini rallies. Worthless waste of time. Move on. Try to do something noble, for once, if you’re capable.
so? yeah he wanted the man to do his job. He did it…even with Harris undermining trust in the fda
No, Trump wanted him to approve the vaccine.

And do it by Friday, or "You're Fired"

Trump administration threatened to oust the head of the FDA if the Pfizer vaccine isn't cleared by the end of Friday, a new report says
haha no it’s not .

it’s like taking my car to a mechanic and expecting him to lift the hood and look around…but your gaslighting because you don’t want to discuss the evidence of crime and corruption of the xiden crime family that was found

that’s what guilty people do…attack the witnesses.
Whatcha got. I’ll discuss it, though I know nothing other than you chasing a story with no legs. Getting even is a bad business. It never works.
No, Trump wanted him to approve the vaccine.

And do it by Friday, or "You're Fired"

Trump administration threatened to oust the head of the FDA if the Pfizer vaccine isn't cleared by the end of Friday, a new report says
so? of course he wanted it approved. He wanted to save lives. Sadly Xiden won and despite the hard work done by the trump admin xiden surrendered to covid and record amounts of americans died

xiden lied, people died
Took 4 years to impeach Trump twice.

HOw many time can they impeach Biden in the 2 years he has left?
I'm pretty sure they won't impeach him It's not worth the time or the effort. He's self imploding. Impeaching him will only make him more popular. They need to play this hand correctly. You don't beat on a crotchedy old man even a perverted crochedy old man because of generates sympathy for him. Give him the microphone and let him Alzheimers himself away verbally.
There is going to be an investigation by the House into Hunter Biden's business dealings. It should have happened over two years ago and the results should have been made public at that time. If that were the case we probably wouldn't have the worst President of my lifetime sitting in the Oval Office.

Democrats don't want that investigation to take place because it's going to pull back the curtain and show how high ranking members of the FBI, the main stream media and the Biden campaign colluded to hide from the voters evidence that make it quite clear that the Biden family has been selling political influence and has been doing so for years!

That's going to happen and it's LONG overdue!
It won’t happen. You think it will satisfy you, but when it fails, you will have to create more untruths. I wasn’t event aware Biden had another son until you story tells started talking about him.
It won’t happen. You think it will satisfy you, but when it fails, you will have to create more untruths. I wasn’t event aware Biden had another son until you story tells started talking about him.
a lot of dembots are unaware. you aren’t a lone
haha no it’s not .

it’s like taking my car to a mechanic and expecting him to lift the hood and look around…

No it's like taking your car to the mechanic, and he looks through the trunk and the glove compartment, when the problem is under the hood.
No it's like taking your car to the mechanic, and he looks through the trunk and the glove compartment, when the problem is under the hood.
and if he found a dead body i’d expect him to report it to law enforcement…just like this guy did when he found the evidence of corruption and criminal conduct
And a mighty sorry majority it is. Laughable, actually. They are going nowhere with the agenda they are pursuing. I want my tax dollars to go for meaningful legislation. Hunter Biden, whatever he has done, is not going to be the focus for the public. Trump is just an after thought. If any of you had any brains, you would insist on a viable candidate for President. For someone who detests losing, Trump sets himself up over and over for the same result every time. The only reason he wants to run for President is to escape the iron bars. He might like it though. You can go visit him and have mini rallies. Worthless waste of time. Move on. Try to do something noble, for once, if you’re capable.
If any of you had any brains, you would insist on a viable candidate for President.
Something Republicans and Democrats both need to do.
Read the bible.

New King James Version Matthew 9:9
As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him.
And that translates to Jesus supporting 87,000 IRS agents. You're fucking nuts.
Hello, fellow Americans. We are the new Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and it is our honor to share our exciting plans for the weeks and months ahead.

Clearly the midterm elections didn’t go quite as we had hoped, but we are appropriately chastened and have fully heard the message that was sent: You all are tired of conspiracy theories and election denialism and prefer a focus on legislation that will make a difference in your lives.

Point taken. Now that we have a narrow majority in the House, we’re totally going to nail this.

That’s why we’re proudly promise to introducing the first of 37 investigations into Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, along with a number of new committees that will address the concerns of regular Americans like Sean Hannity, Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson.

The beginning of the end gets off to an early start.
/——-/ Are you bragging or complaining?
It won’t happen. You think it will satisfy you, but when it fails, you will have to create more untruths. I wasn’t event aware Biden had another son until you story tells started talking about him.
So by telling us you didn't know Biden had another've basically admitted you don't really know much about the Biden family. What does that say about you, Maria?

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