Republicans just keep handing Democrats more ammo.

McConnell is instituting the Joe Biden Rule.

Joe Biden suggested that a president should consider waiting until an election to nominate a supreme court justice if a vacancy in the court occurred during convention season.

Convention season is months away. Destroying McConnell's argument. Biden never argued that the president can't nominate someone. Destroying McConnell's argument again. Or that the senate should hold no hearings. Destroying McConnell's argument a third time. Or that they shouldn't be confirmed if qualified. Destroying McConnell's argument argument a fourth time.

McConnell is instituting the McConnell rule: an unprecedented act of republican obstructionism which will define the republican legacy of this era. As after this, there's no plausible narrative the republicans can offer that isn't about naked partisan obstructionism that placed party above the business of the nation.

Oh, and with 60%+ of folks agreeing that hearings should be held, even McConnell's babble about 'letting the people decide' is a steaming pile of horseshit.

The McConnell rule sets a new precedent

That Supreme Court Justices are not a priority. That a nomination should be sat on until you get a President that you like

Which is what McConnell is strongly insinuating with this quote when responding to a question about if he would consider nominee Merrick Garland AFTER the election, with a Hillary win:

Mitch McConnell said:
I can’t imagine that a Republican majority in the United States Senate would want to confirm, in a lame duck session, a nominee opposed by the National Rifle Association [and] the National Federation of Independent Businesses.”

Again, this is his response about Garland's confirmation AFTER the election with a Hillary win.

After the election, it will be McConnell who will be a lame duck majority leader

If the NRA and NFIB oppose Garland, imagine what their reaction will be to whomever Hillary nominates. I suspect McConnell will call an emergency session of the Senate to affirm Obama's nomination

That's part of conservative George Will's argument: would you get a better pick from Trump or Hillary?

Will argues that you wouldn't.
"Obama nominates Merrick Garland for Supreme Court"

If republicans were smart they'd confirm – he's clearly a qualified consensus candidate.

But republicans aren't smart.

They will stonewall and then scream for Garland when Hillary nominates a young liberal judge
I doubt that.

Are you serious?

Wait until you see who Hillary nominates. Republicans will beg to confirm Garland
Hillary's not gonna win.

And Garland is an automatic non-starter.
"Obama nominates Merrick Garland for Supreme Court"

If republicans were smart they'd confirm – he's clearly a qualified consensus candidate.

But republicans aren't smart.

They will stonewall and then scream for Garland when Hillary nominates a young liberal judge
I doubt that.

Are you serious?

Wait until you see who Hillary nominates. Republicans will beg to confirm Garland
Hillary's not gonna win.

And Garland is an automatic non-starter.

Hillary gets to run against Trump
She can pop the champagne right now
Keep in mind any time a leftie advises that republicans are "handing democrats more ammo" it means that democrats are plumb out of ammo and propaganda is all they have left. To refresh the short leftie memory, (senator) Joe Biden said it best back in 1992 when he told congress that the (democrat controlled) senate would never consider a nominee from a lame duck administration.
Calling him "one of America's sharpest legal minds," President Barack Obama nominated federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
Well that settles it for me. ....... :cool:

If the self-proclaimed smartest man in the world, (Obama), who is supposedly a Constitutional scholar himself. Claims that Garland. is "one of America's sharpest legal minds".

Then who are we to argue with an 11 day instant Nobel prize winner? ........ :rolleyes:
Yep.....a peace prize for killing 300,000 in Libya, 400,000 in Syria, who knows how many in Iraq.
But we have no boots on the ground anywhere. Our guys are floating 6 inches off the ground.
Even Trump knows the GOP destabilized the Middle East. Hilarious.

Explain how they did that. The GOP hasn't had anything to do with the military since 2009 and Obama runs both the military and the state department. The Arab Spring started after Obama took office. How did the GOP go around Obama and start taking down Middle-Eastern leaders like Qaddafi? You act like Obama is a powerless spectator. Why the fuck is he there if he isn't doing his fucking job?
Don't be a fucking idiot. The Middle East became destabilized because of what Bush did. There were no al Qaeda in Iraq until Bush let them in. Pretending that common knowledge that even Trump knows isn't makes your kind look bad.
Duh, they have been killing each other and infidels since before the United States existed, and are still at it.

If you really want to know when the shit hit the fan, you can look to the Carter Administration.
Asked earlier this month whether she'd be indicted over her use of a private email server as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton responded, "It's not going to happen."

Though Republicans characterized her response as hubris, several legal experts interviewed by The Associated Press agreed with the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The relatively few laws that govern the handling of classified materials were generally written to cover spies, leakers and those who illegally retain such information, such as at home. Though the view is not unanimous, several lawyers who specialize in this area said it's a stretch to apply existing statutes to a former cabinet secretary whose communication of sensitive materials was with aides — not a national enemy.

Experts See Little Chance of Charges in Clinton Email Case

Apparently the 'questions' that Hillary's emails raise....have to do with her choice of Helvetica as her default font.

I mean, c'mon. Everyone knows Arial is cleaner and more professional. Do we really want someone that would choose Helvetica as our president? What message would be sending the children?

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