Republicans livid over Trump’s plan to reduce troops in Afghanistan...McConnell says Trump’s move will “delight” US enemies

War is a punishment on the people. I would venture to guess those calling for war live pretty darn good. If those with worldly crowns and their goons want to continue in war let them put all their funds into keeping it going.
Going from where we were in 2016, down to 5,000 troops in both AFG & Iraq now, then down to 2,500 in both by Xmas is essentially zero.

We have about 900 troops in Syria, probably guarding the oils fields for the Kurds, not fighting.

Trump defeated ISIS and brought the troops home from the ME, as promised. The chikinhawks can crow all they want, especially in the 2022 primaries.
These tiny reductions in U.S. troop levels abroad — remnants of Wall Street’s long-established world-wide foreign military empire — are to be welcomed.

But we should recognize that these moves are insignificant political ploys. Republican supporters of our MIC and neo-con warmongers in both parties will oppose them. But Trump and Pompeo are at this very moment poisoning the well of peace by embracing increased arms sales and aid to Saudi Arabia, whose mad butcher “crown prince” MBS is waging war against poverty-stricken Yemen with crucial U.S. help.

The present lame duck U.S. government is increasing its murderous unilateral sanctions against Iran (while using financial terror to pressure other unwilling nations to comply), using armed force to illegally “keep Syrian oil” in U.S. hands, while using military coercion, assassinations, and bribery efforts in Iraq to stop normal trade with Iran and Syria and to prevent desperately needed Chinese investments. Trump/Pompeo are continuing earlier policies of moving NATO troops right up to the border with Russia and running provocative military “freedom of transit” air and naval exercises near China and through waters it claims. Additionally, they are madly pressuring high-tech Taiwanese industry to “disengage” from mainland China while toying with reversing the long-term U.S. “One China” policy. Overall U.S. troop levels overseas are as high as when Trump took office. There is far less multilateral engagement and fewer discussions to limit nuclear weapon accidents than ever. Many of these dangerous policies will not change fundamentally under a new Biden Administration.
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Senator Bitch Mccuckhold SHOULD have larger concerns right now: The integrity of US Elections.

Bring the all Patriots home from overseas, we will need in them in the struggle to come at home.
The U.S. CIA and “Deep State” once supported murderous Generals Pinochet and Videla in Chile and Argentina. Those who call for doing the same in the U.S. are outright fascists or lunatics who want to bring U.S. imperialism and dictatorial rule “home” to the U.S.A. Much of our overseas armed forces and especially Pentagon and CIA-paid armies of private contractors working beside them are really mercenaries.

There are of course many real patriots among the U.S. armed forces as well, men and women who wish to protect our rights and even extend human rights around the world. These men will quit the Deep State before they will “start up the helicopters” against the people of the U.S.

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