Republicans Lock In Their Losing Position Against Biden's American Jobs Plan

To make money, dipshit. It's going to take 20 years for the changeover to happen and there's a lot of profit available between now and then.

So why aren’t they investing you moron? If they thought they could make more money in the long term by investing they most certainly would. They were investing during Trump’s tenure. Common sense is not your friend.
/——-/ “Understatement of the century; Democrats are ignorant and naive.”
No, democrats are very smart at being socialist activists and are very good at moving their sick agenda forward.

Notice I didn’t say they were all stupid, but you are correct in that those running the party are not ignorant or naive. They know exactly what they are doing. It is the average Democratic voter than falls into the ignorant and naive category thinking they are somehow going to benefit from Democratic policies in the long run.
So why aren’t they investing you moron? If they thought they could make more money in the long term by investing they most certainly would. They were investing during Trump’s tenure. Common sense is not your friend.

I don't know, why don't YOU ask them. They're the ones making these decisions. I suspect it may have something to do with those record profits they're currently raking in and their profit and loss numbers.

Oil companies have doubled their profits with ZERO investment. Why would they dip into capital and reducing profits and dividends to shareholders for some future payoff??? Why haven't Texas power companies "hardened" their grid to deal with climate change> Why haven't California power companies updated their infrastructure to reduce the risk of wild fires?

American companies have STOPPED any long term planning or investment and are completely dominated by "bottom line" management. Profits and dividends. They didn't use the last tax cut to upgrade equipment or expand operations. They used it for stock buybacks to increase equity for largest shareholders and to push small investors out.
Nobody said you shouldn’t pay, but why is it that I pay significantly lower property tax rates than someone in NJ? My area is much nicer than most in NJ with. better infrastructure.
Because you get significantly lower services… shittier school’s etc
Because you get significantly lower services… shittier school’s etc
/——-/ That's not always the case. NYC schools are shytholes, the ones in Nassau County are good, but so are the parochial schools.
Nobody said you shouldn’t pay, but why is it that I pay significantly lower property tax rates than someone in NJ? My area is much nicer than most in NJ with. better infrastructure.

I live in a rural area with a volunteer fire department, and no local police force. We have one outdoor swimming pool which is only open from June 15th to September 1st. No indoor pools at all. There is no public transit of any description either in town, or to nearby communities. No one is offering subsidized day care. And yet property taxes out here are the same as they are in Toronto, if not higher.

In Toronto, I had 4 indoor swimming pools/recreation centres within walking distance of my house, and one outdoor olympic size swimming and diving facility. That facility hosted the Pan-Am games swimming meet in 2015. We had 24/7 public transit, subsidized day care spaces for low income families, and a host of free community based recreation programs and services. The local precinct cop shop for Toronto police, was within walking distance of my house, and the fire hall was less than a 5 minute drive away, and it was a full time fire department, not a volunteer department which won't get there before your place burns to the ground.

I thought the fact that we pay the same property ridiculous considering the shortfall of services out here until I realized:

1. Residential property taxes in the City were heavily subsidized by municipal business taxes, paid by corporations and retailers. And by the high taxes payable for condominiums and skyscrapers. Property taxes on a 2 bedroom condo were $2500 per year, when taxes on our house were under $1000 per year. It made no sense to me then and it still doesn't.

2. We have fewer people. We have 45,000 people living in our county, compared to nearly 3 million people in Toronto. But we are twice the size of Toronto. 1250 square kilometers here, 630 square kilometers in Toronto. There are far fewer households in the tax base so we have to pay more, per household, for these services.

3. Much of the land in our county is farm land, and property taxes on farm land are almost zero. The farmer will pay property taxes on his house and outbuildings, but the land is taxed at a very low rate, so even though we have twice the land mass of Toronto, there is NO farm land in that City and every single inch of the city that isn't owned by some level of government or a church, is taxed to the hilt.
They're not going to get "shut down in the future" and they know it.

They're making money now...hand over they don't NEED to invest in the future

They are enjoying RECORD profits

They're not going to get "shut down in the future" and they know it.

The companies building the Keystone XL pipeline got shut down and you know it.

They're making money now...hand over they don't NEED to invest in the future

It's true, Biden fucked up.
Nothing changes the fact that it is a politically targeted tax increase on the middle class.

All tax increases can be offset in some way...that doesn't mean they are not tax increases or that they are justified.

Nothing changes the fact that it is a politically targeted tax increase on the rich.
Because you get significantly lower services… shittier school’s etc

I'm glad my property taxes are going to the awesome Chicago Public Schools.
Those schools are awesome.
Some of the graduates can even read.
WTF? Retard?
WHEN is a budget surplus "usual"?
In fucking year?

NOOT didn't do shit.

WHEN is a budget surplus "usual"?

I know you're a stupid twat, but it's not unusual to have a surplus in April when most individuals file their federal taxes.

April 2017

April 2019

April 2018

NOOT didn't do shit.

Slick Willie was the budget hawk? LOL!
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WHEN is a budget surplus "usual"?

I know you're a stupid twat, but it's not unusual to have a surplus in April when most individuals file their federal taxes.

April 2017

April 2019

April 2018
WHO, was president and their budget?

The NEW President.

Every month the U.S. Treasury releases data on the federal budget, including the current deficit. The following contains budget data for April 2020, which was the seventh month of fiscal year (FY) 2020.
The deficit in April was the largest ever recorded.

NOOT didn't do shit.

Slick Willie was the budget hawk? LOL!
So, republican were?
They never reduced the deficit or budget in 40years,
WHO, was president and their budget?

The NEW President.

Every month the U.S. Treasury releases data on the federal budget, including the current deficit. The following contains budget data for April 2020, which was the seventh month of fiscal year (FY) 2020.
The deficit in April was the largest ever recorded.

So, republican were?
They never reduced the deficit or budget in 40years,

WHO, was president and their budget?


So, republican were?

Yes, Gingrich was very good.

They never reduced the deficit or budget in 40years,

Because you get significantly lower services… shittier school’s etc

But we don't. That is a myth, particularly in higher-income areas. The property tax savings alone for a slightly above-average home will go a long way to sending your kids to private school if you feel they are not getting a good enough public education. I have spent quite a bit of time in Manhatten and in upscale areas in NJ just outside NYC and I can assure you that where I live puts them to shame when it comes to cleanliness, roads, services, housing, etc.

The services provided to me are more than adequate. You are being fooled by your local Democratic politicians if you believe you should be paying the astronomical tax rates they impose.
I live in a rural area with a volunteer fire department, and no local police force. We have one outdoor swimming pool which is only open from June 15th to September 1st. No indoor pools at all. There is no public transit of any description either in town, or to nearby communities. No one is offering subsidized day care. And yet property taxes out here are the same as they are in Toronto, if not higher.

In Toronto, I had 4 indoor swimming pools/recreation centres within walking distance of my house, and one outdoor olympic size swimming and diving facility. That facility hosted the Pan-Am games swimming meet in 2015. We had 24/7 public transit, subsidized day care spaces for low income families, and a host of free community based recreation programs and services. The local precinct cop shop for Toronto police, was within walking distance of my house, and the fire hall was less than a 5 minute drive away, and it was a full time fire department, not a volunteer department which won't get there before your place burns to the ground.

I thought the fact that we pay the same property ridiculous considering the shortfall of services out here until I realized:

1. Residential property taxes in the City were heavily subsidized by municipal business taxes, paid by corporations and retailers. And by the high taxes payable for condominiums and skyscrapers. Property taxes on a 2 bedroom condo were $2500 per year, when taxes on our house were under $1000 per year. It made no sense to me then and it still doesn't.

2. We have fewer people. We have 45,000 people living in our county, compared to nearly 3 million people in Toronto. But we are twice the size of Toronto. 1250 square kilometers here, 630 square kilometers in Toronto. There are far fewer households in the tax base so we have to pay more, per household, for these services.

3. Much of the land in our county is farm land, and property taxes on farm land are almost zero. The farmer will pay property taxes on his house and outbuildings, but the land is taxed at a very low rate, so even though we have twice the land mass of Toronto, there is NO farm land in that City and every single inch of the city that isn't owned by some level of government or a church, is taxed to the hilt.
That may be a reason to leave. If you are not getting value for what you pay when adding all expenses for any reason in, then getting out is an option.
But we don't. That is a myth, particularly in higher-income areas. The property tax savings alone for a slightly above-average home will go a long way to sending your kids to private school if you feel they are not getting a good enough public education. I have spent quite a bit of time in Manhatten and in upscale areas in NJ just outside NYC and I can assure you that where I live puts them to shame when it comes to cleanliness, roads, services, housing, etc.

The services provided to me are more than adequate. You are being fooled by your local Democratic politicians if you believe you should be paying the astronomical tax rates they impose.
How very elite of you

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