Republicans Lock In Their Losing Position Against Biden's American Jobs Plan

Do futures prices only change based on the oil on hand?
Several factors do.

Hence: The word FUTURES...............NOT present.
Future demand.

That doesn't mean the oil companies won't raise the price to their distributors, because a light bulb went out in the break room of the refinery.

Let alone the quantity of oil in their tanks.
Several factors do.

Hence: The word FUTURES...............NOT present.
Future demand.

That doesn't mean the oil companies won't raise the price to their distributors, because a light bulb went out in the break room of the refinery.

Let alone the quantity of oil in their tanks.
/----/ Thanks to democrRATs handouts, nobody wants to work. So, how is Joe's job plan gonna force them to get a job?
The number of job openings in the US was 11.3 million in May of 2022, down slightly from 11.7 million in April and a peak of 11.9 million in March. Figures came above market expectations of 11 million and were still above pre-pandemic levels, suggesting demand for workers remained robust. The largest decreases in job openings were in professional and business services (-325,000), durable goods manufacturing (-138,000), and nondurable goods manufacturing (-70,000). Meanwhile, some 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in May, little changed from the prior month, with the so-called quits rate falling to a four-month low of 2.8% and there were 1.9 job openings for every unemployed person. source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

/----/ Thanks to democrRATs handouts, nobody wants to work.
You're FOS, MORON.
Noone wants to work for shitty republican wages.
So, how is Joe's job plan gonna force them to get a job?
NOT a corporate tax cut, the failed plan of every republitard ever elected.
The number of job openings in the US was 11.3 million in May of 2022, down slightly from 11.7 million in April and a peak of 11.9 million in March. Figures came above market expectations of 11 million and were still above pre-pandemic levels, suggesting demand for workers remained robust. The largest decreases in job openings were in professional and business services (-325,000), durable goods manufacturing (-138,000), and nondurable goods manufacturing (-70,000). Meanwhile, some 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in May, little changed from the prior month, with the so-called quits rate falling to a four-month low of 2.8% and there were 1.9 job openings for every unemployed person. source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Sure beats the unemployment republitards create.
Noone wants to work for shitty republican wages.

Unlike you and other Democrats, we don’t live in a fantasy world. The reality is that employers can’t pay unskilled workers high wages without raising the price of their product, which affects everyone, including the very unskilled worker himself. I’m not sure why this is so complicated for folks to figure out.

NOT a corporate tax cut, the failed plan of every republitard ever elected.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a corporate tax cut, however, raising corporate taxes is a completely boneheaded move.
Unlike you and other Democrats, we don’t live in a fantasy world. The reality is that employers can’t pay unskilled workers high wages without raising the price of their product,
Most of the time employers can't pay skilled workers higher wages, without raising the price of their product or service.
which affects everyone, including the very unskilled worker himself.
Yes, it does.
I’m not sure why this is so complicated for folks to figure out.
It isn't.
Supply, demand and price, it isn't complicated.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a corporate tax cut,
Yes, there is when a politician claims it will produce jobs and a better "living", when it "trickles down".
however, raising corporate taxes is a completely boneheaded move.
No, it isn't.
Corporations get to get rich, off their customers and the government, pay zero in taxes, then get a tax refund?
They can't support their own country, the country they got rich off of?
Most of the time employers can't pay skilled workers higher wages, without raising the price of their product or service.

Higher skilled and higher paid workers are not in competition with the government. True supply and demand are at work to dictate their wages.

It isn't.
Supply, demand and price, it isn't complicated.

Yes, it is supply and demand. Few can perform open heart surgery but many can mop the floor afterwards. It seems the goal of the Democrats is to falsely create a supply shortage of these unskilled workers by paying them more to stay home than they would get to mop the floor. In the long run, this approach drives up the cost of products and services.

Yes, there is when a politician claims it will produce jobs and a better "living", when it "trickles down".

Yes, it trickles down in the form of more businesses and more jobs. Democrats seem to lump all corporations into the same group. The vast majority are small businesses whose owners are not mulit-millionaires, not that there is anything wrong with that.

No, it isn't.
Corporations get to get rich, off their customers and the government, pay zero in taxes, then get a tax refund?
They can't support their own country, the country they got rich off of?

They provide jobs, that is a HUGE support for the country. The government providing or influencing the job market is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Higher skilled and higher paid workers are not in competition with the government. True supply and demand are at work to dictate their wages.
Yes, it is supply and demand. Few can perform open heart surgery but many can mop the floor afterwards. It seems the goal of the Democrats is to falsely create a supply shortage of these unskilled workers by paying them more to stay home than they would get to mop the floor. In the long run, this approach drives up the cost of products and services.
Yes, of course.
The entire fucking world are following democrats?
The American democrats are forcing the Chinese to stay home?
That's where we get most of our BS from.

Yes, it trickles down in the form of more businesses and more jobs.
No, it doesn't and it never has, another 40-year-old lie.

May 17 2018
We're starting to learn what America's biggest companies are doing with the huge windfalls from President Donald Trump's tax cuts. And the answer is great for investors – but not so great for workers.

That's because many companies are returning huge portions of their billions in tax savings to shareholders in the form of share buybacks and dividend increases — not necessarily new hiring and investment.

Companies are on track to plow a record $1 trillion into boosting dividends and buying back their own stock this year.

In the latest evidence that the Trump-GOP tax cuts were never intended to help working Americans, stock buybacks climbed to $387 billion yesterday, which is 58 times more than the $6.7 billion that corporations have announced or ATF estimates will go to workers through one-time bonuses or minimum wage increases. Apple’s announcement yesterday of a $100 billion stock buyback program, 333 times more than the $300 million its promised workers in one-time bonuses, is one of the worst betrayals of American workers yet.

Democrats seem to lump all corporations into the same group. The vast majority are small businesses whose owners are not mulit-millionaires, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Small businesses got screwed, just like the employees did.
They provide jobs, that is a HUGE support for the country.
No, they don't, small businessowner's do.
The government providing or influencing the job market is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
That's been the premise/lie of corporate tax cuts since Reagan, lied.
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Especially rich Dems who lost their SALT deductions and had to pay more.
Rich Democrats?

Before I retired I was making just north of 100k and that SALT tax deduction lost cost me $2500/ year

If you think that’s rich you need to sell your trailer and move outta that holla
Higher skilled and higher paid workers are not in competition with the government. True supply and demand are at work to dictate their wages.

Yes, it is supply and demand. Few can perform open heart surgery but many can mop the floor afterwards. It seems the goal of the Democrats is to falsely create a supply shortage of these unskilled workers by paying them more to stay home than they would get to mop the floor. In the long run, this approach drives up the cost of products and services.

Yes, it trickles down in the form of more businesses and more jobs. Democrats seem to lump all corporations into the same group. The vast majority are small businesses whose owners are not mulit-millionaires, not that there is anything wrong with that.

They provide jobs, that is a HUGE support for the country. The government providing or influencing the job market is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Nobody is being paid to stay home and those doctors can’t do shot unless that OR is kept clean and germ free.

You need those workers to make that happen and expecting them to do that vital ( yes vital) work on less than a living wage is insane
/———/ Wages are steadily rising, so what is your next excuse? Median annual wage - USAFacts
Most of the time employers can't pay skilled workers higher wages, without raising the price of their product or service.

Yes, it does.

It isn't.
Supply, demand and price, it isn't complicated.

Yes, there is when a politician claims it will produce jobs and a better "living", when it "trickles down".

No, it isn't.
Corporations get to get rich, off their customers and the government, pay zero in taxes, then get a tax refund?
They can't support their own country, the country they got rich off of?
/——-/You understand the economy the way a pig understands the designated hitter rule.
The purpose of a corporation is to make a profit for the owners and shareholders. democrats love to take credit for a booming stock market when a democrat is in office.
All corporations pay some sort of taxes. You claim they don’t is ridiculous.
Tax, labor, and environmental laws chased companies over seas.
Find some new rants, please.
Rich Democrats?

Before I retired I was making just north of 100k and that SALT tax deduction lost cost me $2500/ year

If you think that’s rich you need to sell your trailer and move outta that holla
It affected some average people in high property tax blue states and wealthier people in lower property tax red sates with higher property values. If you live in a high tax blue state and continue to vote for Democrats then you are the problem and you have no one to blame except yourself. The salt deduction helps me and I live in a red state because I have significant property value.
/——-/You understand the economy the way a pig understands the designated hitter rule.
Well, democrats were able to lower the deficit AND reduce the US National debt. without even CLAIMING they would.
Meanwhile, republicans have made THAT their central talking point , since Reagan................and haven't achieved........Either, in 40 years.
The purpose of a corporation is to make a profit for the owners and shareholders. democrats love to take credit for a booming stock market when a democrat is in office.
THAT would be your dear leader.

"The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA," Trump said on Twitter. "We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"
Yet the Dow Jones industrial average closed 1,031 points lower by the end of Monday.

All corporations pay some sort of taxes. You claim they don’t is ridiculous.
YES, they do.
Not nearly as much as their own employees percentage wise.

Tax, labor, and environmental laws chased companies over seas.

THEN they should be taxed more or banned from selling, once American shit, now Chinese shit back to Americans?
"America first"?
Why aren't they supporting American workers?
Chinese workers=more profit......................................................over country.

They got their start in America, then sold out to CHINA,
Find some new rants, please.
So it takes time to convert oil leases into oil?

We’ll get on it then.

I guess new oil leases aren’t much help NOW then huh?
Rich Democrats?

Before I retired I was making just north of 100k and that SALT tax deduction lost cost me $2500/ year

If you think that’s rich you need to sell your trailer and move outta that holla

Before I retired I was making just north of 100k and that SALT tax deduction lost cost me $2500/ year

Liberals think you should pay higher taxes. So stop whining.
Well, democrats were able to lower the deficit AND reduce the US National debt. without even CLAIMING they would.
Meanwhile, republicans have made THAT their central talking point , since Reagan................and haven't achieved........Either, in 40 years.

THAT would be your dear leader.

"The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA," Trump said on Twitter. "We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"
Yet the Dow Jones industrial average closed 1,031 points lower by the end of Monday.

YES, they do.
Not nearly as much as their own employees percentage wise.

THEN they should be taxed more or banned from selling, once American shit, now Chinese shit back to Americans?
"America first"?
Why aren't they supporting American workers?
Chinese workers=more profit......................................................over country.

They got their start in America, then sold out to CHINA,

Well, democrats were able to lower the deficit AND reduce the US National debt. without even CLAIMING they would.


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