Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success
Less than 2% of the Uninsured signing up is only a Raging Success if one is a Certified Barking Moonbat.

Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee

Businesses reveal in confidential survey that Obamacare will add up to $200 million in costs

Obamacare will cost large companies between $4,800 and $5,900 more per employee and add hundreds of millions to their overhead, according to a new survey.
The American Health Policy Institute conducted a confidential survey of 100 large employers—those with 10,000 or more employees—asking what costs they expect to incur from Obamacare over the next decade.

Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care.

In the next 10 years, the total cost of Obamacare to all large American employers is estimated to be from $151 billion to $186 billion, according to the study.
“This study is a c-suite diagnosis of how [the Affordable Care Act] ACA is shaping large employer behavior,” Tevi Troy, president of the American Health Policy Institute, said. “We don’t know yet precisely how employers will react, but the study shows that employers will have to make real changes or incur heavy costs, which means that the ACA will have a significant impact on those in employer-sponsored health care.”.....

Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee | Washington Free Beacon
I see she's quoting "SIGNAL", how unsurprising!:lol::lol::lol:
We are far from realizing the full impact of the ACA. Tens of millions of Americans have yet to be covered. There is a mighty shit storm waiting to be unleashed upon this horrid unnecessary and quite useless piece of legislation.

But, that is in fact its purpose. To incite derision and division. Massive pubic discontent. And we will see much of it.

Never before in our nations history has a President conceived so much discord, fomented so much unrest, or nurtured such a class against class environment.

Obama is the fucking fucker in charge of you fucking fucks. And you better fucking like it or you'll end up fucked.
Until we get the actual breakdown of what that 7.1 million is you can't say it is a success. Over 6 million were cancelled. The dems like that fuzzy math to confuse the unproductive majority but Repubs see right through it.

Anyone who honestly believes all of that 7.1 million were previously uninsured is a moron. Whats funny is you can still buy insurance on the open market right now if you want. I dont think the law requires you to use the exchange. I haven't read one news story that told people about that. Instead everything was about the Obamacare deadline trying to fool people to go to the enchange vs open market.

I dont like the idea of me being forced to buy things I dont need like birth control, maternity care, and several others. I can go buy birth control at the liqour store and can't have a baby because im a man. The healthy having to pay more is backwards thinking to.

Whats next Obama Car insurance? Have 10 DUI's, 3 vehicular manslaughters, 6 speeding tickets, 5 accidents, and a driving without a license? Boy do we have a deal for you. The people with the perfect driving records will pay more so you can get yours cheaper.
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Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

Ted Cruz will repeal every word of it.

Enjoy your premature ejaculation while ye may.

And the only ones I see losing their minds over this are those of you who get their jollies from the erroneous belief that we are losing our minds over it.
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

You do realize that you're going to look like a horses ass when the real numbers come out on ObamaCare? Barry & Company have lied to the American people about most things related to the ACA...why should we believe that's changed now?

I fully expect that when we get a real look at the actual numbers of people who have signed up and how that number breaks down demographically the ACA is going right back to being the fiasco it always has been. I say that quite confidently because the numbers never did add up for the ACA and nothing has changed in that regard.

This is simply more BS from an Administration that shovels more Grade A manure than your average dairy farmer!
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

Actually, most on the partisan right have been unhinged since November 2008, the president’s reelection and the success of the ACA simply bring that fact more into focus.
"A Raging Success." Let's review....shall we?

"If you like your can keep your doctor." = Fail

"If you like your can keep your plan." = Fail.

"The website is just like going on" = Fail.

"Obamcare will save the average family of four $2,500.00 a year." = Fail.

"Obamacare will not add one thin dime to the deficit." = Fail.

"Obamacare is the law of the land." Now after 38 changes to the law and it's gutting = Fail

"No American should be stuck with sub-standard plans." Now he wants to add millions of those "sub-standard" plans back. = Fail.

"Obamacare will provide insurance to every uninsured American, and at lower cost. = Massive Fail.

I could go on but everyone gets my point. Obamacare is a fucking disaster. End of story.
It's tough to stay "hinged" when you're constantly laughing at the Gang Who Can't Shoot Straight, Clayton!
Barry managed to put together an Administration chock full of ideologues who are almost as clueless as he is. For entertainment like this you normally have to pay a cover charge.
Yeah...I mean...I understand rooting for your team....but the flat out delusional crap like saying Obamacare is a raging success?



Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee

Businesses reveal in confidential survey that Obamacare will add up to $200 million in costs

Obamacare will cost large companies between $4,800 and $5,900 more per employee and add hundreds of millions to their overhead, according to a new survey.
The American Health Policy Institute conducted a confidential survey of 100 large employers—those with 10,000 or more employees—asking what costs they expect to incur from Obamacare over the next decade.

Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care.

In the next 10 years, the total cost of Obamacare to all large American employers is estimated to be from $151 billion to $186 billion, according to the study.
“This study is a c-suite diagnosis of how [the Affordable Care Act] ACA is shaping large employer behavior,” Tevi Troy, president of the American Health Policy Institute, said. “We don’t know yet precisely how employers will react, but the study shows that employers will have to make real changes or incur heavy costs, which means that the ACA will have a significant impact on those in employer-sponsored health care.”.....

Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee | Washington Free Beacon

The stupid thing about all these analyses is that they don't take into consideration the fact that health insurance costs were going to increase anyway. Secondly, these are all guesses based on guesses. Nobody knows for certain if the rates are going to increase or go down. So much of this speculation is based on the idea that all these new people now having insurance are all going to need major surgery and expensive drugs and that none of them ever needed any of that in the past.

Personally I think costs are going to come down and that much of this has been well overestimated, but we will see.

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