Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

Obama says 48 million need insurance.
Then 5 million more lose it.

And we are supposed to believe that when 7 million sign up
this is a huge success???? :cuckoo:

And we are the crazy ones?

Stunning new report undermines central GOP Obamacare claim

This has been debunked over and over again.

So if you are going to lie, why not make it a whopper?

Say..100 million lost their insurance.

Or 100 billion?

Heck..go with 100 Kabillion zillion! :eusa_shifty:
lol, the Obamawashingcompost say, STUNNING NEW REPORT "undermines" the gop

HEY, no frikken BISED there eh?

wow, people still buy their crap

they can put Pravda to shame..of course you on the left don't mind spreading crap's for THE PARTY and we have to save our Dear leaders, good name
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Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

Actually, most on the partisan right have been unhinged since November 2008, the president’s reelection and the success of the ACA simply bring that fact more into focus.
Why do you keep saying it is a success?

Have you seen the numbers? I don't mean the numbers that they are "Saying out loud'. I mean the actual numbers. The databases, the server logs, the pay stubs.....ANYONE?

Has anyone seen the hard copy?

So far, every news outlet in the world is just taking their word for it. These people are proven liars.
Liberals define success as how far government can bend you over and rape your wallet.
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

LOL. Thanks for the good laugh.

I guess you D-bags have NOTHING to worry about next election.

Just so you know folks, politicususa is a commie/progressive/Democrat funded propaganda site

take what they say at your own peril
Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee

Businesses reveal in confidential survey that Obamacare will add up to $200 million in costs

Obamacare will cost large companies between $4,800 and $5,900 more per employee and add hundreds of millions to their overhead, according to a new survey.
The American Health Policy Institute conducted a confidential survey of 100 large employers—those with 10,000 or more employees—asking what costs they expect to incur from Obamacare over the next decade.

Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care.

In the next 10 years, the total cost of Obamacare to all large American employers is estimated to be from $151 billion to $186 billion, according to the study.
“This study is a c-suite diagnosis of how [the Affordable Care Act] ACA is shaping large employer behavior,” Tevi Troy, president of the American Health Policy Institute, said. “We don’t know yet precisely how employers will react, but the study shows that employers will have to make real changes or incur heavy costs, which means that the ACA will have a significant impact on those in employer-sponsored health care.”.....

Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee | Washington Free Beacon

The stupid thing about all these analyses is that they don't take into consideration the fact that health insurance costs were going to increase anyway. Secondly, these are all guesses based on guesses. Nobody knows for certain if the rates are going to increase or go down. So much of this speculation is based on the idea that all these new people now having insurance are all going to need major surgery and expensive drugs and that none of them ever needed any of that in the past.

Personally I think costs are going to come down and that much of this has been well overestimated, but we will see.

Give me THREE (3)government programs that have come down in price, and give me ONE (1) that has come down 3 years in a row!.... Not being confrontational here, but that remark is simply delusional, IMHO!
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You've obviously never heard of President Lincoln.


Abused as a child, you troll the pages of USMB hoping to get Conservative authority figures to show you the error of your posts and punish you for being so trollish.

Seems you never heard of President Lincoln, either.

The post was factually incorrect.

Hence the response.

Have a look.

Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether you are pro or against Lincoln..there's no denying his policies fractured the country.

This idiot has caught OCD from Pogo...concentrates on absolute bullshit, and completely misses the points you are talking about... No wonder the Patriots in here pick him apart, seems his IQ fluctuates with room temperature! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Less than 2% of the Uninsured signing up is only a Raging Success if one is a Certified Barking Moonbat.


Jimmy Fallon on Obamacare: It's Amazing what You Can Achieve when You Make Something Mandatory -
Obama says 48 million need insurance.
Then 5 million more lose it.

And we are supposed to believe that when 7 million sign up
this is a huge success???? :cuckoo:

And we are the crazy ones?

Stunning new report undermines central GOP Obamacare claim

This has been debunked over and over again.

So if you are going to lie, why not make it a whopper?

Say..100 million lost their insurance.

Or 100 billion?

Heck..go with 100 Kabillion zillion! :eusa_shifty:

Wonderful post in the Washington Post, brought to you by...DRUM ROLL PLEASE....

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent's take from a liberal perspective

Well, damn, just look at that, a subversive low IQ poster, quoting a PROGRESSIVE LOW IQ doesn't get much better than that! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Abused as a child, you troll the pages of USMB hoping to get Conservative authority figures to show you the error of your posts and punish you for being so trollish.

Seems you never heard of President Lincoln, either.

The post was factually incorrect.

Hence the response.

Have a look.

Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether you are pro or against Lincoln..there's no denying his policies fractured the country.

This idiot has caught OCD from Pogo...concentrates on absolute bullshit, and completely misses the points you are talking about... No wonder the Patriots in here pick him apart, seems his IQ fluctuates with room temperature! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
swallow has his little bubble head shoved up obama's ass clear to his shoulders.

He hasn't said anything that makes sense or that was worth reading here for quite awhile now. He's completely off his rocker. Been drinkin' the kool aide for too long.
Seems you never heard of President Lincoln, either.

The post was factually incorrect.

Hence the response.

Have a look.

Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether you are pro or against Lincoln..there's no denying his policies fractured the country.

This idiot has caught OCD from Pogo...concentrates on absolute bullshit, and completely misses the points you are talking about... No wonder the Patriots in here pick him apart, seems his IQ fluctuates with room temperature! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
swallow has his little bubble head shoved up obama's ass clear to his shoulders.

He hasn't said anything that makes sense or that was worth reading here for quite awhile now. He's completely off his rocker. Been drinkin' the kool aide for too long.

Only to his shoulders?....:lol::lol::lol:.... The FAGERALS posting here are supposed to be the best and brightest the subversives have to offer? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee

Businesses reveal in confidential survey that Obamacare will add up to $200 million in costs

Obamacare will cost large companies between $4,800 and $5,900 more per employee and add hundreds of millions to their overhead, according to a new survey.
The American Health Policy Institute conducted a confidential survey of 100 large employers—those with 10,000 or more employees—asking what costs they expect to incur from Obamacare over the next decade.

Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care.

In the next 10 years, the total cost of Obamacare to all large American employers is estimated to be from $151 billion to $186 billion, according to the study.
“This study is a c-suite diagnosis of how [the Affordable Care Act] ACA is shaping large employer behavior,” Tevi Troy, president of the American Health Policy Institute, said. “We don’t know yet precisely how employers will react, but the study shows that employers will have to make real changes or incur heavy costs, which means that the ACA will have a significant impact on those in employer-sponsored health care.”.....

Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee | Washington Free Beacon

The stupid thing about all these analyses is that they don't take into consideration the fact that health insurance costs were going to increase anyway. Secondly, these are all guesses based on guesses. Nobody knows for certain if the rates are going to increase or go down. So much of this speculation is based on the idea that all these new people now having insurance are all going to need major surgery and expensive drugs and that none of them ever needed any of that in the past.

Personally I think costs are going to come down and that much of this has been well overestimated, but we will see.

Give me THREE (3)government programs that have comedown in price, ad even br give me OBE (1) that has come down 3 years in a row!.... Not being confrontational here, but that remark is simply delusional, IMHO!


2011 44,709 133.85 71,810.92 3,876.69 75,687.62
2012 46,609 133.41 74,619.34 3,821.71 78,441.05
2013 47,636 133.07 76,066.28 3,816.45 79,882.73
SNAP Annual Summary

2012 16244.6 313.874 570.68 e
2013 16797.5 316.129 536.82 g
2014 17332.3 318.400 523.45 g
Welfare Spending Chart United States 2009-2019 - Federal State Local Data

2012 2013 2014
President's 2012 President's 2013 President's
(in thousands of dollars) Budget Appropriation Budget Appropriation Budget

Education Department Budget by Major Program

Elementary and Secondary:
ESEA Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies 14,792,401 14,516,457 14,516,457 13,760,219 14,516,457
Reading First 0 0 0 0 0
Striving Readers 0 159,698 0 151,378 0
High School Intervention 0 0 0 0 0
Impact Aid 1,276,183 1,291,186 1,224,239 1,223,649 1,224,239
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants 0 2,466,567 0 2,337,830 0
Mathematics and Science Partnerships 0 149,716 0 141,902 414,716
Educational Technology State Grants 0 0 0 0 0
21st Century Community Learning Centers 1,266,166 1,151,673 1,151,673 1,091,564 1,251,673
State Assessments 420,000 389,214 389,214 368,900 389,214
Indian Education 127,282 130,779 130,779 123,939 130,779
Teacher Incentive Fund 0 299,433 0 283,771 0
Choice Incentive Fund 0 0 0 0 0
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities State Grants 0 0 0 0 0
English Language Acquisition 750,000 732,144 732,144 693,848 732,144
Special Education 12,861,351 12,638,713 12,657,307 11,980,472 12,657,307
Career and technical education 1,007,860 1,130,859 1,130,859 1,071,866 1,140,859
Other 8,171,378 2,304,954 1,827,229 2,129,997 2,114,357

Total, Elementary and Secondary 40,672,621 37,361,393 33,759,901 35,359,335 34,571,745
Discretionary 40,632,621 37,361,393 33,759,901 35,359,335 34,571,745


Obama Deficits
FY 2015*: $564 billion
FY 2014*: $649 billion
FY 2013: $680 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
Bush Deficits
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion
FY 2006: $248 billion
FY 2005: $318 billion
US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

Any more brilliant fucking questions?
Seems you never heard of President Lincoln, either.

The post was factually incorrect.

Hence the response.

Have a look.

Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether you are pro or against Lincoln..there's no denying his policies fractured the country.

This idiot has caught OCD from Pogo...concentrates on absolute bullshit, and completely misses the points you are talking about... No wonder the Patriots in here pick him apart, seems his IQ fluctuates with room temperature! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
swallow has his little bubble head shoved up obama's ass clear to his shoulders.

He hasn't said anything that makes sense or that was worth reading here for quite awhile now. He's completely off his rocker. Been drinkin' the kool aide for too long.

Well Pole Rider..just tryin' to help the people out with facts.

Something you folks have unmoored from it's real meaning.
This idiot has caught OCD from Pogo...concentrates on absolute bullshit, and completely misses the points you are talking about... No wonder the Patriots in here pick him apart, seems his IQ fluctuates with room temperature! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
swallow has his little bubble head shoved up obama's ass clear to his shoulders.

He hasn't said anything that makes sense or that was worth reading here for quite awhile now. He's completely off his rocker. Been drinkin' the kool aide for too long.

Only to his shoulders?....:lol::lol::lol:.... The FAGERALS posting here are supposed to be the best and brightest the subversives have to offer? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:

You faggots really should get a room.

Pole Rider can ride your pole while you service his pole.

In other words. Normal conservative behavior.

The stupid thing about all these analyses is that they don't take into consideration the fact that health insurance costs were going to increase anyway. Secondly, these are all guesses based on guesses. Nobody knows for certain if the rates are going to increase or go down. So much of this speculation is based on the idea that all these new people now having insurance are all going to need major surgery and expensive drugs and that none of them ever needed any of that in the past.

Personally I think costs are going to come down and that much of this has been well overestimated, but we will see.

Give me THREE (3)government programs that have comedown in price, ad even br give me OBE (1) that has come down 3 years in a row!.... Not being confrontational here, but that remark is simply delusional, IMHO!



2012 2013 2014
President's 2012 President's 2013 President's
(in thousands of dollars) Budget Appropriation Budget Appropriation Budget

Education Department Budget by Major Program

Elementary and Secondary:
ESEA Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies 14,792,401 14,516,457 14,516,457 13,760,219 14,516,457
Reading First 0 0 0 0 0
Striving Readers 0 159,698 0 151,378 0
High School Intervention 0 0 0 0 0
Impact Aid 1,276,183 1,291,186 1,224,239 1,223,649 1,224,239
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants 0 2,466,567 0 2,337,830 0
Mathematics and Science Partnerships 0 149,716 0 141,902 414,716
Educational Technology State Grants 0 0 0 0 0
21st Century Community Learning Centers 1,266,166 1,151,673 1,151,673 1,091,564 1,251,673
State Assessments 420,000 389,214 389,214 368,900 389,214
Indian Education 127,282 130,779 130,779 123,939 130,779
Teacher Incentive Fund 0 299,433 0 283,771 0
Choice Incentive Fund 0 0 0 0 0
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities State Grants 0 0 0 0 0
English Language Acquisition 750,000 732,144 732,144 693,848 732,144
Special Education 12,861,351 12,638,713 12,657,307 11,980,472 12,657,307
Career and technical education 1,007,860 1,130,859 1,130,859 1,071,866 1,140,859
Other 8,171,378 2,304,954 1,827,229 2,129,997 2,114,357

Total, Elementary and Secondary 40,672,621 37,361,393 33,759,901 35,359,335 34,571,745
Discretionary 40,632,621 37,361,393 33,759,901 35,359,335 34,571,745

Obama Deficits
FY 2015*: $564 billion
FY 2014*: $649 billion
FY 2013: $680 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
Bush Deficits
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion
FY 2006: $248 billion
FY 2005: $318 billion
US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis
Any more brilliant fucking questions?

Looking at just your first SNAP program, can you point out where that program now costs us LESS. as I asked, after that I might start to pull the others apart, but you won't like hearing what's going on, subversive!

Oh, and deficit reduction is such good news because.....American workers are being taxed at a significantly higher rate in 2013 than they were in 2012!!!!....Look it up!
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