Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee

Businesses reveal in confidential survey that Obamacare will add up to $200 million in costs

Obamacare will cost large companies between $4,800 and $5,900 more per employee and add hundreds of millions to their overhead, according to a new survey.
The American Health Policy Institute conducted a confidential survey of 100 large employers—those with 10,000 or more employees—asking what costs they expect to incur from Obamacare over the next decade.

Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care.

In the next 10 years, the total cost of Obamacare to all large American employers is estimated to be from $151 billion to $186 billion, according to the study.
“This study is a c-suite diagnosis of how [the Affordable Care Act] ACA is shaping large employer behavior,” Tevi Troy, president of the American Health Policy Institute, said. “We don’t know yet precisely how employers will react, but the study shows that employers will have to make real changes or incur heavy costs, which means that the ACA will have a significant impact on those in employer-sponsored health care.”.....

Employers Say Obamacare Will Cost Them $5,000 More Per Employee | Washington Free Beacon

The stupid thing about all these analyses is that they don't take into consideration the fact that health insurance costs were going to increase anyway. Secondly, these are all guesses based on guesses. Nobody knows for certain if the rates are going to increase or go down. So much of this speculation is based on the idea that all these new people now having insurance are all going to need major surgery and expensive drugs and that none of them ever needed any of that in the past.

Personally I think costs are going to come down and that much of this has been well overestimated, but we will see.

Since the people that benefit from the ACA generally fall into two categories...those who couldn't afford healthcare without large subsidies...and those with preexisting conditions who couldn't get insurance because of the costs or weren't covered for some's simple common sense that both of these groups will now be taking advantage of their new health care to get treatments. When you are treating people who haven't been receiving preventative care it's also common sense that many of them will need expensive care for a multitude of problems.

The people that the ACA needs desperately to sign up...the young and the healthy...are rapidly figuring out that the Affordable Care Act is only "affordable" if you're getting subsidies or are now covered for a preexisting condition. The young and the healthy will be expected to pick up the cost of all this care while not using it...something they were never clued in on by the liberals who wrote this law. That's the only way it could possibly work from an accounting standpoint.
I don't know why people keep spouting this same crap. Yes insurance goes up But it has never gone up 100 + percent in a few months. Hell it doesn't do that in a decade.
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success


If it is such a successful program, why aren't the Democrats paying for it themselves?

If you look at any other religious group that has a program they believe in,
they fund it themselves, through voluntary donations.

The best, award winning medical programs such as Doctors Without Borders
do their work without forcing mandates to make people pay or participate.

Why did unions opt out and other financiers of Democrat campaigns?

Ironically, look at all the money that Democrat candidates and supporters
collect and donate for their campaigns. If they believe in something and feel represented, they have no problem raising millions if not billions of dollars.

So why wasn't that enough to raise money to fund the reforms they believe in?

If they really believed it is sustainable, wouldn't they have rallied for funding it directly,
instead of rallying to cover costs of political and media campaigns to defend it?
I'm not sure where Republicans are getting their "data".

1 million people lost their coverage last year because it wasn't up to the new standards. Republicans keep saying 6 million. I don't know where this number comes from.

No empirical data supports anything they say about healthcare. Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people -

Nothing in the Constitution says anything about the federal govt
having authority to mandate buying health insurance
or penalizing people on the basis of their creed that opposes this as unconstitutional.
Don't forget
prochoice - keeping govt out of health care decisions - fail

"A Raging Success." Let's review....shall we?

"If you like your can keep your doctor." = Fail

"If you like your can keep your plan." = Fail.

"The website is just like going on" = Fail.

"Obamcare will save the average family of four $2,500.00 a year." = Fail.

"Obamacare will not add one thin dime to the deficit." = Fail.

"Obamacare is the law of the land." Now after 38 changes to the law and it's gutting = Fail

"No American should be stuck with sub-standard plans." Now he wants to add millions of those "sub-standard" plans back. = Fail.

"Obamacare will provide insurance to every uninsured American, and at lower cost. = Massive Fail.

I could go on but everyone gets my point. Obamacare is a fucking disaster. End of story.
We are far from realizing the full impact of the ACA. Tens of millions of Americans have yet to be covered. There is a mighty shit storm waiting to be unleashed upon this horrid unnecessary and quite useless piece of legislation.

But, that is in fact its purpose. To incite derision and division. Massive pubic discontent. And we will see much of it.

Never before in our nations history has a President conceived so much discord, fomented so much unrest, or nurtured such a class against class environment.

Obama is the fucking fucker in charge of you fucking fucks. And you better fucking like it or you'll end up fucked.

You've obviously never heard of President Lincoln.
I'm not sure where Republicans are getting their "data".

1 million people lost their coverage last year because it wasn't up to the new standards. Republicans keep saying 6 million. I don't know where this number comes from.

No empirical data supports anything they say about healthcare. Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people -

Nothing in the Constitution says anything about the federal govt
having authority to mandate buying health insurance
or penalizing people on the basis of their creed that opposes this as unconstitutional.

You ever read it?

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

Roberts went with that tax thing.

But it was probably more suited under the commerce thing.
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

You do realize that you're going to look like a horses ass when the real numbers come out on ObamaCare? Barry & Company have lied to the American people about most things related to the ACA...why should we believe that's changed now?

As Liberals that's par for the course.

They're used to it.

Hell, they get a perverse satisfaction from it.

Like kids raised in abusive families who are beaten all the time, they act up and out in order to get their sad perverted version of love and attention when Mommy or Daddy or the Policeman or the Justice system punishes them.

Some of these USMB jokers do their trolling because they want to be made to look like asses.
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7million people out of 360MILLION is now called a RAGING SUCCESS...and we all know it's lucky if it's 6MILLION

man libs have become nothing more but subjects for their party

that is some shit
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We are far from realizing the full impact of the ACA. Tens of millions of Americans have yet to be covered. There is a mighty shit storm waiting to be unleashed upon this horrid unnecessary and quite useless piece of legislation.

But, that is in fact its purpose. To incite derision and division. Massive pubic discontent. And we will see much of it.

Never before in our nations history has a President conceived so much discord, fomented so much unrest, or nurtured such a class against class environment.

Obama is the fucking fucker in charge of you fucking fucks. And you better fucking like it or you'll end up fucked.

You've obviously never heard of President Lincoln.


Abused as a child, you troll the pages of USMB hoping to get Conservative authority figures to show you the error of your posts and punish you for being so trollish.
Such a success that I lost my healthcare and cant afford what the government provides....I will be fined now for not being able to afford insurance when last year I had it. Hell I loved my insurance yet still lost it because it didn't pay for abortions and birth control nether do I need being a man. Truth is Obama and all you scumbag democrats made my family even more poor. For us little people? Bullshit. More like enslaving us little people.
Less than 2% of the Uninsured signing up is only a Raging Success if one is a Certified Barking Moonbat.


most people already had insurance before the ACA.

your numbers are false and misleading.

no surprises.

i wouldn't say raging success. but more than 7 million people must really tick off the right sine it pretty much takes it away as a campaign issue.

except of course for obama deranged wing nuts.

but obama deranged rightwingnuts would vote for atilla the hun before they'd vote for a democrat. so who cares?
divide 1.5 TRILLION into 6million people folks..add on the cost of hiring 16,000 new IRS agents to come take what you own (more of your hard earned money) if you don't become a slave to Obama and the Federal government

that's Obama and his cult followers idea of raging success
Less than 2% of the Uninsured signing up is only a Raging Success if one is a Certified Barking Moonbat.


most people already had insurance before the ACA.

your numbers are false and misleading.

no surprises.

i wouldn't say raging success. but more than 7 million people must really tick off the right sine it pretty much takes it away as a campaign issue.

except of course for obama deranged wing nuts.

but obama deranged rightwingnuts would vote for atilla the hun before they'd vote for a democrat. so who cares?
Let take these numbers as true (very much doubt they are) How many have paid???? How many are those who lost insurance because of the ACA? How many are medicaid and medicare enrolls? You see this number tells us nothing.
Obama says 48 million need insurance.
Then 5 million more lose it.

And we are supposed to believe that when 7 million sign up
this is a huge success???? :cuckoo:

And we are the crazy ones?
here's more of your Dear wonderul leaders "raging" roll over and swallow like good little lapdogs...

Government Spent $700 Million Promoting Obamacare…

Amazingly, Obama had the balls to claim during his speech yesterday that they did not “make a hard sell” on Obamacare.

Via Free Beacon:

President Barack Obama contended that the government did not “make a hard sell” for Obamacare, despite his administration spending nearly $700 million to promote the law.

“We didn’t make a hard sell,” Obama said in the Rose Garden on Tuesday, praising the 7.1 million sign ups for the Affordable Care Act. “We didn’t have billions of dollars of commercials like some critics did.”

However, last July the Associated Press reported that Obamacare’s marketing campaign would cost at least $684 million.

Taxpayer funding went to all 50 states in efforts to encourage people to enroll, including nearly $28 million for the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, for television, radio, print, and social media ads. [...]

Illinois recently paid the online satirical site the Onion up to $300,000 for online banner ads. One ad linking to the Cover Illinois website read: “Man without health insurance forced to sell action figures to pay for medical bills. Don’t sell your action figures.”

Keep reading…

ALL of it here
Government Spent $700 Million Promoting Obamacare? | Weasel Zippers
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Michelle Obama gave her classmate $600 million to develop the planet's only website that can't tell you when someone bought your product. Only a Democrat would call that a success
here's more of your Dear wonderul leaders "raging" roll over and swallow like good little lapdogs...

Government Spent $700 Million Promoting Obamacare…

Amazingly, Obama had the balls to claim during his speech yesterday that they did not “make a hard sell” on Obamacare.

Via Free Beacon:

President Barack Obama contended that the government did not “make a hard sell” for Obamacare, despite his administration spending nearly $700 million to promote the law.

“We didn’t make a hard sell,” Obama said in the Rose Garden on Tuesday, praising the 7.1 million sign ups for the Affordable Care Act. “We didn’t have billions of dollars of commercials like some critics did.”

However, last July the Associated Press reported that Obamacare’s marketing campaign would cost at least $684 million.

Taxpayer funding went to all 50 states in efforts to encourage people to enroll, including nearly $28 million for the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, for television, radio, print, and social media ads. [...]

Illinois recently paid the online satirical site the Onion up to $300,000 for online banner ads. One ad linking to the Cover Illinois website read: “Man without health insurance forced to sell action figures to pay for medical bills. Don’t sell your action figures.”

Keep reading…

ALL of it here
Government Spent $700 Million Promoting Obamacare? | Weasel Zippers

Getting all worked up over something that is mandated,so whats next we give out awards for stopping at stop signs?
We are far from realizing the full impact of the ACA. Tens of millions of Americans have yet to be covered. There is a mighty shit storm waiting to be unleashed upon this horrid unnecessary and quite useless piece of legislation.

But, that is in fact its purpose. To incite derision and division. Massive pubic discontent. And we will see much of it.

Never before in our nations history has a President conceived so much discord, fomented so much unrest, or nurtured such a class against class environment.

Obama is the fucking fucker in charge of you fucking fucks. And you better fucking like it or you'll end up fucked.

You've obviously never heard of President Lincoln.


Abused as a child, you troll the pages of USMB hoping to get Conservative authority figures to show you the error of your posts and punish you for being so trollish.

Seems you never heard of President Lincoln, either.

The post was factually incorrect.

Hence the response.

Have a look.

Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether you are pro or against Lincoln..there's no denying his policies fractured the country.

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