Republicans may have a secret weapon to fight Obama's executive amnesty


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
Clipped from

Let’s face it: the probability that President Obama is actually going to pursue amnesty and his own version of immigration reform through executive action is pretty high. The probability that he does so before the end of the year, as he wishes to do, is even higher.

The headstrong president is just several weeks away from being politically-neutered for the remainder of his final term in the Oval Office, yet he at least has enough political acumen to realize that such a brash, lawless, and authoritative move should be made in the lame-duck transitional period before the new Republican Congress officially begins working in January.

However, if the president were to go forward with executive amnesty or some other radical decree passed down from upon high, the Republicans may have an unconventional secret weapon at their disposal — another government shutdown.

Read the full post at
Dude, really?

How about posting their not-at-all secret weapon - a Congressional Override? And then there's the Dragging-The-Supreme-Court-Into-It weapon.

The repubs have an unsecret weapon - the constitution. The very first words after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states".

That means the president cannot write laws and amnesty is a law. O will call it an executive order but that's another lie. It's a law.
The repubs have an unsecret weapon - the constitution. The very first words after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states".

That means the president cannot write laws and amnesty is a law. O will call it an executive order but that's another lie. It's a law.
Better yet the Constitution specifically gives Congress the authority over immigration.
Another unsecret weapon is states rights. According to the federal constitution, the states not the feds, have authority to deport illegals and they should start doing so with any illegal they catch, whether O gave him amnesty or not.
The repubs have an unsecret weapon - the constitution. The very first words after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states".

That means the president cannot write laws and amnesty is a law. O will call it an executive order but that's another lie. It's a law.
Better yet the Constitution specifically gives Congress the authority over immigration.

That's another of your lies. All the constitution grants congress re immigration is "the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization". That's it. By the tenth amendment everything else is up to the states - in particular the power to deport is with the states and they need to say so. THINK
Cam Harris is "I am a Junior at Davidson College located in Davidson, North Carolina where I am double majoring in Economics and Political Science and an active member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. I call Kings Mountain, NC home, situated in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and about forty minutes outside of Charlotte." from the link above

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