YOUR daddy

Communists believe in "power to the people", Conservatives believe in "power to the corporations", Liberals believe in "controlled power to both the people and the corporations".
Communists believe in "power to the people", Conservatives believe in "power to the corporations"

I disagree. Fascists believe in 'power to the corporate/government alliance'. Communists believe in 'subjugation to the state party'.

Conservatives and Libertarians believe in "subjugation of government TO individual freedom"
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A fucking moron claims (in quotes, so it's possible that the moron is just quoting some other clueless or dishonest idiot):

Communists believe in "power to the people", Conservatives believe in "power to the corporations", Liberals believe in "controlled power to both the people and the corporations".

Communists claim to believe in "power to the people," but of course, in reality, they don't. They believe in the power of the Government.

Liberals do not believe in "controlled power." They believe in the absolute power and authority of the Government over both individuals and corporations. They do believe in controlling the people, however. In the process, they are hostile, ultimately, to freedom and liberty.

Conservatives don't believe in the power of corporations. They believe in the power of freedom and liberty and they are unabashed in their support of capitalism. Thus, they are ok with the power of corporations within the bounds of valid law.
Quid Pro Quo. We'll give you this ruling back if you Leftist loons give us back that awful ruling that gave U.S. Constitutional Rights to foreign Terrorists. Man the Leftist loons are still dancing in the streets over that horrific ruling. We got a deal?
A fucking moron claims (in quotes, so it's possible that the moron is just quoting some other clueless or dishonest idiot):

Communists believe in "power to the people", Conservatives believe in "power to the corporations", Liberals believe in "controlled power to both the people and the corporations".

Communists claim to believe in "power to the people," but of course, in reality, they don't. They believe in the power of the Government.

Liberals do not believe in "controlled power." They believe in the absolute power and authority of the Government over both individuals and corporations. They do believe in controlling the people, however. In the process, they are hostile, ultimately, to freedom and liberty.

Conservatives don't believe in the power of corporations. They believe in the power of freedom and liberty and they are unabashed in their support of capitalism. Thus, they are ok with the power of corporations within the bounds of valid law.

Conservatives LOVE government. A CONSERVATIVE NANNY STATE.

Corporations are a creation of the state...a.k.a. government. While nanny state conservatives don’t like to call attention to this fact, in a free market corporations do not exist. In a free market, individuals can form partnerships and engage in whatever trade and commercial relations they please, but they cannot establish a new legal entity that exists independently of the individuals who own it. Only a government can create a corporation as a legal entity with its own rights and privileges.
A fucking moron claims (in quotes, so it's possible that the moron is just quoting some other clueless or dishonest idiot):

Communists believe in "power to the people", Conservatives believe in "power to the corporations", Liberals believe in "controlled power to both the people and the corporations".

Communists claim to believe in "power to the people," but of course, in reality, they don't. They believe in the power of the Government.

Liberals do not believe in "controlled power." They believe in the absolute power and authority of the Government over both individuals and corporations. They do believe in controlling the people, however. In the process, they are hostile, ultimately, to freedom and liberty.

Conservatives don't believe in the power of corporations. They believe in the power of freedom and liberty and they are unabashed in their support of capitalism. Thus, they are ok with the power of corporations within the bounds of valid law.

Conservatives LOVE government. A CONSERVATIVE NANNY STATE.

You can always tell when Bfgrn has lost. He starts lying more loudly!

You fools are ruled by Corporations. That's why you don't have a Universal National Health Care System. Pathetic as it is but you provide every Iraqi with free medical yet deny your own citizens the same right. How pathetic and really stupid you are.

and your fucking country has been riding our coat tails for 200 years you stupid fuck...
We have a "National Health Care System". It's called, "Visiting the Emergency Room" and costs 10 times the amount of "national health care". Try explaining that to Jethro and Ellie Mae.

Jethro and Ellie Mae are millionaires dumbass.....
None of the plans proposed involve government takeover. A public option means a government entity like Medicare would distribute money to doctors, the same as private insurance companies do.
I thought cons liked competition.

then why does Pelosi and many others keep calling it..."Govt run health care?"
A fucking moron claims (in quotes, so it's possible that the moron is just quoting some other clueless or dishonest idiot):


Communists claim to believe in "power to the people," but of course, in reality, they don't. They believe in the power of the Government.

Liberals do not believe in "controlled power." They believe in the absolute power and authority of the Government over both individuals and corporations. They do believe in controlling the people, however. In the process, they are hostile, ultimately, to freedom and liberty.

Conservatives don't believe in the power of corporations. They believe in the power of freedom and liberty and they are unabashed in their support of capitalism. Thus, they are ok with the power of corporations within the bounds of valid law.

Conservatives LOVE government. A CONSERVATIVE NANNY STATE.

You can always tell when Bfgrn has lost. He starts lying more loudly!


Here's your problem Liability...First: you ignored and deleted the FACT: Corporations are a creation of the state...a.k.a. government. Only a government can create a corporation as a legal entity with its own rights and privileges.

Second...corporations prevent individuals from being held personally responsible for actions taken by the collective entity the Nanny state creates and protects...

Blind Statism...
Conservatives LOVE government. A CONSERVATIVE NANNY STATE.

You can always tell when Bfgrn has lost. He starts lying more loudly!


Here's your problem Liability...First: you ignored and deleted the FACT: Corporations are a creation of the state...a.k.a. government. Only a government can create a corporation as a legal entity with its own rights and privileges.

Second...corporations prevent individuals from being held personally responsible for actions taken by the collective entity the Nanny state creates and protects...

Blind Statism...

Not a problem at all, silly.

We all already realize that Corporations are creatures created under the auspices of the law. But, even so, they only exist when folks buy a share in a business enterprise. This is known as an association. Remember that word. It will be coming up again.

When individuals peaceably assemble for any lawful purpose, did you know this is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment? Word!

And you know what they may do when they peaceably assemble (freedom of association as it is informally known)? Why, I kid you not, they may engage together exactly as they could for any lawful purpose as individuals! Those purposes INCLUDE petitioning the government for the redress of grievances. They may invoke their right of freedom of speech to achieve that whole petition thingie. I again speak the simple truth. Really. Ya could even look it up!

You are partly wrong, however. Corporations are NOT "created" by the States. They are created by the Corporate founders who seek to file proper papers to have the Corporations they form legally recognized by the State. And most states DO have business laws which spell out the purposes for which Corporations may be formed (including some limitations) and the powers they may enjoy to fulfill those legal purposes.

You are also entirely wrong when you claim (ignorantly and/or dishonestly) that "corporations prevent individuals from being held personally responsible for actions taken by the collective entity the Nanny state creates and protects."

Corporate officers can be prosecuted and sued. SHAREHOLDERS can also lose money, but only up to the amount they have invested and the gain in its value. That is, they can lose the entire value of their stake in the corporation. But, no, they are limited and insulted from personal liability for criminal actions of (or even civil wrongs committed by) the corporations. This has long been so and it is as it should be. Your hostility to this capitalist notion has another purpose behind it. But it is irrelevant to the topic under discussion.

Finally, the fact that corporations are legal creatures whose existence is authorized by the state and its laws does not have a blessed single solitary thing to do with "statism."

That's just another word you dishonestly bandy about in your woeful ignorance.
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Communists believe in "power to the people", Conservatives believe in "power to the corporations", Liberals believe in "controlled power to both the people and the corporations".

and Yukon believes in molesting little boys.....

Yukon even pretends to believe that little boys have a "right" to BE molested by scumbag filth like Yukon!
Liberals believe freedom through government.

Conservatives believe freedom from government.
Communists believe in "power to the people", Conservatives believe in "power to the corporations", Liberals believe in "controlled power to both the people and the corporations".

and Yukon believes in molesting little boys.....

Yukon even pretends to believe that little boys have a "right" to BE molested by scumbag filth like Yukon!

You can't blame him for it. He got molested at age 10 by Yasser Arafat.
I am going to overlap a bit with what Liability said.

Corporations are created by individuals.

For example I have a LLC.

I created it. I am the owner. I created the Articles of Organization.

I filed it with the state. The state recongizes what I created.

However, the state gave me nothing to create it, and gives me nothing to run it. If I fail, I will lose any investment I put into it. I decide whether to hire or fire someone. I decide what will be sold and how it will be sold. I get zero taxpayer money for my LLC.

Yes, the LLC is a separate entity than me personally. If sued it's the corporations that is sued. However, who is the corporations? A good chunk part of it is me.
and your fucking country has been riding our coat tails for 200 years you stupid fuck...

Is that the best you can do Hairy...foul, abusive, name calling? You are a sad people, a stupid people, pathetic. Don't forget Hairy if it weren't for us your White House wouldn't exist - we BURNED the entire city to the ground in 1812 or was that like CVietnam - not a war ?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...medicare to Iraqis and bankruptcy to Americans.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahah !
and your fucking country has been riding our coat tails for 200 years you stupid fuck...

Is that the best you can do Hairy...foul, abusive, name calling? You are a sad people, a stupid people, pathetic. Don't forget Hairy if it weren't for us your White House wouldn't exist - we BURNED the entire city to the ground in 1812 or was that like CVietnam - not a war ?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...medicare to Iraqis and bankruptcy to Americans.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahah !
proving once again you are a fucking idiot
the whitehouse is STILL there
it survived the war of 1912 and was repaired and painted WHITE you dipshit
The Supreme Court case was about a non-profit corporation called Citizens United that wanted to put in some anti-hillary ads.

The Supreme Court ruled that they can.

Their reasoning was that newspapers are part of corporations too. And with the emergence of Internet and other media, what is news media, and what is corporation is blurred.

They also said that there is no legal basis to distinguish between different types of corporations for free speech. So if newspapers can put in ads about candidates so can other corporations.

Basically, once again, liberals have a problem with free speech.

Free speech to liberals is only speech that they agree with.

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