Republicans need to be honest on the 2nd Amendment by saying THIS


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo
I am not Republican, nor Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, etc. Rumor has it that I am God (I started that rumor). The 2nd amendment has to do with protecting the country, not in a militia form, but in the fact that we are such a large country with quite a few borders. Our military and police cannot possibly protect this country from the evils that lurk beyond the border. Remember when the Constitution was written that we had not really ventured into the west but the framers knew there be injuns lurking. (No offense to any Native Americans--I love you man) We are armed and every bloomin' nation knows it. To attempt an invasion of any kind means going up against the military and police, and about 275 million people with a weapon of some sort. 9/11, thus far, has been the worse anyone has ever been able to do to this country inside our borders. If you want the country to ban guns, start learning a second language now, I suggest Russian. It may not be Russia who invades... oh, who am kidding, anyone who invades the US will backed by Russia if not Russia itself.
I'll give you some homework... and note that I have a ruler so if you refuse, I will slap your hand something fierce, then I'll spank your little bottom. You might like that.
Compare mass shootings pre-1960 to now. I will give you one clue to go by... around 1963ish, hospitals started turning out mentally ill people because Medicaid does not cover it for hospital stays. States started making it harder to have people committed. No one wants to pay taxes for someone else's medical bills. There are about 50 million diagnosed people in the US with a mental disorder--some are self-inflicted so unfortunately no one really realizes someone has snapped except the spouse as she/he is getting killed. Okay? Go for it.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo
Although no Republican, I have no problem with making the kind of statement you're asking for.

Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable cost for protecting the human right of personal autonomy, through the possession of the most effective tools for protecting human lives.

It's just like the way that over 1 million human lives is the cost or protecting the human right of personal autonomy through legal abortions using the most effective medical practices & equipment.

There is a cost associated with rights. Anyone who values rights must accept that fact. If the acceptable cost for protecting the human right of personal autonomy is millions of human lives when discussing abortion, then the discussion regarding guns--the personal autonomy appurtenant to having the most effective tools to defend one's life--deserves the benefit of the perspective of relative cost.

To put it as crassly as possible: compared to the human cost of abortion, the human cost of protecting the human right of personal autonomy through the right to keep and bear arms is a bargain.

And if the gun control crowd would like their opponents to stop treating all their gun control proposals as calls to ban/confiscate guns, then they better stop talking about banning/confiscating guns.
All most all of these mass shooters have one thing in common they all suffer from mental disorders of some type. You can't Involuntarily commit someone to a mental hospital so unless they at some point have voluntarily commited themselves or at some point in the past commited a crime where they have a criminal record and there mental state might have been evalauted and be on record any background check on them will come back clean and they will be able to legally purchase a gun. Until a way is figured out how to get these people hospitalized and evalauted and in the system without trampling on the rights of the indvivdual you won't solve this problem of mass shootings.
Mass shootings are a collateral damage of a society that has lost its moral compass, a society that has blurred the lines of right and wrong to the false god of political correctness.

We have become afraid to call crazy people crazy and lock them up to protect others and themselves from their mental illnesses.

We are afraid to say that the oregon shooter was black or that the Ft Hood shooter was a muslim terrorist.

We are trying to remove the culture and structure that made this country great, because those on the left somehow feel guilty for our wealth and success.

A sick society will not survive, we are on the brink today.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

It's better than any country where a Progressive Leader has disarmed the citizens, that ALWAYS leads to mass graves and a body count in the tens of millions
Drunk drivers kill why not make booze illegal. Knives kill why not make them illegal. Bare hands kill why not make them illegal.

Why? Because it's not the instrument that kills it's the person.

Ted bunny used his hands, crow bars, fire logs.

Get over the gun thing. America will always have guns and the politician who dares to try and take them away will go down with the kind of fight that will bring down this nation.
Wait, so you guys believe the whole "everything bad done is the fault of mental illness" rap? I remember when bad people were called bad. Nowadays everyone is "crazy"?
Wait, so you guys believe the whole "everything bad done is the fault of mental illness" rap? I remember when bad people were called bad. Nowadays everyone is "crazy"?

There are evil (bad) people and there are crazy people. The sane public should be protected from both. They should also be allowed to protect themselves from both.
Wait, so you guys believe the whole "everything bad done is the fault of mental illness" rap? I remember when bad people were called bad. Nowadays everyone is "crazy"?
There are evil people and there are crazy people.

These mass shootings reflect the latter.

Those people were mentally ill and probably should've been locked up but we can't do that anymore cuz liberals fought for the civil rights of the mental.

These shootings are on liberals shoulders. Wear them with disgrace.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

Liberals play this game of blaming the gun and refuse to look at the root cause of the problem ie broken families, moral rot, kids on mind altering drugs etc.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.
Pretty stupid comment, even from you. Lots of Democrats own guns too but more importantly, the guns have always been with us. So obviously to anyone with a half a brain knows the gun isn't the problem.

If your analytical abilities are limited to what you can feel, then it's all you can come up with I suppose. Nor do you grasp what the freedom to own firearms means, what it means is that government doesn't have the right to take away our ability to defend ourselves, you are bass akwards. I don't have a secret service team following me around, I'll have to take care of the problem myself.

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