Republicans need to be honest on the 2nd Amendment by saying THIS

Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.
Pretty stupid comment, even from you. Lots of Democrats own guns too but more importantly, the guns have always been with us. So obviously to anyone with a half a brain knows the gun isn't the problem.

If your analytical abilities are limited to what you can feel, then it's all you can come up with I suppose. Nor do you grasp what the freedom to own firearms means, what it means is that government doesn't have the right to take away our ability to defend ourselves, you are bass akwards. I don't have a secret service team following me around, I'll have to take care of the problem myself.
Like I said in the OP some people will be honest and simply say that these things will happen and that's the cost of freedom. Others, like you faggot ass plays pretend every suggestion is stupid while I hide my true faggot feelings behind calling someone names.

So if you have a suggestion let's here it, if not, go fuck yourself for being the guy I described in the OP
...and right on cue, out come the homosexual slurs. The worse insult a liberal can think of. You offered pure unadulterated stupidity, not some reasonable suggestion. Democrats do own guns so it makes no sense to try to say it's a Republican issue. It's a constitutional issue. And people who are targeted aren't collateral damage, you need to look up them big words.

Boo call names and then want better tratment. Fuck off faggot. Now make any other post crying about it.
I didn't ask for better "tratment", whatever the fuck that is. You need to learn to read. Puke less, read more.

You're right, you just cried about your faggot ass being called a faggot. Try the Shane game with someone who you can manipulate. I'm not the one
And, Trout? You folks dish it out then you cry when you get your asses kicked? That is they way of life if you are a far righty: one of being a wussy pussy, crybabying when you get what you dish, and everybody laughing at you.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

It's better than any country where a Progressive Leader has disarmed the citizens, that ALWAYS leads to mass graves and a body count in the tens of millions

That's a lie. Canada, Great Britain, Australia, every Western European nation except Switzerland. Really every first world country has restricted access to guns except the US, and none of us has mass graves or government horror stories regarding loss of rights.
And, Trout? You folks dish it out then you cry when you get your asses kicked? That is they way of life if you are a far righty: one of being a wussy pussy, crybabying when you get what you dish, and everybody laughing at you.

They attempt to use fake shame to allow them to be the only people that can call names. As soon as you dish it back to them they cry about it. Lol.

Ooooohhh, CC said Faggot! Lol..gtfoh
Frank is such a progressive reactionary, wanting to taking away rights from everyone except the far right.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.
Pretty stupid comment, even from you. Lots of Democrats own guns too but more importantly, the guns have always been with us. So obviously to anyone with a half a brain knows the gun isn't the problem.

If your analytical abilities are limited to what you can feel, then it's all you can come up with I suppose. Nor do you grasp what the freedom to own firearms means, what it means is that government doesn't have the right to take away our ability to defend ourselves, you are bass akwards. I don't have a secret service team following me around, I'll have to take care of the problem myself.
Like I said in the OP some people will be honest and simply say that these things will happen and that's the cost of freedom. Others, like you faggot ass plays pretend every suggestion is stupid while I hide my true faggot feelings behind calling someone names.

So if you have a suggestion let's here it, if not, go fuck yourself for being the guy I described in the OP
...and right on cue, out come the homosexual slurs. The worse insult a liberal can think of. You offered pure unadulterated stupidity, not some reasonable suggestion. Democrats do own guns so it makes no sense to try to say it's a Republican issue. It's a constitutional issue. And people who are targeted aren't collateral damage, you need to look up them big words.

Of course Democrats own guns, but owning a gun doesn't make you a gun nut. That's mostly just right wingers.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

It's better than any country where a Progressive Leader has disarmed the citizens, that ALWAYS leads to mass graves and a body count in the tens of millions

That's a lie. Canada, Great Britain, Australia, every Western European nation except Switzerland. Really every first world country has restricted access to guns except the US, and none of us has mass graves or government horror stories regarding loss of rights.

Apples and oranges, none of those countries has anywhere near our population or diversity, none of those countries enjoy the breadth of constitutionally protected individual liberties that the US does. We cannot operate on the premise that since XYZ country does this it must be good for us, what we can do is look at areas in the United States that have heavily restricted gun ownership and observe the results and as far as that goes I offer up exhibit A: Chicago, which demonstrates that passing more laws doesn't deter those willing to break laws.

I would also point out that your using Western Europe as an example is a bit ironic since weren't they the center of two world wars that ended up killing tens of millions of people (not to mention their centuries of absolutely blood drenched history), given their history the Europeans are absolutely the worst role model to look to when discussing ways to curb violence in society, maybe after Europe can go more than several decades without mass bloodshed we can look to them for some guidance with respect to dealing with violence in society while balancing individual liberty but until then they have a lot to prove.
And, Trout? You folks dish it out then you cry when you get your asses kicked? That is they way of life if you are a far righty: one of being a wussy pussy, crybabying when you get what you dish, and everybody laughing at you.

They attempt to use fake shame to allow them to be the only people that can call names. As soon as you dish it back to them they cry about it. Lol.

Ooooohhh, CC said Faggot! Lol..gtfoh

I'm laughing at your ass and this is a flaming ass faggot thread.
We should teach gun safety in all our schools
When I went to camp as a kid they had rifle class. It was awesome. We learned to shoot rifles and gun safety and got awards for being a good shot.

Sounds like fun. I've always liked guns too. What does that have to do with reasonable restrictions?

There are too many restrictions on guns. It's time to start repealing all of these restrictive gun laws.
The anti-2nd Amendment radicals (always democrats or socialists) need to be honest about their agenda. The ignorant radical left isn't even aware of the gun laws already on the books. All we hear is blather about "gun control" when what they are really talking about is "confiscation". In the brave new world of the radical left the crazies will occupy the parks and the libraries and every public building while Christians will go to jail if they put up a freaking Christmas tree on public property. Only the elites will be able to enjoy firearms sports and the option to protect themselves while the rabble struggle to protect their property and religious beliefs under modern Stalinists.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

Various levels of government aren't enforcing existing laws, what makes you think they will do any better with new ones? Add the fact that criminals and crazies don't give a shit about existing law, why do you imagine they would obey new ones? Every new proposal, so far, does nothing but encumber the rights of the law abiding, with no provable effect on the others. Let's stop the "we have to do something" mind set unless you can prove the benefits will outweigh the loss of general liberty. Now what have you got that will do that?
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

There is no solution. And yes, these mass shootings are going to happen, just like any death in this country.
So...will Americans just come out and admit that 35,369 deaths by car accident are simply collateral damage so they don't have to walk to work.....?
And other things Americans have to admit to.....

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39
Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....

Americans should just admit that 29,001 deaths are just...collateral damage so they can get a buzz from drinking.

Americans should just admit that 3,391 deaths are just collateral damage so that they can swim on the beach and in pools......

Remember...mass shootings by nuts kill less than 75 people a year.....the lowest year so far posted, 2006 ...only 2 people......

you need to add one more stat. the number of innocent children murdered by abortion.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

They don't care, pure and simple. They are people who's fear overrides all other considerations. They are terrified of life itself.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

There is no solution. And yes, these mass shootings are going to happen, just like any death in this country.

You should stick to that. That's way more understandable than comparing gun deaths to car accidents or choking.
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

They don't care, pure and simple. They are people who's fear overrides all other considerations. They are terrified of life itself.

Did you look at the total deaths from mass shooters each year from Mother Jones....vs. all other types of deaths......try might post accurately if you do.....
The only way to stop these nuts....paying attention to social media, and having peope carry guns so when these guys plan their shootings, they are limited in their target selection since they target gun free zones.

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