Republicans need to be honest on the 2nd Amendment by saying THIS

]Typical Rushbo mirror defense: accuse the other side of doing what you are doing.

The homophobic slurs from the far right occur here every day in every way. The far right's position is that homosexuality reveals a perverse and immoral character.

The left and the responsible right are saying, "hey, come out and deal with who you are."

The latter is far more responsible than the assaults of the far right.
You are kidding yourself.

I recall a comment from Dan Savage, who was responding to a female who felt slighted that he said that male homosexuals were somehow the wildest.

Her defense, "you don't know what a slut I am for my man".

His rebuttal. "Have you ever gone into a dark corner of a bar and had sex with some one you have never even seen"?

It is gay behavior that reveals a "perverse and immoral character".

It is the Left that constantly tries to smear it's ideological opponents with that label.
And you just surrendered the point. Straights do it in the corner of dark bars and out in the alley. Thank you for outing your argument. Finally.

Why do you think AIDS went though the gay community like it did? To much hugging?

ANd libs are the ones constantly accusing conservatives of being homosexual.
And there you are doing it again.

Like a dog you go right back to your vomit.

You are a final days eschatologist, so you can't help it.
And there you are doing it again.

Like a dog you go right back to your vomit.

You are a final days eschatologist, so you can't help it.

Way to hide your head in the sand.

Final days eschatologists? What are you raving about?
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

I am not a republican.

I'll say it......

Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

I'll also say:

Getting rid of firearms isn't going to necessarily end mass shootings.
I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions

Actually, we do, repeatedly, and you're too big a stupid fuck to grasp it. Let the victims defend themselves. There is something seriously wrong with you that you can't even process that

The victims can already defend themselves. So thanks for that already known and understood suggestion. I guess

What do you mean, the victims can already defend themselves...I am curious?

He's saying the solution to curbing mass shootings is allowing someone to defend themselves. Now, if there is someone who doesn't defend themselves because someone thinks they shouldnt, that's their own stupidity. And someone being attacked would already feel the need to protect themselves. You pretending that someone cannot defend themselves is just stupid and not a suggestion at all...I mean, it is, but it's like saying breathing ensures that you live. Just Captain Obvious bullshit
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

Bull shit. This is the truth:

Mass shootings are collateral damage and a direct consequence of decades of progressivism.

I have given the answer to your question to you and several others many times. You not only ignore my answer, but you turn around and claim you never get an answer.

In order to prevent (or more realistically, decrease) shootings like in Oregon, we need to stop looking only at the tool used in the killings but start investigating the "why". Why did it happen, what made this person kill. We don't spend a dime on that. The POTUS never hives a press conference and asks America or anyone to find out why we here in America kill like this. They are so busy trying to blame it on the gun and their political opponents that they have no time to do anything else.

There is your answer. you will ignore it again, just as you did before.
I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions

Actually, we do, repeatedly, and you're too big a stupid fuck to grasp it. Let the victims defend themselves. There is something seriously wrong with you that you can't even process that

The victims can already defend themselves. So thanks for that already known and understood suggestion. I guess

What do you mean, the victims can already defend themselves...I am curious?

He's saying the solution to curbing mass shootings is allowing someone to defend themselves. Now, if there is someone who doesn't defend themselves because someone thinks they shouldnt, that's their own stupidity. And someone being attacked would already feel the need to protect themselves. You pretending that someone cannot defend themselves is just stupid and not a suggestion at all...I mean, it is, but it's like saying breathing ensures that you live. Just Captain Obvious bullshit

Wow....just stupid.....the reason guns are so important is because they are the most effective way to win a when you mandate that people can't carry guns....and the criminals have, the good guys can't defend themselves...

And oregon proved this again.....the Vet. who charged the gunman was shot 7 times....and failed to stop the no, they can't defend themselves against a shooter with their bare hands.......
I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions

Actually, we do, repeatedly, and you're too big a stupid fuck to grasp it. Let the victims defend themselves. There is something seriously wrong with you that you can't even process that

The victims can already defend themselves. So thanks for that already known and understood suggestion. I guess

What do you mean, the victims can already defend themselves...I am curious?

He's saying the solution to curbing mass shootings is allowing someone to defend themselves. Now, if there is someone who doesn't defend themselves because someone thinks they shouldnt, that's their own stupidity. And someone being attacked would already feel the need to protect themselves. You pretending that someone cannot defend themselves is just stupid and not a suggestion at all...I mean, it is, but it's like saying breathing ensures that you live. Just Captain Obvious bullshit

Swish. the question was how do they defend themselves when they are in a gun free zone following the law and the shooter doesn't follow the law and starts shooting people. Just repeating your empty claim doesn't answer the question. How do they defend themselves?
All most all of these mass shooters have one thing in common they all suffer from mental disorders of some type. You can't Involuntarily commit someone to a mental hospital so unless they at some point have voluntarily commited themselves or at some point in the past commited a crime where they have a criminal record and there mental state might have been evalauted and be on record any background check on them will come back clean and they will be able to legally purchase a gun. Until a way is figured out how to get these people hospitalized and evalauted and in the system without trampling on the rights of the indvivdual you won't solve this problem of mass shootings.


and they also happen in gun free zones
Al Gore would have been President if he just kept his mouth shut on guns.

The NRA poured tons on money into Tennessee, Arkansas and other states that could have gone for Gore and that is what caused the shithead to lose.

When will these idiots learn?
Mass shootings are collateral damage and an acceptable consequence of freedom to own firearms.

If they said that, it would be so honest and unwavering that ppl would have to be forced to disagree or agree. But instead of being honest they play this game of peekaboo where any and all suggestions for gun control is translated into Republican speak of "Banning guns". Which does nothing to explain what you're FOR.

I've asked several times what if any suggestions do the pro gun crowd have to prevent shootings like Oregon and after so many times it seems as if they don't have suggestions but are more comfortable bring the peanut gallery that boos anyone's suggestions to do anything different than the status quo

I said this Sept of last year and once again proven correct

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