Republicans needn't worry - Health Care companies make record profits.



Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes

Leaders of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth, WellPoint and Aetna received nearly $200 million in compensation in 2009, according to a report, while the companies sought rate increases as high as 39%.

H. Edward Hanway, former chief executive of Philadelphia-based Cigna, topped the list of high-paid executives, thanks to a retirement package worth $110.9 million. Cigna paid Hanway and his successor, David Cordani, a total of $136.3 million last year.

Only one executive in the list actually saw his paycheck shrink last year: Ron Williams, the CEO of Hartford, Conn.-based Aetna Inc., earned nearly $18.2 million in total compensation, down from $24.4 million in 2008.

Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes - Los Angeles Times

For all those who were worried Insurance Company Executives weren't being paid enough, those companies have found new ways to squeeze money from the American people getting around guidelines Democrats put in place to protect American citizens.

UnitedHealth raises outlook as profit rises 31% - MarketWatch

Republicans relieved Health Care companies protected from the greedy middle class.
The hell you say?!?!?

Moonbat Fabian socialists mandate that high risks eventually be forced into the insurance pool and rates go up?

Who saw that coming?
The hell you say?!?!?

Moonbat Fabian socialists mandate that high risks eventually be forced into the insurance pool and rates go up?

Who saw that coming?


and they have to keep their 26 year old babies covered too
Of course I predicted this years ago.
And commented on it recently.
The Health care reform act was set up by lobbyists to benefit the most the industry that it was supposed to regulate.

Who should be suprised at this?
Soooooo, the reason for record profits and CEO's record paychecks is because people put their collage age kids on their insurance policies?

Another example of right wing voodoo economics.
Of course I predicted this years ago.
And commented on it recently.
The Health care reform act was set up by lobbyists to benefit the most the industry that it was supposed to regulate.

Who should be suprised at this?

I agree. I'm really mad at those fucking assholes who blocked single payer and worked against helping Obama create the kind of reform we really needed. The assholes.

Oh, wait,

That's not what you meant?
Soooooo, the reason for record profits and CEO's record paychecks is because people put their collage age kids on their insurance policies?

Another example of right wing voodoo economics.
It's the reason that rates and profits went up...The insurance companies are sandbagging the profits for the possible day that they may have to insure someone with a blown out knee or cancer after the fact.

If it's an example of anything, it's how you really don't know diddly-poo about how bidness operates.
Soooooo, the reason for record profits and CEO's record paychecks is because people put their collage age kids on their insurance policies?

Another example of right wing voodoo economics.
It's the reason that rates and profits went up...The insurance companies are sandbagging the profits for the possible day that they may have to insure someone with a blown out knee or cancer after the fact.

If it's an example of anything, it's how you really don't know diddly-poo about how bidness operates.

As opposed to cutting their policies as soon as they become sick?

Hey, is giving a CEO a hundred and thirty six million dollars the way to keep the money "safe" in case they need it in the future????

I like you. You're "funi".
Insurance companies are obviously sandbagging funds that they're going to need, in advance of being forced to "insure" deadbeats who haven't paid in a dime for their coverage.

The CEO's pay is decided by the respective boards of directors.

Is there no end to your paycheck envy? :lol:
Insurance companies are obviously sandbagging funds that they're going to need, in advance of being forced to "insure" deadbeats who haven't paid in a dime for their coverage.

The CEO's pay is decided by the respective boards of directors.

Is there no end to your paycheck envy? :lol:

Oh you are so right. It's all about "envy".

Hmmh, let's see. Where does that money come from?

Middle class America pays for insurance. Insurance companies who don't employ any doctors or nurses. Don't own any hospitals. They act as the "middle man" for these services.

How many policies are skimmed or denied to create a hundred and 36 million dollars?

That's the difference between me and a Republican. I'm appalled at someone who would do that to other Americans. They applaud someone who would do that to other Americans.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Insurance companies employ lots and lots and lots of nice middle class agents, adjusters, accounting, advertising and numerous other "regular guy" professionals.

And you're still a myopic and hysterical fool.
Of course I predicted this years ago.
And commented on it recently.
The Health care reform act was set up by lobbyists to benefit the most the industry that it was supposed to regulate.

Who should be suprised at this?

I agree. I'm really mad at those fucking assholes who blocked single payer and worked against helping Obama create the kind of reform we really needed. The assholes.

Oh, wait,

That's not what you meant?

Yep what I meant.
And I knew it would be this way before the debates even started.
Soooooo, the reason for record profits and CEO's record paychecks is because people put their collage age kids on their insurance policies?

Another example of right wing voodoo economics.

The reason for record profits is because the insurance industry is huge. The average profit margin for health insurers ranges from 2.5%-5.0%, which is a much lower percentage compared to other large industries. The reason insurance rates have gone up so much is due to two primary causes: increase in utilization, and an increasing number of people who don't pay their bills.
Back in the 70's, Congress passed HMO legislation, which has had the largest impact on insurance rate increases, by mandating comprehensive coverage and severely reducing choices in types of policies available. With the introduction of HMO's, rates have skyrocketed because drugs costs are now covered, which increases utilization, which in turn, increases insurance coverage for everyone, including those of us who are well and do not take medications. You can thank government for your high insurance rates.
Ok people, just stop. You think the Health Care companies are spending money on the patients?

You're nuts. How can you defend something you have no clue how it works?

First off, the CEO's and Executives are mainly concerned with "getting theirs".

Then an enormous amount of the money goes to "administrative cost" and an even larger amount to "advertising and public relations".

But the biggest cost of all, the policy holders are paying for, is going to "lobbyists" in congress. So laws can be changed and Health Care "deregulated" so they can squeeze every cent out of the system and skim policies. Everything neat, tidy and perfectly legal.

All that money being skimmed off of insurance policies. All all of the above added to the "5 to 10%" profit, and suddenly, you wonder, "How much money is actually being spent for health care?"

But where's the "ethics"? When you mention "ethics" to Republicans, their eyes glaze over and many fall asleep, "standing".

Def of "Ethics":

that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.

Synonyms for "ethics"

Now come on. After "death panels" and "kill grandma" and "Fascist/Socialist/Communist/Marxist/Racist" and all the other lies and the apology to BP, no one believes Republicans take any of these things seriously. Be honest.

CIGNA Profit Declines; Boosts Forecast
If anyone has no clue on how it works, it's you.

The CEOs aren't autocrats, who have an unlimited access to the funds of the company.

The rise in rates is primarily in response to the strong future possibility that they're going to have to cover the medical expenses of deadbeats, who haven't paid in a dime until they got sick or injured.

Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of how business and the corporate worlds work, which obviously excludes you, can clearly see this.
Ok people, just stop. You think the Health Care companies are spending money on the patients?

You're nuts. How can you defend something you have no clue how it works?

Ummm, yeah- they're spending money on patients. Who do you think is paying the hospital bills of insured individuals?

I do have a clue how it works. I've worked in the health care industry for 27 years, and I've dealt with insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, and regulatory agencies for reimbursement purposes.
Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes

Leaders of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth, WellPoint and Aetna received nearly $200 million in compensation in 2009, according to a report, while the companies sought rate increases as high as 39%.

H. Edward Hanway, former chief executive of Philadelphia-based Cigna, topped the list of high-paid executives, thanks to a retirement package worth $110.9 million. Cigna paid Hanway and his successor, David Cordani, a total of $136.3 million last year.

Only one executive in the list actually saw his paycheck shrink last year: Ron Williams, the CEO of Hartford, Conn.-based Aetna Inc., earned nearly $18.2 million in total compensation, down from $24.4 million in 2008.

Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes - Los Angeles Times

For all those who were worried Insurance Company Executives weren't being paid enough, those companies have found new ways to squeeze money from the American people getting around guidelines Democrats put in place to protect American citizens.

UnitedHealth raises outlook as profit rises 31% - MarketWatch

Republicans relieved Health Care companies protected from the greedy middle class.

And yet the profit margins for the Insurance companies are not even in the top 50.
Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86
Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86 -- Seeking Alpha
If anyone has no clue on how it works, it's you.

The CEOs aren't autocrats, who have an unlimited access to the funds of the company.

The rise in rates is primarily in response to the strong future possibility that they're going to have to cover the medical expenses of deadbeats, who haven't paid in a dime until they got sick or injured.

Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of how business and the corporate worlds work, which obviously excludes you, can clearly see this.

I'm put up links.

I didn't see yours.

How do you think a salary of over a hundred million dollars "happened"? Do they "deserve" them for making such a "small" profit?
Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes

Leaders of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth, WellPoint and Aetna received nearly $200 million in compensation in 2009, according to a report, while the companies sought rate increases as high as 39%.

H. Edward Hanway, former chief executive of Philadelphia-based Cigna, topped the list of high-paid executives, thanks to a retirement package worth $110.9 million. Cigna paid Hanway and his successor, David Cordani, a total of $136.3 million last year.

Only one executive in the list actually saw his paycheck shrink last year: Ron Williams, the CEO of Hartford, Conn.-based Aetna Inc., earned nearly $18.2 million in total compensation, down from $24.4 million in 2008.

Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes - Los Angeles Times

For all those who were worried Insurance Company Executives weren't being paid enough, those companies have found new ways to squeeze money from the American people getting around guidelines Democrats put in place to protect American citizens.

UnitedHealth raises outlook as profit rises 31% - MarketWatch

Republicans relieved Health Care companies protected from the greedy middle class.

And yet the profit margins for the Insurance companies are not even in the top 50.
Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86
Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86 -- Seeking Alpha

Oooh, thanks for the links. While you're at it, can you put up links of where hundred million dollar salaries fit in? How many policies does it take to make a hundred million dollar salary? Do you have a link to that?
Of course I predicted this years ago.
And commented on it recently.
The Health care reform act was set up by lobbyists to benefit the most the industry that it was supposed to regulate.

Who should be suprised at this?

I agree. I'm really mad at those fucking assholes who blocked single payer and worked against helping Obama create the kind of reform we really needed. The assholes.

Oh, wait,

That's not what you meant?

The Question you should be asking. Is if this bill is not what he really wanted, and is not going to work to do the things that need to be done.


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