Republicans needn't worry - Health Care companies make record profits.

If anyone has no clue on how it works, it's you.

The CEOs aren't autocrats, who have an unlimited access to the funds of the company.

The rise in rates is primarily in response to the strong future possibility that they're going to have to cover the medical expenses of deadbeats, who haven't paid in a dime until they got sick or injured.

Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of how business and the corporate worlds work, which obviously excludes you, can clearly see this.

I'm put up links.

I didn't see yours.

How do you think a salary of over a hundred million dollars "happened"? Do they "deserve" them for making such a "small" profit?
That's up to the boards of directors of the given companies....What you "think" (for lack of a better term) they deserve to be paid is irrelevant.

Like I already said, CEOs aren't autocrats with unlimited access to the company's bank accounts.

But feel free to carry on with your unvarnished paycheck envy...It's rather amusing.
Of course I predicted this years ago.
And commented on it recently.
The Health care reform act was set up by lobbyists to benefit the most the industry that it was supposed to regulate.

Who should be suprised at this?

I agree. I'm really mad at those fucking assholes who blocked single payer and worked against helping Obama create the kind of reform we really needed. The assholes.

Oh, wait,

That's not what you meant?

The Question you should be asking. Is if this bill is not what he really wanted, and is not going to work to do the things that need to be done.


The entire Republican Party voted against it as well as a few Blue dogs. That's Republicans sheep in "dog's clothing". It was watered down until it could be passed. To a thirsty man, a half a cup of water is better than none at all.

Here's a link to the entire one thousand nine hundred and ninety pages. Please point out the part you didn't like.
If anyone has no clue on how it works, it's you.

The CEOs aren't autocrats, who have an unlimited access to the funds of the company.

The rise in rates is primarily in response to the strong future possibility that they're going to have to cover the medical expenses of deadbeats, who haven't paid in a dime until they got sick or injured.

Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of how business and the corporate worlds work, which obviously excludes you, can clearly see this.

I'm put up links.

I didn't see yours.

How do you think a salary of over a hundred million dollars "happened"? Do they "deserve" them for making such a "small" profit?
That's up to the boards of directors of the given companies....What you "think" (for lack of a better term) they deserve to be paid is irrelevant.

Like I already said, CEOs aren't autocrats with unlimited access to the company's bank accounts.

But feel free to carry on with your unvarnished paycheck envy...It's rather amusing.

So a 136 million dollar salary gleaned from "skimming" tens of thousands of insurance policies paid for by hard working Americans is "amusing"?

Do you know the meaning of the word, "Ethics"? Just kidding. Forget I said anything.
I agree. I'm really mad at those fucking assholes who blocked single payer and worked against helping Obama create the kind of reform we really needed. The assholes.

Oh, wait,

That's not what you meant?

The Question you should be asking. Is if this bill is not what he really wanted, and is not going to work to do the things that need to be done.


The entire Republican Party voted against it as well as a few Blue dogs. That's Republicans sheep in "dog's clothing". It was watered down until it could be passed. To a thirsty man, a half a cup of water is better than none at all.

Here's a link to the entire one thousand nine hundred and ninety pages. Please point out the part you didn't like.

Alright, let me get this straight.

House : Democrat Majority
Senate : Democrat Majority
President : Democrat

Bill passed by all of them : Republicans Fault?? Is that correct??
How many Republicans voted for the watered down version?
You can not blame them if it is not what you wanted because even watered down they did not vote for it.
I'm put up links.

I didn't see yours.

How do you think a salary of over a hundred million dollars "happened"? Do they "deserve" them for making such a "small" profit?
That's up to the boards of directors of the given companies....What you "think" (for lack of a better term) they deserve to be paid is irrelevant.

Like I already said, CEOs aren't autocrats with unlimited access to the company's bank accounts.

But feel free to carry on with your unvarnished paycheck envy...It's rather amusing.

So a 136 million dollar salary gleaned from "skimming" tens of thousands of insurance policies paid for by hard working Americans is "amusing"?

Do you know the meaning of the word, "Ethics"? Just kidding. Forget I said anything.

No, your foaming-at-the-mouth moonbattery is endlessly amusing.

That "skimming" accusation some kind of charge...Have any proof to back up your alligator mouth?
That's up to the boards of directors of the given companies....What you "think" (for lack of a better term) they deserve to be paid is irrelevant.

Like I already said, CEOs aren't autocrats with unlimited access to the company's bank accounts.

But feel free to carry on with your unvarnished paycheck envy...It's rather amusing.

So a 136 million dollar salary gleaned from "skimming" tens of thousands of insurance policies paid for by hard working Americans is "amusing"?

Do you know the meaning of the word, "Ethics"? Just kidding. Forget I said anything.

No, your foaming-at-the-mouth moonbattery is endlessly amusing.

That "skimming" accusation some kind of charge...Have any proof to back up your alligator mouth?

Hmmm, let's try to go through the "steps".

Millions of people pay for insurance policies. When Bush took office, it was over 6 thousand dollars for a family policy. When Bush left office, it was over 12 thousand dollars for a family policy.

For six of those years, REPUBLICANS HELD EVERY BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT AND THE ONLY THING THEY DID WAS FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS. Name something Republicans did for the middle class. Oh, they threw them a couple of tax dollars shifting the burden of the Deficit to the Middle Class. I know, why should the rich have to pay? We know. We get it. That's the way Republicans think.

Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% -

They also had the opportunity to work on immigration during that time.

So let me put together a list of what Republicans did during those six years.



Oh, that's right. NOT A FUCKING THING. Not on health care. Not on immigration.

Republicans will say, "But but but Democrats controlled the Senate during the last two years of the Bush administration."

the Democrats have a shaky hold on the Senate with a razor-thin margin of 51-49... if you count the two Independents as Democrats.

Democrats Take Tenuous Control of Senate in 110th Congress

OK, so far, it's established that Republicans haven't done of fucking thing to help the middle class (can they even bring themselves to say the words?)

So how do insurance companies "skim" money? Well, you saw that today, this very minute, it costs $13,000 to insure a family. The Cigna CEO made $136,000,000.00.

Currently, companies like to say, "87 cents on the dollar goes to Medical Services". But even mild investigation shows otherwise.

The insurance industry has long pointed to federal data that says about 87 percent of every dollar that people spend on premiums goes toward actual medical care, but Rockefeller's investigators found the average for the top six insurance companies is closer to 82 cents on the dollar for medical care.

That five-point difference represents billions of dollars.

And when investigators broke down the information by insurance type, they found that people who buy individual insurance from those companies rather than being part of a small or large business, get the least bang for their buck.

On average just 74 cents of every premium dollar for individual coverage goes to medical care.

Coventry Health Care had the lowest figure at 66 cents.

"A favorite jet is the Falcon series made by a French manufacturer. Very luxuriously equipped," he said. "The big leather seats, polished mahogany and other fine wood. Usually for a long or short trip, there's a flight attendant who serves you breakfast, lunch or a snack or drink. If it's food, often it will be on china, gold rimmed."

What Happens to Health Insurance Premiums? - ABC News

Only a fool would believe that health care companies with private jets and gold dishes would be spending most of their patients money on the patients.
"I know nothing of which I speak" is much more direct, than your hallucinatory step-by-step conspiracy theory...It has the added benefit of being factual.
Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes

Leaders of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth, WellPoint and Aetna received nearly $200 million in compensation in 2009, according to a report, while the companies sought rate increases as high as 39%.

H. Edward Hanway, former chief executive of Philadelphia-based Cigna, topped the list of high-paid executives, thanks to a retirement package worth $110.9 million. Cigna paid Hanway and his successor, David Cordani, a total of $136.3 million last year.

Only one executive in the list actually saw his paycheck shrink last year: Ron Williams, the CEO of Hartford, Conn.-based Aetna Inc., earned nearly $18.2 million in total compensation, down from $24.4 million in 2008.

Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes - Los Angeles Times

For all those who were worried Insurance Company Executives weren't being paid enough, those companies have found new ways to squeeze money from the American people getting around guidelines Democrats put in place to protect American citizens.

UnitedHealth raises outlook as profit rises 31% - MarketWatch

Republicans relieved Health Care companies protected from the greedy middle class.

>WHEW< I was so worried. :lol:
Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes

Leaders of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth, WellPoint and Aetna received nearly $200 million in compensation in 2009, according to a report, while the companies sought rate increases as high as 39%.

H. Edward Hanway, former chief executive of Philadelphia-based Cigna, topped the list of high-paid executives, thanks to a retirement package worth $110.9 million. Cigna paid Hanway and his successor, David Cordani, a total of $136.3 million last year.

Only one executive in the list actually saw his paycheck shrink last year: Ron Williams, the CEO of Hartford, Conn.-based Aetna Inc., earned nearly $18.2 million in total compensation, down from $24.4 million in 2008.

Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes - Los Angeles Times

For all those who were worried Insurance Company Executives weren't being paid enough, those companies have found new ways to squeeze money from the American people getting around guidelines Democrats put in place to protect American citizens.

UnitedHealth raises outlook as profit rises 31% - MarketWatch

Republicans relieved Health Care companies protected from the greedy middle class.

And yet the profit margins for the Insurance companies are not even in the top 50.
Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86
Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86 -- Seeking Alpha

Oooh, thanks for the links. While you're at it, can you put up links of where hundred million dollar salaries fit in? How many policies does it take to make a hundred million dollar salary? Do you have a link to that?

That's not up to you to decide. It is up to the shareholders and whatever was in the contract that was signed. I realize Obama and the Dems are working overtime with the wealth envy talking points. I also know that Obama wants to dictate how much money is too much a private citizen can earn. "Obama: 'I Do Think at a Certain Point You've Made Enough Money"
Obama: &#039;I Do Think at a Certain Point You&#039;ve Made Enough Money&#039; |
Soooooo, the reason for record profits and CEO's record paychecks is because people put their collage age kids on their insurance policies?

Another example of right wing voodoo economics.

Dean there was a thread in here a while back where the Poster showed a list from the Govt. that showed as far as profits go the Ins. industry was no 37 on the list.....the Soft Drink industry was no. 1 as far as profits go......this list says different but the Health care industry is no 23.....

Fortune 500 2008: Top Performers - Most Profitable Industries: Return on Revenues

this lists them individually.....the first health ins co. is no.63....

List of companies by revenue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

maybe you should vent against those companies that are REALLY making some money....
That's the difference between me and a Republican. I'm appalled at someone who would do that to other Americans. They applaud someone who would do that to other Americans.

hey Dean answer a question for me.....are there ANY Democrats who fit this description?......
But the biggest cost of all, the policy holders are paying for, is going to "lobbyists" in congress. So laws can be changed and Health Care "deregulated" so they can squeeze every cent out of the system and skim policies. Everything neat, tidy and perfectly legal.

and so now you are going to give us that Rdean FAR Leftist bullshit that NO DEMOCRATS are part of this i suppose....
That's the difference between me and a Republican. I'm appalled at someone who would do that to other Americans. They applaud someone who would do that to other Americans.

hey Dean answer a question for me.....are there ANY Democrats who fit this description?......

There must be some. But they are covert. Not like Republicans who seem to hate this country and especially the middle class.

They did throw a few dollars at the middle class when Republicans gave trillions in tax cuts to the rich. But that was to "shut them up" NOT help them.

Hey, if the right hates commies and socialist so much, why are they always shipping American jobs off to China and other communist/socialist countries. Are they just using the commies to scare Americans? 'Cuz they sure like doing business with them.
Here's a link to the entire one thousand nine hundred and ninety pages. Please point out the part you didn't like.

i did not like what saw on page 1,873 paragraph 10,section 5,sub-paragraph 43,the last sentence before sub-paragraph 46 begins......what do you think of that Deano....a fence will be built around a little league stadium in San Francisco.....its kinda vague.....can you tell me what that has to do with Health Care?.....
Hey, if the right hates commies and socialist so much, why are they always shipping American jobs off to China and other communist/socialist countries. Are they just using the commies to scare Americans? 'Cuz they sure like doing business with them.

and so there was no outsourcing with Democrats?......Dean i remember Obama saying he was going to turn this shit around and Tax these fuckers that do this and give a tax break to those who dont.....i havent heard shit about this Dean since he has been in....and this was something i have been waiting for someone to stop.....more talk i guess just to get elected?.....thats no different than what your arch-enemies do....
There must be some. But they are covert. Not like Republicans who seem to hate this country and especially the middle class.

oh their we dont know about i guess that must be ok..... because they do it,they just dont let you know about it.......:lol:......geezus you realise how your hatred for a fucking party makes you sound?......there are many of your fellow fringers here on the right who hate the Democrats.....but NOBODY on this board sounds as obsessed with this shit like you do help...dam you must be a miserable person to be around....

Wheres TDM??

I expect her to come on and call everyone a fucking idiot and a racist any minute now. LOL

Oh and Deany. The board of directors set the salaries for CEO's not the Republican party. If the board says they make a gazillion dollars that what they make. You don't have to like it and your jealousy is showing big time.

The insurance companies are gearing up to cover all those catostophic and long term illnesses. People who buy their own insurance are already paying much higher for their premiums. Most of the folks being covered will be subsidized by we the taxpayer.

You better gear up there Dean because you and I and every other person who has coverage is going to be paying out the ass for it. We must spread out wealth whether we want to or not.

Hope and change. You voted for it. I sure as hell didn't.
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Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes

Leaders of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth, WellPoint and Aetna received nearly $200 million in compensation in 2009, according to a report, while the companies sought rate increases as high as 39%.

H. Edward Hanway, former chief executive of Philadelphia-based Cigna, topped the list of high-paid executives, thanks to a retirement package worth $110.9 million. Cigna paid Hanway and his successor, David Cordani, a total of $136.3 million last year.

Only one executive in the list actually saw his paycheck shrink last year: Ron Williams, the CEO of Hartford, Conn.-based Aetna Inc., earned nearly $18.2 million in total compensation, down from $24.4 million in 2008.

Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes - Los Angeles Times

For all those who were worried Insurance Company Executives weren't being paid enough, those companies have found new ways to squeeze money from the American people getting around guidelines Democrats put in place to protect American citizens.

UnitedHealth raises outlook as profit rises 31% - MarketWatch

Republicans relieved Health Care companies protected from the greedy middle class.

And they will continue to since Obama caved and buckled to their wishes.
The profit margins are not the issue. It's the cost of everything else that is the problem, and those costs, for the most part, are not real. They are highly inflated. Administrative costs are beyone ridiculous. Provider costs, in most cases, are completely out of line. The insurance companies approve payments schedules to large providers that are well above the cost necessary to cover the service. By doing so, they increase their overall take, and while the profit margins remain low, the actual dollars increase exponentially. Insurance companies don't want to see reduced healthcare costs from the providers, because that would put a big dent in their actual earnings as they would have to reduce rates.

If we are to ever reduce the costs, the first things Americans must understand is what is actually driving the costs and what the actual costs actually are.

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