Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn’t Matter


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?
I will owe them, hopefully not more than 1/3 of total Tax due? Messy year. While it is now "simpler", well not for everyone. Self employment tax! Minus travel costs, yech. 1099s' state refunds. I hate it. I am OK with numbers but reading the instructions? Someday it will get easy I hope? I do pen & paper or enter numbers into PDF IRS forms, print mail.

Contractor work is still 4-5 pages of schedules. 401K rollover not clear? Two states to maybe file in? A real mess! hSA? Forget about that. ObamaCare made it impossible. I just let them figure out if I am wrong or owe.
A tax refund has absolutely no relation to tax rate, and is governed solely by the deductions and any payments/exemptions claimed on your W-4. If you get a refund, it is money you already paid in excess of your tax for that year.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?
If you are having less taken out and held by the govt then you get less of a refund. Having more of your money in your pocket all year is better than waiting for the govt to give it all back each April.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

News today was the "average size of refunds" is now running similar to last year.. Of course, that's a govt # and most govt numbers are bogus anyway without 3 pages of term definitions.. BUT -- Grassley is right and leftists just have NO CLUE how anything works...

Refunds are NO WAY to judge tax consequences. They are simply miscalculations on the amount of tax owed. And with higher personal exemptions for the 1040EZ filers, and lower tax tables, the # of exemptions on your record is automatically calculated to withhold LESS..

So -- you probably got it in your paycheck if you didn't file long forms...

You didn't know this stuff -- didya?

And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

Grassley is a arrogant boob who thinks he is smarter than anyone else. People are not stupid if they want a big refund. Republicans wanted to play politics by changing the withholding tables. instead of letting the old tables remain in place and let people make adjustments after they see that.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?
If you are having less taken out and held by the govt then you get less of a refund. Having more of your money in your pocket all year is better than waiting for the govt to give it all back each April.

So you say. People have the right to make that decision not politicians in Washington.
USA.INC isn't entitled to one dime of your labor exchanged for a fiat currency/debt notes in order to exist under this debt/slavery system. When "da gubermint" does 25 to 30% of my job? Then and only then are they entitled to my paper scrip notes.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

I forgot Lakhota is moe clueless than AOC......there are lots of ways to do taxes ....I'm just glad SALT deductions are your fair share
Grassley is a arrogant boob who thinks he is smarter than anyone else. People are not stupid if they want a big refund. Republicans wanted to play politics by changing the withholding tables. instead of letting the old tables remain in place and let people make adjustments after they see that.
Yes, you're stupid if you think an important aspect of your taxes is the refund.

Stupid, stupid, STOOPIT!
USA.INC isn't entitled to one dime of your labor exchanged for a fiat currency/debt notes in order to exist under this debt/slavery system. When "da gubermint" does 25 to 30% of my job? Then and only then are they entitled to my paper scrip notes.

Yeah but we cant stop them? They will seize your accounts if they find you owe them or committed fraud.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

I forgot Lakhota is moe clueless than AOC......there are lots of ways to do taxes ....I'm just glad SALT deductions are your fair share

Me too. Pay up HollyWeird. The only bad part is they gave 2.6% to high bracket to make SALT less the last 10 days slipped it in and blamed Trump.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

Well when people hear tax break they do tend to take that as meaning that they will be getting more money back at the end of the tax year

I would not adjust my with holding until I see what my return looks like at the end of the year especially after things have changes.

yeah if you got a big refund then you can adjust it for next year

still the perception is out there that people are getting less money and there are a lot of variable

Still at this time of year most people returns are simple returns and EIC returns
It was estimated that families earning $25,000 or less will save on average just $60 on their federal tax this year, and those making between $48,600 and $86,100 will save $930

I guess the tax break was not specific for the early filers. People with children should seem some increase but if you have no children , too bad

Unexpected or Expected result of Trumps tax plan
Companies are buying back their own stock. Stock buybacks estimated to be a record $1 trillion this year which doesn't help most workers who do not spend money on buying stocks. Workers are waiting for those wage increases that the plan was suppose to encourage but I guess companies had there own plan on what to do with their tax break.

Federal debt is rising

Yet Trump is tauting another tax break for the middle class only
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And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

Well when people hear tax break they do tend to take that as meaning that they will be getting more money back at the end of the tax year

I would not adjust my with holding until I see what my return looks like at the end of the year especially after things have changes.

yeah if you got a big refund then you can adjust it for next year

still the perception is out there that people are getting less money and there are a lot of variable

Still at this time of year most people returns are simple returns and EIC returns
It was estimated that families earning $25,000 or less will save on average just $60 on their federal tax this year, and those making between $48,600 and $86,100 will save $930

Unexpected or Expected result of Trumps tax plan
Companies are buying back their own stock. Stock buybacks estimated to be a record $1 trillion this year which doesn't help most workers who do not spend money on buying stocks. Workers are waiting for those wage increases that the plan was suppose to encourage but I guess companies had there own plan on what to do with their tax break.

They often hand out shares to keep good workers or entice new hires. In silicon valley they call it "golden hancuffs". You cant afford to leave if they want you to keep working for them. It can be a big part of your annual pay once you start getting some time in......vested.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?
Some people are stupid enough to feel better when they pay for a $12 tab with a $100 instead of a $20 because they get more change back.

It's okay. Nobody that stupid votes GOP anyway.
USA.INC isn't entitled to one dime of your labor exchanged for a fiat currency/debt notes in order to exist under this debt/slavery system. When "da gubermint" does 25 to 30% of my job? Then and only then are they entitled to my paper scrip notes.

Yeah but we cant stop them? They will seize your accounts if they find you owe them or committed fraud.

Doesn't that tell you right there that the majority of this country are not "free" unless they pay an extortion fee to the foreign owed Federal Reserve that income taxes go towards paying? You have to correct your legal status and reclaim the corporate fiction, all CAPS name that was placed on you at birth that made you a de-facto employee of USA.INC. We exchanged our rights for "privileges" and the security blanket of "social services". In the end, you will never get back what you have been required to pay in and you have the freedom of getting paid in full for your labor. The "catch" is that you are forfeit their "safety net". Personally, I would rather starve do death than depend on this foreign owned entity that has made men a domesticated and emasculated specie. I can skin a buck, I can run a trotline...I have survival skills.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?
If you are having less taken out and held by the govt then you get less of a refund. Having more of your money in your pocket all year is better than waiting for the govt to give it all back each April.
Actually I know a few people who purposefully have too much withheld from their paycheck because they want a bigger tax return.

They look at it as a savings account. You know, the type who live paycheck to paycheck and don't have enough discipline to save or invest any money.

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