Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn’t Matter

We know from your past statements that you make well into six figures.

We know you're going to benefit "bigly" from these tax cuts.

And I have yet to see where someone has taken the trouble to compare their 2017 return to their 2018 return.

Too difficult? Who knows.,..but looking at your refund and take home pay CAN tell you what you tax cut was...if you got one.

One might almost think you don't WANT people to see how little they got...if they got anything

And what statements are those? Quote those statements that prove your claim

Once again you prove you are naught but a lying sack of shit

And what's the use of someone telling you they compared their last two tax returns ?

All you'll say is that they are lying because no one is stupid enough to post their tax returns on the internet ( well maybe you are)
USA.INC isn't entitled to one dime of your labor exchanged for a fiat currency/debt notes in order to exist under this debt/slavery system. When "da gubermint" does 25 to 30% of my job? Then and only then are they entitled to my paper scrip notes.
I’m declaring it now. Trump conned is. I made more than I did last year and I’m getting about the same back. We got duped. Only millionaires benefit from trump. Business owners maybe.

Trumps tax breaks didn’t maga

Admit it republicans you

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