Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn’t Matter

These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

Why should people with kids pay less tax than people without kids?

People with kids use more government services

Those kids are the future of this nation. Investment in them, by the government, the community, and the parents, has always been the driving force behind America's "exceptionalism". If we really want to make America great again then we should return the percentage of the government budget devoted to our children to the levels they used to be. As it is, interest payments on the national debt will soon exceed the amount of money spent on children, the very children that will be responsible for paying off that debt. That is beyond stupid.

Pay for your own kids
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

Why should people with kids pay less tax than people without kids?

People with kids use more government services

Those kids are the future of this nation. Investment in them, by the government, the community, and the parents, has always been the driving force behind America's "exceptionalism". If we really want to make America great again then we should return the percentage of the government budget devoted to our children to the levels they used to be. As it is, interest payments on the national debt will soon exceed the amount of money spent on children, the very children that will be responsible for paying off that debt. That is beyond stupid.

Pay for your own kids

Then you pay for your own retirement and health care during retirement.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

Why should people with kids pay less tax than people without kids?

People with kids use more government services

Those kids are the future of this nation. Investment in them, by the government, the community, and the parents, has always been the driving force behind America's "exceptionalism". If we really want to make America great again then we should return the percentage of the government budget devoted to our children to the levels they used to be. As it is, interest payments on the national debt will soon exceed the amount of money spent on children, the very children that will be responsible for paying off that debt. That is beyond stupid.

Pay for your own kids

Then you pay for your own retirement and health care during retirement.
I'm fine with that.

I have been saving money my entire life.
And I pay into SS and Medicare but I should not have to pay to support your kids
I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

Why should people with kids pay less tax than people without kids?

People with kids use more government services

Those kids are the future of this nation. Investment in them, by the government, the community, and the parents, has always been the driving force behind America's "exceptionalism". If we really want to make America great again then we should return the percentage of the government budget devoted to our children to the levels they used to be. As it is, interest payments on the national debt will soon exceed the amount of money spent on children, the very children that will be responsible for paying off that debt. That is beyond stupid.

Pay for your own kids

Then you pay for your own retirement and health care during retirement.
I'm fine with that.

I have been saving money my entire life.
And I pay into SS and Medicare but I should not have to pay to support your kids

Yeah, whatever. I doubt you have paid in to Social Security what you will pull out and I know you have not paid in to Medicare anything close to what you will consume. You are one of those jackwipes that will bitch and moan when Medicare doesn't pay for your pain pill after leaving the emergency room and scream death panels when they refuse to pay for a heart surgery when you are 87 and on oxygen.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.
How do you calculate "effective rate"?

You think people are going to do that?

Morons won't bother. However, all it takes is a little third grade division skill to do it. That may be too hard for most Moon Bats.

My retirement income was close to being the same in 2018 as it was in 2017. My withholding did not change because I have a set amount taken out in my pensions and investments. I got a nice refund and my effective rate went down. God bless Trump. I was able to calculate the effective rate very easy but I do have both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Engineering so I took a lot of math courses.

My son's income went up significantly in 2018. Unlike other years he didn't get a refund because he didn't have enough taken out. However, his effective rate declined two percentage points over what he would have had to pay under Obama's higher taxation. It didn't take him much to figure that out but we did send him to a private school instead of public school so he had the math skills to understand that Trump helped him.

Divide the amount you owe by your total income and VOILA you have your effective tax rate

I see you passed third grade division. Unlike these stupid Moon Bats. It must be hard on them to calculate effect tax rates. Maybe you and I can set up an app on their Obamaphones so that they don't have to so something as hard as simple division.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

Grassley is a arrogant boob who thinks he is smarter than anyone else. People are not stupid if they want a big refund. Republicans wanted to play politics by changing the withholding tables. instead of letting the old tables remain in place and let people make adjustments after they see that.

You just made it clear you are ignorant of our tax system..
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

You have no idea how stupid this makes you look....

We know you used to it though.....
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

You are confused.

Tax rates went down for everybody. That is EVERYBODY.

75% of Americans take the standard deductions and they were helped by the increased amounts.

True that because of doing away with the personal exemption it is not the doubling of the standard deduction. For two people filing jointly it means about 4K in less taxable income. However, if they have children then the loss of personal exemptions for the children is offset by the child tax credit. A tax credit is more than a tax deduction, by the way.

For people that itemize the mortgage and interest deduction and charity stayed the same. There was a $10K cap on state and local taxes. For the majority of middle income Americans that do itemize and do not live in Communist high taxation state that was not a problem. If you live in a Communist state that has has high taxation then next time don't vote for Democrats and maybe your taxes won't be so high.

As far as withholding. I know Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility but it is your responsibility to make sure it is right. If you don't direct your employer to withhold enough then don't bitch if you have to pay more at the end of the year.

Do you actually dispute the FACT that a tax cut SHOULD increase your paycheck or your refund (or some combination of the two)?

Are you that stupid?

Are you too stupid to figure out how much withholding you need?
Why should people with kids pay less tax than people without kids?

People with kids use more government services

Those kids are the future of this nation. Investment in them, by the government, the community, and the parents, has always been the driving force behind America's "exceptionalism". If we really want to make America great again then we should return the percentage of the government budget devoted to our children to the levels they used to be. As it is, interest payments on the national debt will soon exceed the amount of money spent on children, the very children that will be responsible for paying off that debt. That is beyond stupid.

Pay for your own kids

Then you pay for your own retirement and health care during retirement.
I'm fine with that.

I have been saving money my entire life.
And I pay into SS and Medicare but I should not have to pay to support your kids

Yeah, whatever. I doubt you have paid in to Social Security what you will pull out and I know you have not paid in to Medicare anything close to what you will consume. You are one of those jackwipes that will bitch and moan when Medicare doesn't pay for your pain pill after leaving the emergency room and scream death panels when they refuse to pay for a heart surgery when you are 87 and on oxygen.

If I'm 87 with a failing heart and on oxygen I really won't sweat dying
I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?


And our high six figure buddy (Bluesguy) is protecting his tax cut for next year with all this bullshit.

He's terrified that people will realize that many got nothing or an increase and that most got very little...while HE got ten grand or better.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

You are confused.

Tax rates went down for everybody. That is EVERYBODY.

75% of Americans take the standard deductions and they were helped by the increased amounts.

True that because of doing away with the personal exemption it is not the doubling of the standard deduction. For two people filing jointly it means about 4K in less taxable income. However, if they have children then the loss of personal exemptions for the children is offset by the child tax credit. A tax credit is more than a tax deduction, by the way.

For people that itemize the mortgage and interest deduction and charity stayed the same. There was a $10K cap on state and local taxes. For the majority of middle income Americans that do itemize and do not live in Communist high taxation state that was not a problem. If you live in a Communist state that has has high taxation then next time don't vote for Democrats and maybe your taxes won't be so high.

As far as withholding. I know Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility but it is your responsibility to make sure it is right. If you don't direct your employer to withhold enough then don't bitch if you have to pay more at the end of the year.

I see the smoke and mirrors got you. The child tax credit went from one grand to two grand per child. But only 1400 of that is refundable. You lose four grand exemption per child, at ten percent that comes to four hundred dollars. So, at best, the trade off was break even. Move up just one tax bracket, to twelve percent, and you get shit.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

You are confused.

Tax rates went down for everybody. That is EVERYBODY.

75% of Americans take the standard deductions and they were helped by the increased amounts.

True that because of doing away with the personal exemption it is not the doubling of the standard deduction. For two people filing jointly it means about 4K in less taxable income. However, if they have children then the loss of personal exemptions for the children is offset by the child tax credit. A tax credit is more than a tax deduction, by the way.

For people that itemize the mortgage and interest deduction and charity stayed the same. There was a $10K cap on state and local taxes. For the majority of middle income Americans that do itemize and do not live in Communist high taxation state that was not a problem. If you live in a Communist state that has has high taxation then next time don't vote for Democrats and maybe your taxes won't be so high.

As far as withholding. I know Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility but it is your responsibility to make sure it is right. If you don't direct your employer to withhold enough then don't bitch if you have to pay more at the end of the year.

I see the smoke and mirrors got you. The child tax credit went from one grand to two grand per child. But only 1400 of that is refundable. You lose four grand exemption per child, at ten percent that comes to four hundred dollars. So, at best, the trade off was break even. Move up just one tax bracket, to twelve percent, and you get shit.

You really are confused, aren't you?

A tax credit is much more than a tax deduction. That is tax right off the top.

A thousand dollar tax credit is like a ten thousand tax deduction if you are a middle class American with an effective rate of 10%. Even more if you pay a higher effective tax rate.

As a middle class retiree with a six figure retirement I made out pretty damn good with a lower effective tax rate. God bless Trump.

Both my sons with double worker family income and with children made out better under Trump's plan than they did with Obama's shithass high taxes.

However, I have friend that is my age that is also retired. Him and his wife have about the same retirement income as we do. He lost money on the new tax plan. That is because he owns three different pieces of property and two of them are in a high tax state. He also lives in Illinois in a Chicago suburb and pays a ton in State and Local taxes.

I don't think I should have to subsidize him living in a Communist State, do you? If he wants lower taxes he should work hard to make sure that the Democrat assholes that raises his high State and Local taxes don't get elected. God knows he doesn't get any more for his high taxes than I get for my low taxes. The welfare queens, filthy unions pukes and big boss politicians make out like bandits but he doesn't get much out of it.

If you didn't make out better in this new tax plan then you aren't doing something right or else you have a lot of State and Local taxes you can't deduct. If that is the case I don't feel sorry for you.

If you are not getting a tax refund or at least breaking even then that is your problem for not adjusting your withholding correctly. Last year there were plenty of estimators available to help you make the adjustment. If you didn't use them then that is your failure.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

You are confused.

Tax rates went down for everybody. That is EVERYBODY.

75% of Americans take the standard deductions and they were helped by the increased amounts.

True that because of doing away with the personal exemption it is not the doubling of the standard deduction. For two people filing jointly it means about 4K in less taxable income. However, if they have children then the loss of personal exemptions for the children is offset by the child tax credit. A tax credit is more than a tax deduction, by the way.

For people that itemize the mortgage and interest deduction and charity stayed the same. There was a $10K cap on state and local taxes. For the majority of middle income Americans that do itemize and do not live in Communist high taxation state that was not a problem. If you live in a Communist state that has has high taxation then next time don't vote for Democrats and maybe your taxes won't be so high.

As far as withholding. I know Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility but it is your responsibility to make sure it is right. If you don't direct your employer to withhold enough then don't bitch if you have to pay more at the end of the year.

I see the smoke and mirrors got you. The child tax credit went from one grand to two grand per child. But only 1400 of that is refundable. You lose four grand exemption per child, at ten percent that comes to four hundred dollars. So, at best, the trade off was break even. Move up just one tax bracket, to twelve percent, and you get shit.
Hey...the proof is in the pudding.

Check your tax return from last year as opposed to this year and see how much you got...if anything.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

You are confused.

Tax rates went down for everybody. That is EVERYBODY.

75% of Americans take the standard deductions and they were helped by the increased amounts.

True that because of doing away with the personal exemption it is not the doubling of the standard deduction. For two people filing jointly it means about 4K in less taxable income. However, if they have children then the loss of personal exemptions for the children is offset by the child tax credit. A tax credit is more than a tax deduction, by the way.

For people that itemize the mortgage and interest deduction and charity stayed the same. There was a $10K cap on state and local taxes. For the majority of middle income Americans that do itemize and do not live in Communist high taxation state that was not a problem. If you live in a Communist state that has has high taxation then next time don't vote for Democrats and maybe your taxes won't be so high.

As far as withholding. I know Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility but it is your responsibility to make sure it is right. If you don't direct your employer to withhold enough then don't bitch if you have to pay more at the end of the year.

I see the smoke and mirrors got you. The child tax credit went from one grand to two grand per child. But only 1400 of that is refundable. You lose four grand exemption per child, at ten percent that comes to four hundred dollars. So, at best, the trade off was break even. Move up just one tax bracket, to twelve percent, and you get shit.
Hey...the proof is in the pudding.

Check your tax return from last year as opposed to this year and see how much you got...if anything.

It is how much taxes you actually paid that makes the difference. I make sure my withholdings are set so I get no refund at all. I don't want to give the Govt a free loan.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

You are confused.

Tax rates went down for everybody. That is EVERYBODY.

75% of Americans take the standard deductions and they were helped by the increased amounts.

True that because of doing away with the personal exemption it is not the doubling of the standard deduction. For two people filing jointly it means about 4K in less taxable income. However, if they have children then the loss of personal exemptions for the children is offset by the child tax credit. A tax credit is more than a tax deduction, by the way.

For people that itemize the mortgage and interest deduction and charity stayed the same. There was a $10K cap on state and local taxes. For the majority of middle income Americans that do itemize and do not live in Communist high taxation state that was not a problem. If you live in a Communist state that has has high taxation then next time don't vote for Democrats and maybe your taxes won't be so high.

As far as withholding. I know Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility but it is your responsibility to make sure it is right. If you don't direct your employer to withhold enough then don't bitch if you have to pay more at the end of the year.

I see the smoke and mirrors got you. The child tax credit went from one grand to two grand per child. But only 1400 of that is refundable. You lose four grand exemption per child, at ten percent that comes to four hundred dollars. So, at best, the trade off was break even. Move up just one tax bracket, to twelve percent, and you get shit.
Hey...the proof is in the pudding.

Check your tax return from last year as opposed to this year and see how much you got...if anything.

I did that Moon Bat. With about the same income from Obama's tax rates I got about 3K in reduced Federal income tax with Trump's reduction.

You are the one that doesn't have the math skills to figure our your effective tax rate so it is understandable that you are confused about things like this.

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